MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > Remake: Who should play Harold + Maude?

Remake: Who should play Harold + Maude?

If there were a remake, I know, God forbid, but anyway, if there were, I think Sam Riley (Control, Franklyn) would make a great Harold, or Lukas Haas, though he's getting a bit old for the role imo.

As for Maude, Doris Day would guarantee 'shock' value. Otherwise, a makeup free Helen Mirren would do nicely imo.


This should never ever be remade.

But if they did, knowing todays dumbass film producers/directors they'd probably cast somebody like Michael Cera as Harold. :\

I don't think I could choose somebody to replace them myself.

oh, golly gee damn.


This film doesn't need a remake; it's fine the way it is.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"



As everyone else has said this shouldnt ever be remade, however if it does Paul Dano would be a good Harold and Meryl Streep as Maude. But i really dont want to ever see this remade.


Meryl Streep as Maude.

At 60 she seems to me to be much too young to play an 80 yr old woman. Perhaps in 20 years with an actor who is yet to be born


I think Ann Blyth could be Maude, even though she's retired from acting. (Not that I want to see this beautiful movie re-made!! It would be the worst thing!)

"So I'll always know where it is."


I don't know many old actresses that could play Maude, but I think an unklown actor should play Harold

Cake or Death


I thought of this at some point.

At first I thought that Bette Midler could be Maude and Shia LaBauff (sp) could be Harold. I don't like the idea anymore of Shia being Harold but I did read a smart idea of Elijah Wood. If not, probably an unknown actor. They'd have to appear goth-like or anybody with the disturbing face of Bud Court.


Eric Melligan (Zack from 'Bones') & Cherry Jones (from '24')


How about Patrick Fugit as Harold?


Patrick Fugit was exactly who I was thinking of as well- and then maybe Linda Hunt as Maude.

I don't need you to tell me how good my coffee is. .


Personally, I hope a remake will not be done....

I wish, for originality's sake, that if anyone wrote a "Harold and Maude" story, that a sequel be done instead!

Below is my idea of what theme I would write a script about.....

The easy thing to do would be to write a story about the adult "Harold" being a "Maude" for a young girl who was like he was before he met "Maude". For me, I would prefer to write a dramedy about the adult Harold's relationship with his mother. I would have them still having a strained relationship, with Harold doing something in life he loves, still being the free-spirit that Maude trained him to be. (Not yet sure what kind of career he has, but he still has money, but is not materialistic). He is summoned home to help his mother deal with a life-threatening crisis that has her needing her son as never before.

Harold's father was an eccentric, and I am sure there had to be SOMETHING about him that made Mrs. Chasen fall in love with, and eventually marry him. It could have been a case of "opposites attract" as I believe she was not as vain or a selfish social-climber when she was younger, but allowed herself to get caught up in the trappings of wealth, which made her change into the woman we all know (and love, anyway).

I want the story to end with them reconsciling. I want Harold to help her to "get" him and to love and appreciate his uniqueness--that which made her fall in love with his father! (As for Harold and love, I want him to meet and marry the woman who helps take care of his mother--another story in and of itself!!)


"We can't all do good, but at least do no harm."


I can't believe no one said this yet; Daniel Radcliff and Judi Dench.

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