MovieChat Forums > Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) Discussion > Worst censoring of a movie I've ever see...

Worst censoring of a movie I've ever seen!

Saw this on a streaming site we have over here in the UK for Channel 5 and it absolutely murdered this film. The scene in which Steve Martin goes to the car rental company and swears a lot was reduced to him walking in looking grumpy, being asked to see his rental agreement and just saying he threw it away, and that was it, thereby taking out all the comedy from that scene. It even took out the parts in the film where the guy grabs Martin off the ground by his balls and when John Candy puts on a Jamaican accent in the motel room.

It took out anything remotely adult or insensitive and became a Disney travel comedy for young children that could have been shown in the morning. Total joke.


And that's why you don't watch movies on TV or streaming services.

Physical media for the win!


TV yes, but streaming services?
You have no idea.

Amazon Prime routinely shows the unrated extended cuts of movies like Basic Instinct. The only streamer I’ve seen with edits is YouTube, and so far found only Rococop (which Prime has in its full, original, NC-17 version not shown in US theaters).

I would never tolerate any editing from a streaming service — even a free one like Tubi.
Don’t watch TV.
It’s 2023.


Tubi and Pluto tv are great. It’s pretty ridiculous the amount of choices we have to watch in terms of movies and tv. Compare to say 20 years ago - streaming is wicked


Some of us do miss the days of video stores.


I seem to remember seeing that scene in full on tv, with inoffensive non swearing dubbed over it .
that made very little sense


What time of day was it shown?


That completely cuts the point of the scene. And as for the other two examples you mention, pathetic. Thankfully, I own it on DVD. For me it's the funniest movie ever made.


I remember when it was shown on Australian TV and the f-words were just awkwardly cut out, leaving Steve Martin shaking his fist at the car rental lady saying: "Then you can give me a _ automobile. A _ Datsun, a _ Toyota, a _ Mustang, a _ Buick, four _ wheels and a seat" and then rather nonsensically she replies "I really don't care for the way you're speaking to me."


Planes, Trains & Automobiles - TV Version F-Bomb Scene (Reshot)

The "Soft Dialogue" version of the infamous Planes, Planes, and Automobiles F-Bomb Tirade scene.


That's ridiculous. Doesn't work at all.


Ugh, that's horrible.


This is actually my dad's preferred version. He has always watched the movie this way, as he's mostly familiar with it via TV airings, and he was very put off by this scene when he saw the R-rated version. So there are people in the world who'd rather have this than the original cut.


God loves the Puritans. But the rest of us think they're assholes.
