
Some trans looking androgynous womanthing picks up a gun for the first time and is a better soldier than highly trained male space marines????? WOKE AS FUCK. Of course all the men are bumbling idiots, cant make the femoid look bad.


lol, nice try. now nobody is against a strong female lead, if its written well, with a great story, cast. the HUGE difference is that this movie has no forced political message/agenda, its just fun.


How well written into the movie is it that Ripley can infiltrate the egg chamber, destroy the eggs and fight her way past sentries, on her own except for a child she is also having to carry? After a platoon of bad ass marines got their asses kicked twice.


you are focusing too much on eggs. go easy on them eggs buddy.


Ugh. Please stay away from the internet.



I agree!


Oh look, another woketard discovered this movie exists.


You hate facts and logic. Deal with it nigga


Does it bother you typing in your ridiculous username when logging into this site?


Does it bother you that you can't come up with a decent counter argument?


Some trans looking androgynous

She was lost asleep in space for 57 years. Sorry she didn't have time to wear a fancy dress and makeup. But the funny thing is that there is a scene in the movie where a male soldier makes fun of a female soldier for looking like a man, but you didn't say anything about this.

womanthing picks up a gun for the first time and is a better soldier than highly trained male space marines?????

This "womanthing" you speak needed a huge robotic cargo loader to go one on one with an alien. How does that make her a better soldier considering none of the soldiers used or needed one?

Of course all the men are bumbling idiots, cant make the femoid look bad.

Two female soldiers died in this movie. The only girls who survived in this movie were the ones who weren't putting themselves into peril until the final scene of the film: Newt hid from the aliens most of the movie, and Ripley was always staying back until Newt was taken by one of the aliens. When the facehugger attacked them in the room that Burke locked them in, they only survived because a male soldier crashed through the glass to assist them.

So please pay attention next time you watch movies because you'll end up embarrassing yourself even more.


“Newt hid from the aliens most of the movie”



When I had my Twitter account, I ended up on her page. Her bio said something like, "tweets are mostly my own... mostly." I like how she doesn't shy away from it because she's a teacher now.




Most of the marines were presented as quite competent and experienced. It was only the leader who was inexperienced and incompetent.

It occurried to me, that that was very convenient for Burke, the corporate guy that was looking to use the mission for his personal advancement. It could be that he pulled strings to avoid having a mission leader who would have taken the proper steps to prevent Burke's smugglilng plan.

An inexperienced officer selected for non military reasons that fuck up a mission?

This is a long respected movie trope. Possibly because it reflects reality...like, a LOT.

My two cents on this great movie.


You know as well as I do that would be considered woke if it were released today. A woman showing a trained marine leader how it's done and taking action? Girl boss wokeness alert!

Why is that acceptable here but not in other films?


Actually, the trained marine leader, Hicks, showed Riley "how it's done", he trained her on the weapons she used.

And Riley did not "take action" with those weapons until after all the professionals, male and female, were dead or badly wounded.

It is also worth noting that her motivation in that action was to rescue a small child, a very traditional maternal motivation for a woman.


Not talking about Hicks. Gorman the officer in charge got shown how it's done and froze up during the Alien attack. Ripley took action because he froze up. This is girl boss woke nonsense according to you incels.

Doesn't matter if that's when she took action, the commander could have but didn't. She showed him how it's done. Also Ripley had to lecture Hudson and tell him she was tired of if his bullshit and had to calm him down. Isn't he a marine? Why is she having to calm him down and maintain composure better than him? Girl boss wokeness alert again.

That applies to men as well. Even if a child is in danger it motivates men to act also. I see you excusing wokeness.


Yes, GORMAN, the individual man in charge, was incompetent and inexerienced.

He was ONE male character in the film. He was really the only male character in the film that was incompetent and failed.

Having one male character that is incompetent, among a cast of competent men, does not carry the "woke" message of men being less than women or "girl boss".

Hudson was a great character. He was brave and competent and died fighting. He was NOT perfect. He was also reckless and brash and he did have some moments of fear and doubt, that he overcame, with some help from the main character.

Why was Ripley having to calm him down? Because she had experience dealing with the problem at hand, ie, the ALIENS. She was there because of her experience.

Maternal instict does not apply to men. It is a female specific trait. By semantics. Which you should thus love. Since you are all about semantics.

This whole argument you are making, is you trying to tell us, anti-woke fans, that what we complain about, is not what we are complaining about.

That is dumb. IT is a waste of time.


It was not just one male character. Hudson also got shown up by Ripley. He is a marine she isn't. If he is an experienced marine he has had more experience with life or death situations than she has. This is a girl boss woke trope. You are excusing it.

Nope protecting a child also applies to men also. It is called a paternal instinct.

No I am applying your logic to other films. You don't want it applied because you like this film. It shows the hypocrisy and double standards of the logic. This is woke the point stands.


The message of the movie, if you want to find one, would be ANTI-CORPORATION, not anti-male.

Your... claim otherwise, is simply not true.

Your attempt to support it, is based on taking small bits of the film out of context and adding your own spin to it.

That's simply... nonsense.


I proved my claim by pointing out what you couldn't come against. Hudson got shown up by Ripley. Hudson is a marine therefore more experienced with life and death situations and had to get told what to do by Ripley. You couldn't dispute this. It's girl boss woke nonsense.

How was what I said out of context? He does have more experience than her considering he's a marine. She did tell to shut up and that she's tired of his bullshit. That's in the film.

Anti corporation is also something republicans are against considering them wanting tax cuts for the rich corporations. More woke nonsense.


1,Hudson was supported by Riley. Hudson was not more experienced with this situation. RILEY had experience with the aliens. Hudson was presented as a human, flawed character, not as a woke stereotype of a stupid man.

2. Becasue you are ignoring the context of a mostly male and mostly competent force of marines.

3. "Wanting tax cuts for rich corporations"? LOL. Get your entire world view from comic books?


Hudson is more experienced with life and death situations considering he is an experienced marine. This is more experience than Ripley had. Ripley showing him how it was done goes against their experience in real life situations. This is woke girl boss nonsense.

Having competent males doesn't take away from wokeness. Avengers endgame is full of variable males and gets called out for wokeness. Aliens is no different.

I get it from facts. Republicans want more tax cuts for the wealthy.


1. No, it's not. You are just asserting it is, to justify your prearrived at conclusion.

2. Yes, it does.

3. Oh, a moment ago we were talking ab out corporartions, now you are changing the subject to "the wealthy". You are just throwing shit at a wall, hoping somethiing sticks.


Yeah it does. Hudson was an experienced trained marine Ripley was not. Therefore Hudson will have more life and death experiences.

No it doesn't. Avengers Endgame was loaded full of competent males and still gets called woke. So does Black Panther and it gets called woke.

Nope I meant in general. They want tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy. I stand by me stating corporations you degenerate piece of human garbage.


1, All you are doing it telling us, the anti-woke that you think that this movie is woke and we disagree.

2. Republicans do not share the weird...class warfare feelings of the dems. That means that we often end up pushing back against the marxist inspired... bad policies of the left, but that does not mean we love corporations. The type of sociopathetic corporate weasels that Burke represent are a real thing and make a fine villian in a movie.


It's not thinking. It's a fact that according to your definition of woke that Ripley showing how Hudson how it's done is woke. The point stands Hudson had more life threatening situations than Ripley. Ripley showing him up is girl boss nonsense.

There are bad policies on each end. Your refusal to acknowledge that showcased your ignorance. I pushback against bad policies of the right and left.


1. Your claming to speak for us is funny. Meanwhile our desire to pretend that anything you are doing here is somehow undermining our valid complaints about woke shit, is stupid.

2. Err, I said nothing about... any of that.


Oh no it's true. I'm applying your logic to another film. You are dismissing the logic because you like this film.

And no you guys love to favor the wealthy and corporations. That's common among the right.


1. No, you are trying to deny that the issue of woke is real. Which is just you being an ass.

2. You are jumping all over the place, to avoid any real discussion. My point remains. We don't share your class warfare beliefs, but that does not mean that we always favor the wealthy or corporations.


Nope I am applying your logic to this film. How am I denying it's existence when I'm applying your criteria to other films? The point stands Hudson as an experienced marine has more experience than Ripley with life threatening situations. You can't dispute that.

Wrong you do share those beliefs. Your side always favors the wealthy and corporations that's common knowledge.


1. Because that is clearly your intent.

2. Common knowledge is then wrong.


Nope. The intent is to showcase how stupid the logic is not that it doesn't exist. The point stands Hudson has more experience as an experienced marine than Ripley with life threatening situations. Dispute that or concede.

No I wouldn't say it is. Is it true that you want tax cuts for the wealthy?


1. LOL. Now you are just saying words. Your intent is clear. YOu support woke, but you know you cannot defend it. So you craft dishonest arguments to try to show that it does not exist, and you hold to them stupidly, ie gaslighting and stonewalling.

2. Me personally? Taxes are not a priority at this time.


No I don't consider woke what you do. I don't consider Aliens to be woke. However according to your definition of woke it is in fact woke. So my point stands in Hudson being more experienced than her. You won't dispute it because you know you can't. Nothing is dishonest about that. It's a fact, Hudson is more experienced with life threatening situations than Ripley is. I love this fact because you can't argue it.

So you are different than the republican party on that issue then?


1. Your stonewalling is noted. Thanks for demonstrating what I said.

2. Depends what you mean by republican party. YOu talk to the rank and file, and I think that you will find a lot of issues higher on their list of priorities than taxes.


Your refusal to admit a fact is noted. I stonewalled because you side step facts. Hudson is more experienced the point stands.

I didn't ask about priorities. I asked if that's what the party supports?


1. Hudson is one guy, in the whole unit. His shakiness comes across as an individual issue, not a smear against all men.

2. You asked me what I wanted. i told you. The party as a whole? The party right now is defined by Trump's platform.


Vasquez is also a trained marine. She doesn't have breakdowns like Hudson and she's a woman. More woke nonsense. I think it is a smear against men.

I did but I also asked what the party wants. And no horse shit. Trump wants tax cuts for the wealthy also. So um looks like I'm right...


1. The whole unit is trained marnes. Mostly male too. Only Hudson is shaky, and he comes though in the end. Hardly an anti male smear. YOu are shit talking.

2. I bet his platform does not say that.


Right? The highly trained squad of Marines got their asses kicked. Then Ripley, after ten seconds of weapon training, not even weapon firing, walks right into the Alien nest and kicks the crap out of the queen and her eggs and escapes with Newt. No problemo.


A woman showing a trained marine leader how it's done and taking action?

She was the only one there who has actually gone face-to-face with an alien. She joined them to pretty much be their advisor. She was even the one who told them that they had acid for blood.


But she didn't have more life and death experiences than them. According to the anti woke crowd this is girl boss woke nonsense. I could go onto something else. Why was Vasquez more brave and didn't panic as much as Hudson did? Both are marines. Oh wait Vasquez is a woman so she has to be shown as braver than Hudson since he is a man.


Not a bad theory. I never considered that.


And that shaky person just so happens to be male. Oh and I'm not done. Newt's entire family is killed. She had a brother and it just so happens that among the kids the little girl is the one who survives. More woke nonsense. Also James Cameron is a leftist therefore it isn't a coincidence he did this. Remember it's ok to assume this about Hollywood according to you. I have solid proof Cameron is a leftist not assumptions.

You bet? No bullshit. Trump wants tax cuts for the wealthy.


1. And Hicks fell asleep during the combat drop. And hudson came though in the end. So, not an anti-male message, just a nice little character arc.

2. Yes, I bet you are lying.


Notice Vasquez didn't do anything incompetent like that. Neither did Ripley. All that is woke nonsense. Doesn't matter if Hudson came through in the end. He still had more experience than Ripley and Ripley showed him up. Also Newt being the survivor and she just so happens to be female? Again woke nonsense.

No lookup what he wants. He wants tax cuts for the wealthy.


1. It does matter than he came though in the end. Your denial that it doesn't is just you talking shit.

2. I bet you are lying.


No it doesn't! He still got shown up by Ripley despite having more experience than her. Also you ignored the other woke points I made. Vasquez came through also without having to be shown up by Ripley like he was. Also Newt had a brother it just so happened that she survived and was a girl. Coincidence? I think not. Woke nonsense.

Don't believe me. The facts don't lie. Look them up yourself and expose me then. I will be waiting here saying I told you so.


1. It was a nice little character arc for a side character. He had some struggles, he struggled, and the little story was paid off nicely. He died fighting, spouting bravo right till the end. It was NOT a woke anti-male message.

2. Just checked his official site. Don't see anything about tax cuts for the wealthy.



No it was woke nonsense. Ripley shouldn't be showing up anyone who has more experience with life threatening situations than her. Why didn't Vasquez struggle like that also? She's a female. More woke nonsense. You didn't let anything slide that was woke in Avengers Endgame so we will be applying that level of scrutiny to films you like also.

LMAO! His official site yeah that's credible...


1. You are just shit talking now.

2. It's his formal stated policy positions.


Oh, I'm sooooo embarrassed. Let's address your hypocritical claims.

She was in space for 57 years, correct! So why is she suddenly able to nearly perfectly grasp futuristic technology? Imagine falling asleep in 1954 and waking up in 2024. Would you suddenly know how to operate a Macbook, drive a Tesla, or operate a smartphone? Or even more specifically to the movie, imagine being 60 years out of time, and you just flawlessly mastered a modern military strike drone or a belt-fed machine gun the first time you even looked at it! And do so better than people from that time period who have been trained for YEARS to use that technology! Ridiculous? Well, if you were a woman in a James Cameron movie, it'd be possible.

You completely ignore that point and go straight to the cargo loader mech suit thing. Okay, so how does she know how to operate that thing? Are Weyland so cheap that they're using 60-year-old industrial equipment perfect for Ripey to comprehend? Or is Ripley just a super genius girlboss?

And ONE scene where a man saves the day undos any wokeness? Please. The same thing happens in Terminator: Dark Fate, and your ass was screaming WOKE all over that thread. So why does Aliens get the pass but not Terminator: Dark Fate? Because you have biased nostalgia for Aliens? Ding ding ding.


She was in space for 57 years, correct! So why is she suddenly able to nearly perfectly grasp futuristic technology? Imagine falling asleep in 1954 and waking up in 2024.

Are you even aware of your argument? You said the movie was woke, not that there was plot holes.

But even so, this is a galaxy. It would be near impossible to know what technology they were using. Some planets are more advanced than the other. The cargo loader was old as shit. It's possible they used the exact same thing decades later. Hell, people still use fax machines and they mostly around in the 80s. Same with cars. But let's not forget some time later after she woke up, she told Burke that she got a job loading cargo. She was obviously taught by someone.

And ONE scene where a man saves the day undos any wokeness? Please. The same thing happens in Terminator: Dark Fate, and your ass was screaming WOKE all over that thread.

I have never complained something was woke. I don't even believe I have ever been on the "Terminator: Dark Fate" boards either. But what did Ripley do in this film that was unrealistic? She burned a bunch of alien eggs and killed an alien using a cargo loader. All the soldiers who died did the dirty work.


Are you even aware of your argument? You said the movie was woke, not that there was plot holes.

The reason why "woke" has become so popular a "critique" with the dipshits is because, they claim, quality writing is ignored or put aside to accommodate the woke agenda. Perceived plot holes, lack of set up for skills, contradictions etc are all supposed evidence of this process of choosing woke instead of writing things properly.


The thing is that anytime there is a black lead or a woman, they automatically say it's woke. At what point can a woman lead a film without it be considered woke?


It's a trick question because those that are keen on using woke critiques aren't genuinely interested in applying their so called standards consistently. It has nothing to do with filmmaking at all.


Proof that no one cares when you have a well written & directed film.

James Cameron could be described as the original woke director, but he made sure that he cast good actors who were likable and relatable like Sigourney or Linda Hamilton, and gave them an interesting story to perform in that was action packed and not cynical or politically charged.


Proof that no one cares when you grew up with the movie, you mean. If this were released today, nobody would like it. Too diverse.


like Sigourney or Linda Hamilton

What a coincidence that all female characters prior to the Internet Misogyny Hate Cult were "well written" and therefore acceptable but all the new ones , since your indoctrination , arnt.


Pretty much, yeah. Films were better made back in the era of Aliens, and had a higher caliber of actor working on them.

Most importantly, the films from that era were written from the heart. Scriptwriters nowadays don't write from the heart, they write about all the unpleasant things that are eating away at them on the inside. No one wants to watch their misery and pain. That's why their films are fucking terrible.



Internet twerps simply apply phony writing standards in their critique of woke cinema. Standards which they will never honestly apply to older beloved films.

