MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Did Johnny deserve what Max does to him?

Did Johnny deserve what Max does to him?

Who else think johnny didn't deserve what max does to him at the end? Ok, Johnny raped a girl earlier in the movie and set Goose on fire, but he wasn't present when they murdered Jessie and Sprog. Max's actions aren't justified. Would you honestly kill johnny rather than simply arresting him?

"I want you to want to save my life ..." Benjamin Linus


So OP, (and I don't expect any kind of answer from you since you haven't posted since 2010 or so) when the future setting of this movie catches up with us in a couple of years (**chuckle**) and a biker gang comes along and rapes yer neighbor and then just for laughs, burns up yer best friend who's sleeping on yer couch and then, as you and yer wife and two year old kid are escaping from the inferno of you former home, (and again just for laughs), they run down yer wife and squash flat yer 'beautiful' child's head and leave you for dead... Well I guess I'm just wondering at what point would it become justified (to YOU of course in this lawless new future where the police are only interested in beating and killing minorities and arresting docile potheads...) to go out and find and visciously murder every single one of the cowardly, worthless m.o.t.h.e.r.f.u.c.k.e.r.s who did it?

"Here, it's a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card! Ha hahahah!" The Goose.


Ok, Johnny raped a girl earlier in the movie and set Goose on fire

Yeah, raping and burning people is petty crime. Max should have just given him a ticket. Derp.

Terrible things, Lawrence. You've done terrible things!


The revenge scene went too fast. I recently watched this film again on Netflix. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid (forgot how low budget it was compared to the sequels). I forgot how late into the movie it takes for him to go "mad". When his wife was killed, the Netflix timer showed only about 15 minutes left. It would have been nice if there was another 10 minutes of revenge. Toe Cutter's death was far too abrupt, as was everyone's except Johnny. I would have preferred Toe Cutter be the one that was strapped to the car with the hack saw. In fact, I would have liked to see more draw out painful deaths for everyone else, except somehow Johnny gets away and is featured in the sequel. As someone else mentioned it would have been great to see him as a bitch in Humungus's gang.



He caused Goose to get killed by the Toe Cutter!


This is not a movie about the ethical treatment of criminals. It's about revenge.


One thing nobody has mentioned is that Johnny helped Toecutter set up the ambush on Max on the highway. He laid down, drawing Max to the bike by the side of the road. Thereby, allowing Toecutter & his gang to shoot and run over Max's arm, breaking it. He was an accessory to a murder plot. So does Johnny deserve what Max does to him? Absolutely.


One thing nobody has mentioned is that Johnny helped Toecutter set up the ambush on Max on the highway. He laid down, drawing Max to the bike by the side of the road. Thereby, allowing Toecutter & his gang to shoot and run over Max's arm, breaking it. He was an accessory to a murder plot. So does Johnny deserve what Max does to him? Absolutely.

Max was shot. In the leg. Thus Max was set up with a lifelong limp seen in the sequels.

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.


and his arm was run over immediately after that.


Deserve? It's MAD Max. Max is mad. Max is crazy. Max doesn't know/care if he deserves it or not. He's on a mission of vengeance.


Deserve? It's MAD Max. Max is mad. Max is crazy. Max doesn't know/care if he deserves it or not. He's on a mission of vengeance.

"Men like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Always good to hear from those who stand up for sadists!

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood
