Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


Rumsfield is the best

"In South-East Asia we called this kinda thing bad karma"

"God Dammit"

"Hey Pinocchio! Where are you goin!"



I got a black t-shirt done with the phrase "In South East Asia we used to call this kind of thing bad karma" printed across it in white letters, not many people recognize it though lol


"Hey Pinocchio! Where are you goin!"

That line made my childhood bearable.

Clowns are supposed to make children laugh.


Great one liners? Yeah!

The best one liners ever? I don't think so.

Has anybody seen "Last Boy Scout" with Bruce Willis? Those are the best one liners ever.

Look at this:




Sure The Last Boy Scout had some great one liners, but they are few and far between compared to The 'Burbs and depending upon what you think makes a great one liner, pale in comparison to the 'Burbs.

For example, had they added "I'm going to take that dog and staple his ass shut" to The Last Boy Scout, really at any point in the movie, dog or no dog, and surely had Bruce McGill squeezed in a "Why don't you take your balls out of your wife's purse, make a stand once in your life" it would have been a much more likely candidate to win the Best One Liners Ever in a Motion Picture Award in my household. And many of the greatest one liners in The Last Boy Scout were old when the movie came out, it was just the delivery by Bruce Willis that made them funny. And most of the hilarious exchanges were not in my book one liners, but rather a lot of back and forth, longer-than-one-liners punch lines, and long-set-ups-for-the-inevitable-punch-line type scenes. Not that The Last Boy Scout wasn't a good comedy! But as is evident in the link you gave most of the exchanges wouldn't be considered one liners, and would be eliminated for consideration in my Best One Liners Ever in a Motion Picture Award competition. Wait, let me confer with the other judge... Yeah, she agrees. Uh, I gotta go wash dishes..


I'd be interested to hear what your definition of 'one-liner' actually is. Clunky, telegraphed attempts to manufacture a rather poor insult don't always count.

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump


You've had that in your trousers all day

All the changes they seek aren't for me


LMAO!! That was one of the funniest lines in that movie....

And when that same guy looks over at the house after the basement is lit up, he's like, "Smells like they're cooking a god damn cat over there", I lost it, lol, couldn't stop laughing....


Rumsfeld: "Funny I never saw a moving van outside the Knapps"

Uncle Klopek: "I understand there was a moving van outsIDE ALL DAYYY!!!"


Thats about a 9 on the tension scale there Rube!



Carol: Ray isn't coming out until he resembles the man that I married.
Art: Carol, we don't have that kind of time!

Always one of my favorites. Someone already posted the "bad karma" line or I would have put that too.

"I've seen things in this city that make Dante's Inferno read like Winnie The Pooh."


Not so much a series of one liners...but my favorite lines

Ray Peterson: I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I-I've never seen that.


Ricky: Yo Rumsfield! (followed by Rumsfield tumbling down the roof and off the house)

I love that part.


Ricky: "Go for it Mr. Peterson, YES!!!"

More enthusiasm in that line than is humanly possible. Gets me going every time.


Art: Hey, what are you guys eating in there?

Rumsfield: "Hey Ricky, get this lame-O out of your yard."
Ricky: "Hey lame-O, get out of my yard. Get out my yard lame-O."

I AM the f *cking game pal-Johnny Drama


All of my favorites have been posted, but these two always make me laugh pretty hard for some odd reason.
Hans: "It came with the frame"

Uncle Reuben: "My brother,...the Doctor!"

I find Uncle Reuben extremely funny the whole scene in the Klopeks house.


Ray Peterson: I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I-I've never seen that.

My all time favorite of the film, I think, because it sets the foundation for Ray's suburban paranoia. It's what really gets his ball rolling!


Like the way Ricky's friends were brought in, it seems, just to give encouragement to Rumsfield.

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump


ricky butler says that their nocturnal feeders

go up to the lake in that dank wet cabin and wait for that guy, with the enormous head to get drunk and fall down the stairs


This isn't a line, but I love the part where Art and Ray go to the house and bangs on the door, and the 9 in their address 669 falls and it becomes 666 LMAO
Also all of Ricky's lines, I loved him in this movie.

Look at me, I'm Chandler, Could I, BE wearin' anymore clothes?!



How about "My taxes pay your salary buddy. . ." and something like "You're going to clean it up. Because YOU are a garbage man." hahahahahahahaha.


Best line by far is either...

Dr Klopekt

And tommorow we must all go to the university and discuss yet another move!


Oh and we're just getting to know you, thats a shame,, isn't that a shame ray?


Thats a shame


Says Who!

the says who bit had me crying with laughter.. either that or


Hey Ricky, get this lameo off my yard!!

Or even


just take your balls outa your wifes purse and be a man for once ray!

Or even


Once they, get in here, it's over Pal!


I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I-I've never seen that.

that one cracks me up every time i hear it.

Luke @ Lorelai 4-ever


I've never seen that. I've never seen anybody drive their garbage down to the street and bang the hell out of it with a stick. I-I've never seen that.

That's definitely the funniest line in the movie. Cracks me up every time.


To me, Fletch has the best comedic one liners ever. That whole movie is quotable to me, lol.

Good things come to those that wait? Bullsh*t, better things come to those that chase...-Canibus


Pizza dude!!!!



oh gosh
i am in tears reading all these quotes
one of the only movies that makes me laugh that hard
the other one is weekend at bernie's



that is THE best line! I laugh so hard every time and I say it anytime something stinks!


best line of all time.


There are too many one liners to count. Bruce Dern makes this movie. He has the best ones.


"Hey man...piss off!"

"Shut up and paint yer goddamn house!"

"'Bout a nine on tenstion scale, Rube."

There's a fine line between clever and stupid, really.


I love the part when they take the brownies over to the house and just as they knock Rumsfield falls through the deck and says

"I dropped the god damn brownies"

I dont know why I find that so funny but it just makes laugh so hard when I hear that

I love a man with a southern drawl


haha yeah "It came with the frame" is awsome
even though its not a line the look on Rays (Hanks) face when he eats that sardine on the cracker... Pricless!!


The noise of the sardines also helps

Mr Frampton, vis-a-vis your rump


When Rumsfeld foot goes through the porch is killer. Also when he ask the red headed kid his nam and he reply's Hans and Rummy say's something like Hans Christian Anderson, what a fine christian name. My wife and I love this film, had it on DVD for years.


'ricky butler says they're nocturnal feeders'
'oh, ricky butler says'


What he says to Hans afterward is awesome:

"Here you go sonny, a little something for the old sweet-tooth" when the brownies are obviously inedible and are covered in dirt and leaves etc :D


Rumsfield: "Hans, a fine christian name, Hans Christian Anderson!"

Forgot about that one, another great Rumsfield line.


"Hey, you wanna go down to the deli and get one of those beef sandwhiches?"


The same thing happened to me, except it wasn't bees. It was a foaming squirrel.

Ooh, Lambchop. If I had a sock on my hand for thirty years it'd be talking too.


"Klopek, what is that slavic?....... NO"

LMAO the old man gets so mad


that's about a 9 on the tension scale there Rube.



Not really a one-liner, but i like it: "Sardines"?
Watched this film so many times, and I ve now watched it recently again on DVD. Yet I have only watched it in the dubbed version (german) , but most liners you posted here were translated 1:1, and I love them all.

I like when Hans offers some prezels with sardines and asks the second time:

("Sardinen?" in German) He does so with his strange voice and he emphasizes the "r" - typical slavish accent (although this is not cleared up)


Ah, so even though Reuben denied they were Slavik the accent they use is Slavik?


I didn't see anyone bring this up, so I will. It isn't a "one-liner", although I love the scene with the femur bone.

"Femur just happens to be the human thigh bone." - spoken convincingly.
"Wait, how do you know that?" - In total and seemingly stunned denial.
"Biology 101" - DUH?!

LOL, it just goes to show that adult men in suburbia can't remember back to high school biology class.

This is an awesome movie, watched it with my brothers when we were all quite young and loved every second of it. My brothers started eating sardines and have yet to stop because of this movie.


black masses! mutilations, mutilations!
