MovieChat Forums > Tyreek Hill Discussion > The Tyreek Hill body cam footage has bee...

The Tyreek Hill body cam footage has been released.

And it is about as disgusting as you would expect:


That's one chunky cop.


They went hard, but he was being completely disrespectful.

I believe in holding EVERYONE accountable for their behavior, police and citizens, alike.

He could have had a gun. He probably does. This is an emotional issue, but I'm not about blaming one side and giving the other a pass. This guy makes MILLIONS, and has a responsibility to the community that supports him - here he is, driving recklessly & speeding, and his response you can see on the video - complete contempt for the arresting officers, a defiant attitude - and a phalanx of apologists for his behavior because of 'context'.


Don't understand why people buy tickets to see these low IQ idiots play ball.

They are annoying and provocative in everything they say and do
Driving around in expensive cars and wearing jewelry makes them think they can do whatever they want.
Any sane person hates these clowns


Beginning in high school, or even earlier in youth football, they are conditioned to get what they want by being larger and stronger than others, and knocking them down. They're praised, promoted, and financially rewarded for it. It's no wonder they end up being arrogant bullies.


NFL athletes are mostly unlikable goons. I grew up watching sports teams who had players who were relatable role models ie the antithesis of Buttreek Hill and the rest of his low class ilk.



most of the QB's are okay though.

the rest are low IQ morons........ Hill, Kelce, etc etc 🤢🤮


Should have complied.


This reminds me of Terrell Davis on UAL flight. These cops are going to be reprimanded, if not, fired, transferred or working traffic. What’s wrong with rolling your window up and then down when you have to talk to someone. That one cop just couldn’t stand him driving that car.


That's a bullshit take.


Which part. The window. The seatbelt. The guy looking at his car - one cop has been transferred to admin duties. He wasn’t even ticketed for speeding.

And then what follows.

“Calais Campbell, a defensive lineman for the Dolphins who got out of his own car as he passed the scene, approached the police and was later also placed in handcuffs. Jonnu Smith, a Dolphins tight end, pulled over in an S.U.V., according to the body camera video, asked questions and was told by the officer who detained Mr. Hill to hand over his own driver’s license so that Mr. Smith could be given a ticket.”


He was being contemptuous to the officers - they don't know if he has a gun or what, he shut the window in their face. AFTER he'd been speeding & driving recklessly, leading to his stop.

If you think that's a viable approach to the cops, all I can say is good luck.


I think these cops are going to be let go or let go into another department. If not, they will be taking some courses. He wasn’t speeding. He was really stopped for not having his seatbelt on.


>>>He was really stopped for not having his seatbelt on.<<<

We'll see if more info comes out about this but I doubt that's why he was pulled over. Those windows are so dark, it's not likely a cop could see whether or not he had his belt on.

The officers probably didn't need to sling him onto the ground and cuff him and then scold him for "not obeying" which is kind of dumb on the cops part to do that, but when you see cops occasionally getting shot during traffic stops, I can't really blame them.


Seat belt violation cited.




“” - this link doesn’t work. Such do a google search. There are copies of the citations as well.

No speeding or reckless driving but careless driving and seat belt violation by driver. It’s unclear if he was stopped for speeding and then police saw his seat belt was not buckled after he was pulled over or whether they saw it unbuckled as he was driving, which as you said would be difficult with the tinted window unless he had his window rolled down while he was driving but most likely it was up for the AC. Somehow the speeding part didn’t work out so it was whittled down to careless driving.


That link is dead. So far, I can't find anything supporting seat belt violation even though I'm sure that was thrown in. Most of what I have found is speeding and reckless driving.


Just google AP News - Tyreek citations seat belt.

There is no speeding. No reckless driving. There is just the two, and the fines are about the same: Careless driving and seat belt violation by driver.

I am not good with links - but here goes.”


What’s wrong with rolling your window up and then down when you have to talk to someone.

When you have tints It’s a safety issue. The officer can’t see what going on, and doesn’t know if he reaching for a weapon or something. He doesn’t have to risk getting shot because someone just wants to be difficult.

Now what is wrong with just rolling down the window and talking to the police when you’ve already been pulled over?


And yet with the tints, he can see the seat belt from car lengths away. Usually, in my experience, on a highway stop, the policeman approaches on passenger side. I am not sure, but maybe this whole thing could have been avoided if the window was rolled down on passenger side. But then maybe not. You are also supposed to have your hands on the wheel where they can see them. This is traffic stop 101.


He saw it when the window was down. You're just making excuses for this dude.


So was the window down when he was driving. Probably not. He’d have the AC on or was it when he actually stopped. Which could mean he unbuckled it to get to glove compartment. Why wasn’t he cited for speeding? Or reckless driving?

I feel for the cops. Most were Hispanic and they are going to get it from both sides.


Tyreek is a black man. Black men are afraid of the police


Sounds like more of a reason to just comply, and not to be confrontational with them.


He didn’t seem afraid at all in the video I watched.


The police could have injured his knee. He did tell them he recently had knee surgery. The police should have let him go since I heard the reason he was pulled over was because of the color of his skin and the police assumed that car was stolen


We would never see anything like this happen to someone like a white professional golfer


Exactly. A white pro golfer would never be detained and or put in handcuffs like Tyreek was. I'm telling you, the color of ones skin makes all the difference in the world. Hopefully if Kamala does win, she will reimagine the police force nationally and things like this will never happen again


"What’s wrong with rolling your window up and then down when you have to talk to someone"

I think the officers want to at least have a clue what you're doing inside the car. It would make me nervous standing by a dark tinted window, for all I know the person in the car has a gun trained on me on the other side of it. What's wrong with just keeping the window down for everyone's safety and peace of mind?


Because Tyreek had just called someone on the phone. I agree. It’s better to be nice. But how would he know all that was going to happen. He probably thought he’d just get the ticket and drive off. He wasn’t going to get into an excuse thing most people do with cops when they are pulled over and prepare some kind of speech to talk down the violation. He didn’t say do you know who I am or I am on my way to play in today’s game. It was more like - Whatever you say, just give me the ticket so I can get going. And don’t touch my car.


was it cold outside.... that's why he kept rolling his window up?
when they told him not to.

you fucking moron! 😊


Not sure if any action will be taken against the officers but when you fail to respond to officers that are simply trying to talk to you, you're just asking for them to fuck with you. Why give them an excuse to take you down?

Saying stupid crap like "don't tap on my window" is just going to make them suspicious of you. The thing most people don't get is, cops don't know if you have a gun or a knife in your possession when they pull you over. If they're asking you to roll your window down, roll your fucking window down, don't play games....




The cops overreacted for sure. But dude gotta do what he's told for sure. Can't be rolling up the tinted window like that. Just can't do it.


I agree, he should've complied but those cops seemed angry and ready to throw hands from the very beginning. The way they tried to shoo away his friends for "parking in the street" (they were clearly pulled to the side) was suspect too. Nobody is right here but I'm betting those cops would've been difficult to deal with even for a bootlicker.


Yea I'm sure they were following him trying to get him to pull over for a bit and by the time he did they were out of patience.
