de niro vs. mitchum

Why I liked the original better: Robert de Niro ACTED scary, Robert Mitchum WAS scary. Makes all the difference in the world.


Yes, Mitchum beats the living crap out of DeNiro in the original.


I think De Niro is much better,he is truly crazy,fearless,ruthless and utterly devoted to getting even.I dont think De Niro acted over the top because if I was wronged like max cady was I would act badly and I certainly wouldnt send the Bowden's flowers in the mail.I also think De Niro is a much more versatile actor than Mitchum,who was really just the same ol' Robert Mitchum in his films.I watched both of these with my brother on tv and we unanimously agreed amongst ourselves that De Niro was better, but what do we young wipper-snappers know?


i didnt like de niro's performance at all, and im a huge fan of his, but he was really over the top and trying too hard to be menacing, wheras mitchum made it look so easy


Mitchem was better then Deniro as Cady. Deniro over acted while Mitchem was so relaxed and cool. Even in the remake Mictchem as the police office was good. I love the scene in the parking lot when Sam Bowden gets mad at Mitchem for suggesting he take the law into his own hands. Mitchem just stares at Nolte walking away and says; "Well pardon me all over the place"


The original "Cape Fear" has been among my Top Ten movie favorites for a long time, and it's all about Robert Mitchum! He is SO menacing and yet sometimes almost charming as Max Cady(as apparently many sociopaths are), and although DeNiro is one of the best, I was almost embarrased about his performance when I saw the remake--I agree with the other folks who think he was way over the top as Max Cady...and what was up with his ridiculous attempt at some kind of a southern drawl?? Some actors can do various accents, and some can't, and unfortunately DeNiro seems to be in the latter category. I think Robert Mitchum gave one of the greatest "villain" performances ever in this movie!



I think they were both great and Mitchum's subtle character and De Niro's loudmouth character both fit the types of films well because they're both really different in style. I would've liked to have seen De Niro do the role like Mitchum too because he does subtle roles brilliantly and I think he could easily have done an even better job than Mitchum.


DeNiro was great, i don't think he was over the top (the same kind of reproach has been made for Pacino's portrayal of Tony Montana) but i think it's definitely what made the character so impactful and unforgettable ... come on, who can tell what is a 'normal' attitude when it comes to psychotic characters ...

Having said that, i just watched the original and i'd say Mitchumm was better because he brought a sort of very cool charisma to a really dangerous and scary character ...

One thing for sure, Peck was better than Nolte ...

Purple in the morning, blue in the afternoon, and orange in the evening. Just like that, 1-2-3-4 !


You never catch Mitchum acting. He is, and that's it. In this film, when he says he's going after Peck's wife and daughter you know what he means. And all Mitchum does is say it.


Mitchum : 7,8





Mitchum >>>>>>>> De Niro

"Let's hear you call Boris Karloff a c_ocksucker."


I think both takes on the character are completely diferent,so its hard to compare.I loved both,but if I had to choose I would go with Mitchum.With him ,its not what he does is scary ,but what you imagine hes about to do.Hes menacing and scary by just looking at you,but in his cold efortless stare lets you know all the scary nasty things hes thinking of doing.His Cady is so above it all,so suave,so cool and collected its just chilling.Deniro is not so aloof,hes over the top scary with his muscles,tatoos and very extroverted personality,yet hes also easier to read,so you know what to expect from him from the start.With Mitchum,you never know.

Another thing I love about Mitchums Cady is his oozing sexuality.The way he just looks at women is terryfying yet you cant look away.Deniro tries to hard to be menacing sexually,yet he falls short in the end,and the result is that his Cady,allthough sexually menacing,is mainly using that sexuality as a threat to mess with Bowden,yet with Mitchum,you dont know what he would enjoy more,getting his revenge,or the acts thats hes planning on commiting to get that very revenge.


I love De Niro but Mitchum was much more scary. He oozed menace.

Life is just one damned thing after another - Elbert Hubbard


This was Mitchum's film all the way !!!! He's downright mean !!!!


De Niro's version looked like a guy with anger management issues. Mitchum's version went much deeper. I love both versions of the movie. They're pretty different (probably because of the times they were made).


Mitchum was very good. De Niro's was very good. I'm indifferent. I like Gregory Peck way more than Nick Nolte for sure.


I agree with the very first post on this thread. Mitchum oozes with creepy intensity.


Just watched the Mitchum and it is quite a bit more sexual than DeNiro's Cady, a little Brando-ish but for the times, daring. I won't dismiss the fun of comparing but it is really hard to make one here as the mentality of the women in the 1962 version is to not be as keen on fighting back physically..kind of, "men are stronger, I give up," a symptom of the times as presented in film. In the newer version, Juliette Lewis used weapons and cunning once she realizes the danger. So the dynamic around the two Cady's is different. With Mitchum it is a sexual sickness almost to the end, with DeNiro he's fighting the whole family by the end and it is less of the sexual revenge we see in the first half. Both Cady's are equally menacing and convincing and I have to give DeNiro the edge on humor, "Just two lawyers, working it out!"


Such a comparison isn't truly fair to DeNiro. There is no one in Hollyweird today who can act. They don't have to. In Mitchum's day, with the Code still very much in force, the craft actually required talent. Mitchum had it. DeNiro does not.

Remember When Movies Didn't Have To Be Politically Correct?


<<<<Why I liked the original better: Robert de Niro ACTED scary, Robert Mitchum WAS scary. Makes all the difference in the world.>>>>

The OP nails it. Well said.



I am going with Mitchum, both because of the overt sexuality and the calm yet implacable menace that Mitchum conveyed. I got why the drifter woman went with Cady even though she could tell he was trouble with a capital T.

Mitchum's portrayal was animalistic and base but mesmerizing as well.

DeNiro is a great actor and overall the tenor of his professional work is better (IMO) than Mitchum's but Mitchum owns the Cady role.

---with only minutes to react we've somehow been killed by a stick insect -- Londinieres
