MovieChat Forums > Mad Max (1980) Discussion > Did Johnny deserve what Max does to him?

Did Johnny deserve what Max does to him?

Who else think johnny didn't deserve what max does to him at the end? Ok, Johnny raped a girl earlier in the movie and set Goose on fire, but he wasn't present when they murdered Jessie and Sprog. Max's actions aren't justified. Would you honestly kill johnny rather than simply arresting him?

"I want you to want to save my life ..." Benjamin Linus


Yeah it offers up a good philosifal question. I always thought it was harsh as he was the youngest and they clearly just influenced him and took advantage of him, he was also schizophrenic or whatever.

Also I think he didn't mean to set Goose on fire, the other guy sort of knocked ot out of his hand and it landed on the grass, but unfortunately the car still caught on fire.

So no I don't think he did deserve it but the others deserved to die.

As someone else said, beaten within an inch of his life may have been more appropiate, but then we lose the most iconic scenes.


I think the OP is forgetting the point of the ending. The director was trying to illustrate that both villains met their fate the same way they committed their crimes. It's been a while since I've seen this movie, but Toecutter ran over Max's family and thus dies the same way. Johnny burned Goose to death and although Max may not know that Johnny was the one who personally burned Goose alive, the audience sees Johnny being blown up as an equal and justifiable death.

Frankly the ending, really makes up for the low-budget movie that this was. It was really slow paced in some parts, but I enjoyed it; especially the ending.


Dont forget Johnny apart from his part on the couple's rape (forgetting about the guy?), making death threats to the MFP.. his part in capturing and burning goose

afterwards he takes part in an attempt at killing Max ..AND he later murders a driver (he denies it but probably was him as he was dragging the driver's body back to the wreck... rather than away from the wreck.. so unless the driver got out and died out... seems like he got out injured and Johny finished him off)


I didn't realize that before but yeah that dude was raped. I don't know if it was Johnny that did it, nor do I know if Johnny raped the girl as well.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


In normal circumstances I would say a big no to vigilante justice.

This is the Mad Max universe and this film is set on the verge of civilisations collapse.

The police are under-funded, the courts both powerless and corrupt which is best personified by the 2 defence lawyers, the older gent who smugly says to the MFP "It Means you don't have a case" and the younger shorter funny sounding one who threatens "The courts will hear about this" while he gets shoved around.

So with the whole system failing Max naturally takes matters into his own hands, we see no effort from the MFP either to go after him.


Who else think johnny didn't deserve what max does to him at the end? Ok, Johnny raped a girl earlier in the movie and set Goose on fire
"Ok, he raped a girl and lit a man on fire, but..."

Yes, he deserved it.

Sig under construction


Killing is always wrong no matter the reasons or who it's against. Even in self defense.

Damn, I'm good.


Yeah I would have killed him too. Even though I walked away from the movie thinking he dropped the match in the scuffle as opposed to throwing it (thus intentionally setting Jim on fire), he deserved what he got.

"God made man. Then he rested. And on the 8th day, God created George O'Brien."


Let's see... if I were Max and I knew this guy was a) potential rapist/gang member terrorizing the countryside, b) burned my buddy alive c) and was more than likely involved in squashing my family d) never faced justice the first time I brought him in and probably never will e) mental and f) as long as the paperwork's clean...

I'd give him less of a chance than Max offered him to survive.

Maybe Max felt more like OP because he didn't just blow Johnny's head right off. If you've ever had someone you're close to get murdered in cold blood, you kind of want them dead, and in a scenario where justice doesn't matter any more and these guys were just as likely to kill Max if they survive and find him again... makes more sense to end them.


I think he totally deserved it. Rapist and murderer. Quite a bleak film. Not seen it since childhood and is grimmer than I remember. But not bad.


Johnny dindu nuffin! He a good boy.

Max already did arrest Johnny. Fat lot of good that did. They immediately let him go, because their dystopian justice system was a broken sham. Kinda like ours right now.

Hard to blame Max for not wanting to make the same mistake twice.
