New fan of Matlock

Hi, first off I am so glad that this forum exists. I was a member of IMDB for the longest time and loved watching a new movie or a tv show and checking the message boards to see what people who'd watched the same movie/show thought about it. Sucks that they closed the IMDB message board.

I started watching Matlock in March and got hooked on to it because it wasn't a bad show I think and it is entertaining. Mostly Andy Griffith on Matlock though, cutesy, funny and entertaining. Good and decency mostly triumps and all's right with the world.

There's not a lot online on this show tbh. Would love to discuss this show if anyone wants to. How they discovered the show, what they like about it, fave episodes, etc.

So anyway, I'll post about some topics on here and if you're interested, maybe we could have a discussion!


I have the first 6 seasons on DVD. I think one of my favorite episodes comes from season 6 Episode 3 The Nightmare where Matlock has a dream that he's in the old west and his supporting cast are all playing old west characters. He ends up defending Conrad when he's accuse of murdering the Sheriff though he did walk into a tavern and in front of everyone toldthe sheriff that he was going to kill him for killing his Uncle. Then when he confronts him he gets knocked out by the Sheriff with a gun. Later Matlock goes to talk to him in jail and asks why he did what he did in the bar. And Conrad says, "He killed my Uncle! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!" Then Matlock starts preaching a sermon to him about how so many innocent people were killed in John Wayne movies he'd seen because some guy strapped on a gun and said, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." Then he mutters that very line. It's pretty funny cause really what Matlock says is true. It happens in like every western movie.


So happy to meet you GreenGoblins0ck8!

I was just starting out with watching Matlock when I checked the show on which I do for shows I enjoy. I read 'The Nightmare' was based on a western theme and I kinda rolled my eyes. But when I actually watched the episode I was pleasantly surprised. It's now one of my favourite episodes!

I love that it has all my fave characters in it - Matlock, Julie, Conrad, Michelle and Bob. I loved how Bob in real life is an upstanding and dutiful cop, and in the dream is a ne'er do well drunk! I remember those lines you quoted, I can never forget the incredulous look Conrad gives Ben in return, lol. I mean the Conrad in the nightmare wouldn't know what the hell Ben was talking about! That episode was hilarious.

I enjoyed Season 6 a lot. I think they experimented a lot - plot themes ran to extremes. The serial killer episode? Was that inspired by Jeffrey Dahmer + Charles Manson? 'The Dame' had a flashback which was a bit different. I was a bit disappointed by 'The Suspect' as in suddenly Matlock has feelings for a random woman who's his client when that's definitely against his ethics. And moreover did Matlock and his associates completely forget about Julie? Someone he's clearly had feelings for since they first met in Season 1. And super cringey to watch Ben kiss Brynn Thayer who plays his daughter by the end of the season and for a while after.

I loved 'The Foursome' also - was something different The chemistry was good between Ben and his client and I just liked the story and how some people do anything to win!

My favourite has to be 'The Outcast' in a close tie with 'The Nightmare' though. I liked seeing an introspective and insecure Matlock - a bit different from the self assurance and brashness the character usually demonstrates. I love how he goes on an internal as well as an external journey - coming out of it a more enlightened person, more aware of his flaws but also of his strengths.


Actually Bryn Thayer wasn't his daughter. At the beginning of Season 2 Bryn Thayer is shown to be this lawyer in England who worked for a rich and powerful family one of whom is murdered. Ben comes to England to defend this guy who is a suspect in the murder. She decides after getting to know Ben a bit through out this 2 part episode that she wants to go back to America with him and live a more normal life. So she does. His actual daughter is replaced later on, though I can't remember when. Also you'll want to stop watching after Season 8. Towards the end of season 8 Conrad leaves and is replaced by this inexperienced lawyer who is really nothing more than a comic relief and the show loses focus and becomes pretty bad. I've only seen a few episodes after season 8 and they were pretty bad.


Hi GreenGoblins,
Actually, you're incorrect regarding Brynn Thayer. She did not play the role of the lawyer in Season 2 episode 4, "The Nightmare"; that was Nancy Stafford, who joined the cast in that episode as Michelle Thomas. Brynn Thayer played his 2nd daughter, Leanne, who joined the cast in season's 7-8 (Linda Purle played the 1st daughter. Charlene. in season 1). Also, if you didn't watch season 9 episode 3, "The Dare", then you are missing out on one of the very best episodes of the entire series. A millionaire philanthropist "dares" Matlock to solve a murder *he* is going to commit!! It is really a terrific episode! Anyhow, just wanted to correct on the Brynn Thayer comment... I'm a huge fan of the show and think all seasons are great, although I do agree earlier seasons are better. I especially liked Julie Sommers and Conrad and hated the Billy Lewis character. with equal sentiment. He was so annoying!


Sorry. My bad. Personally the reason I don't want to watch past season 8 is cause I can't stand Clarence Gilyard Jr. leaving the show. Just don't have interest after that.


The show got pretty bad after the first few seasons. The old West ep was horrible, the ghost episode was the worst. The show was going camp and I lost interest.


Hi Galactus, thanks for your input. So which were your favourite episodes and seasons and why? Did you have any favourite characters?


First two seasons were my favorite. The pilot episode was great. Andy Griffith was not as feable at the beginning. Specific episodes besides the pilot.l???... I will have to think about it a bit.


I just became a fan of Matlock this week when I resubscribed to DirecTV now and found them marathoning it on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. Watching the first episode of season 7 (The Vacation) right now, something absolutely amazingly ridiculous just happened with about 30 minutes left to go, and I needed to find other people online who like this show! I'd always heard it mocked for being for old people, but it is damn entertaining. This episode is the first with Daniel Roebuck and with the older daughter. You are right in that there's not much online; most episodes don't even have reviews on IMDb! Let's get some more discussion on this board.
Edit: Now they're showing the pilot from 1986 and it's much less campy!


Hey there Isthisyourhomework! Nice to meet another fan! Post anything you want to discuss about the show and I'll contribute as much as I can. Such a marked difference from Season 7 was like a completely different show! And no explanation about what happened to much loved cast members from previous seasons!


Nice to meet you! I'm looking forward to finding another marathon like they were showing, but may start buying some seasons if they only show it at 10 AM. Hopefully we will find some stuff to talk about.


Hi Melmel, I realize it's been awhile since the last post on this topic, but I wanted to reach out as another Matlock fan. I love most of the characters and the writing. My dad really enjoyed the show, so I think there's a bit of nostalgia there for me as well.

In terms of Matlock's female associates, I like the characters Charlene, Michelle and Leanne, and probably in that order. I also like both Tyler and Conrad, but for different reasons. Tyler's character was funny, but Conrad was easier on the eye. :) I found it amusing that both Tyler and Conrad drove red sportscars as PI's. I'm sure the writers did that to add some pizazz to the show, but I would think in real life that a PI would drive a non-descript vehicle in a color that would blend in with the environment a bit more.

I don't care as much for the character of Cliff Lewis (seasons 7-9). He just seemed wimpy to me. The actor Daniel Roebuck had appeared in a few episodes in earlier seasons, and it was cool to see how much weight he had taken off by the time he was a regular in season 7.

Although it was neat to see Andy Griffith and Don Knotts reunited in a few episodes of the series, I wasn't crazy about the episodes with Knotts' character Les Calhoun, or about the ones with Billy Lewis or Matlock's housekeeper Mrs. McCardle. It seemed that the writers were perhaps looking for these characters to bring some comic relief, but I found myself hoping for their scenes to be over. :)

I loved Julie March's character and the chemistry between her and Matlock. It seemed very genuine.

I especially enjoy the 2-part episodes because of the deeper story lines they can pursue.

I'll give thought to favorite episodes... :)


Can you imagine being a Matlock fan in your 20's? Well that was me and still today.

I agree with you on Tyler and Conrad characters.
They were both great for different reasons.

The guy that played Conrad, Clarance Gilyard also played Tribbett on Walker, Texas Ranger.
He's pretty good in that role also.

I loved that Matlock (and his wife) raised a strong daughter in Luanne.
I was happy when they introduced the character.

And yes I am not a fan of Cliff. Every time he comes on the screen, my reaction is always, why are you hear? Who invited you?


Hi Smidge,
I loved the charisma between Julie March & Ben as well. It was too bad Julie Sommars left the show when it moved from ABC to NBC, and they moved the filming from the west coast to the east coast. That is when they lost Nancy Stafford (Michelle Thomas) as well. Andy Griffith did an interview with the Television Academy Foundation in 95 and he mentioned how (after season 7) the show left ABC for NBC and decided to move filming from the west coast to the east coast. Griffith, at first decided to leave the show because many of the cast members lived in Los Angeles where the previous filming was. NBC then offered to rent him a home in Wilmington, NC, where filming was being relocated & Griffith decided to accept the offer, however, moving from the west coast to Wilmington was not something either Nancy Stafford or Julie Sommers wanted to do, so they left the show. That is why season 8 introduced Leanne McIntyre as Ben's 2nd daughter. I noticed you are a fan of Clarence Gilyard Jr.. I am too. Conrad McMasters was one of my fave characters. I imagine that is why he left the show for WTR as well. Since he'd already relocated, I imagine leaving NC for Dallas would not have been too much of a big deal, especially since Gilyard's role in WTR was more substantial.


The show started to get reall bad and stupid when Ben was transported back in time when he hit his head and the worst episode was when Ben defended a fricking ghost.....😂😂


LOL about Cliff ;) And agreed on the increasing campiness of the show as the seasons went on. I'm not sure how much Andy Griffith was like Ben Matlock in real life, but if he was, I'd have loved to have known him. :)


Hi Melmel,
I was so happy to see this forum! Matlock is a fabulous show & I'm a huge fan! I've watched it for years & I've seen almost all the episodes many - *many* times. The only ones I don't really care for as much are the later episodes that have the character, Billy Lewis. He's so annoying! LOL! Andy Griffith is so charming, even if Matlock can sometimes come off as a cheapskate (LOL) Griffith is still so charismatic you don't really care about it. ;) I was commenting on a comment earlier and mentioned an episode of season 9 episode 3: "The Dare"... if you haven't seen this episode, you really have to. It's incredible! Easily one of the best episodes of all time! Another fabulous episode is Season 1 episode 2: "The Judge" with Dick Van Dyke. OMG! It's incredibly fantastic as well. Anyhow, so cool tgo see this forum. I'd love to chat about the show sometime. :D



I don't like the first season all that much because Linda Purl is a bore. The best years were with Nancy Stafford as his sidekick and of course Julie Sommars as his adversary/love interest. I'm okay with both Holliday and Gilyard. After season 6 the cast changed so much, it just wasn't the same anymore. The cast of characters in the last season was just terrible and why did they think it was a good idea to kill off Lt. Brooks???
