MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > Remake: Who should play Harold + Maude?

Remake: Who should play Harold + Maude?

If there were a remake, I know, God forbid, but anyway, if there were, I think Sam Riley (Control, Franklyn) would make a great Harold, or Lukas Haas, though he's getting a bit old for the role imo.

As for Maude, Doris Day would guarantee 'shock' value. Otherwise, a makeup free Helen Mirren would do nicely imo.


Betty White and Elijah Wood (Yes, he could play a 19-year old)
In retrospect to a previous post, I think Fugit has too much "life" in his eyes.

I'm holding everyone to a higher standard- a standard much higher than my own


Remake = blasfemy

Why remake something that was made so brilliantly?
What's the problem of watching an old movie without current famous people?
Is it so hard to concentrate on the film rather than on the stars?

Who do you think should rewrite Hamlet? LOL


Who do you think should rewrite Hamlet? LOL

Definitely Tarantino!

Or maybe Scorsese...

Hamlet(Looking in he mirror) You wanna be? You wanna not be? It might be nobler in the mind to suffer slings and arrows, c^cksucker...
You wanna take arms against a sea of troubles and end them, motherf^cker?

I refuse to change my position just because you use logic


I'm with everyone that thinks it shouldn't be remade. I think the idea mentioned about a sequel could be interesting. I'd like to see Harold dealing with Maude's death and going back to his regular life, maybe eventually meeting someone and the difficulties he faces in being unwilling to let go of Maude and care about another girl? I don't know.

Well if they do remake it or anything along those lines, I'm not sure who I'd want to play Maude, but I think that Anton Yelchin would be a great Harold.


How about Michael Cera and Barbra Streisand?

Or better yet: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.


Michael Cera, Jesus, no.

Why remake when you already have a beautiful classic? But if they did, I'd put forward Imelda Staunton.


It doesn't need to be remade.

If it were they should probably go with Betty White and Justin Bieber. Gawd, what an amazing sight to see those two in bed together.



I'm not really in favor of a remake, but if one is ever made I think Ellen Burstyn should be Maude & Patrick Fugit should be Harold


how about marlon wayans (he can look younger like in little man)as harold and a cross dressing tyler perry (like medea) as maude


what no one thinks my post was funny?


I think it would be funny if John Travolta played Maude. He's good at roles where he has to be a cross-dresser.


Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Julie Walters

oh hey videos


Just saw the movie "Submarine" recently (beautiful film, highly recommended) and Craig Roberts, who played the lead in the film, I think would be perfect for "Harold." But please hollywood, don't remake this. Just don't.


Olympia Dukakis.She's the right age..Along with a very frail-looking young actor with a Justin Bieber hairdo.


Just for fun.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Harold and Bettie White for Maude.


Please, NO remake! However, if so I would also pick Betty White since she seems to have the same attitude as Maude did and a younger Steve Buscemi.
