Best one liners ever

Seriously this movie has some great one liners.

Rumsfield: you got a lawsuit on your hands mister

right after they burn down the klopecks house lol.


I want to kill everyone...Satan is good, satan is our pal.


the best lines.

"what you got in the cellar hair clopeck"
" is a regular furnace spose to go up to 3000 degrees"
" you keep a horse in the basment"
" im going to take that dog and staple his ass shut"
"(peterson)"why don't you go up there",(rumsfield) "its rather high"
" good solid walls, good solid floors"

also got to mention the part where rumsfield is picking at thier wallpaper and rips a big chunk off.


Rumsfield: "Smells like they're cooking a god dam cat over there"

"Ahh, it's great to be young and insane" - Michael Keaton
The Dream Team




You're chanting tomfolen...


Yeah, my 2 favorite lines in this movie:

Rumsfield: Hey Ricky, get this laimo out of your yard!



Ricky: Officers you gotta help me, these guys, they broke into my parents house and,..... THEY'RE EATING ALL THEY'RE FOOD!

HAHA, great movie.


Uncle Reuben Klopek: Get off of my car.

Ricky: Hey dude?

Uncle Reuben Klopek: Get off of it right now!

Ricky: You can't leave yet.

Uncle Reuben Klopek: OFF.




Red Rover Red Rover, Let Art go on over. hehe gooood.
Hey Pinochio! Where you goin!?
What do you say we sit down for a little of the old face-to-face, Hey What Rube?!

Light the fuse, and run


Every time I'm sitting in a small group and it gets quiet, I always say "sure was damp today." LOL just like when Ray broke the silence when he and the rest of the crew were sitting there with the Klopeks for the first time.


"got about a 9 on the tension scale reub."


Carol: So let me get this straight: the Klopecks are offering up Walter as some sort of Sacrifice to Beelzebub?

Ray: That's one of the theories, yeah.

How you can make the world a better place:
Don't shop at Wal-Mart.


"Come on Mr. Peterson. You were in my basement. Surely you looked in the furnace."

"I saw your furnace. I figured a man's furnace is his own business."

All my favorite lines were already said here but this still makes me laugh as well.


Oh and...

"Hey hey Mr. Rumsfield what are you doing with a gun?"

"Shut up and paint your god-damn house!"

"Whoa. Fine."


yeah thats a genius line.. always cracks me up...


When the pizza guy comes and the pizzas fall out of the van and you hear Ricky off camera yell "Pizza dude!!!"

"I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it." Lucille Bluth


"it came with the frame"


pretty much all of the best ones have already been mentioned, but there's one that (for some dumb reason) i LOVE! when art is scaling the telephone pole and says to tom hanks, " is my middle name" and tom hanks then mutters to Rumsfeld, "i thought his middle name was louis?"
- FWIW, i heard that approximately 75% of the dialog was improvised on the spot. for my money this is unquestionably one of the 5 most under-rated comedies E-V-E-R. it's a damn shame that it took so many people 15 years to finally "get it"...



Wow, just because people are discussing it at a certain date, clearly and obviously does not mean it took them, (or him/her, or whomever you were aiming this odd insult at.) that long to get it. These people are reciting scenes and one liners from memory, probably because they, like myself have watched this masterpiece of one liners dozens upon dozens of times.

This is the type of movie where even 7 years after you wrote this comment, (and just for your own benefit, the movie had been out for 18 years when you tossed that insult out) and a full 25+ years after the release of The 'Burbs, people are still discussing, reminiscing and in general sharing a moment of joy with other movie lovers by sharing their favorite moments, one liners, and insults from the movie The 'Burbs...


Ray gets electrocuted and falls off the telephone pole. His fingers are all black and he's touching his teeth...

"Ow, my fillings are all hot"

It's not a one-liner but my favorite scene from the whole movie. Tom Hanks gets up and runs towards his house. The screen door opens and smashes him in the face. He's so pissed off, doesn't say anything, just picks up two beer cans and crushes them.


I've never seen anyone drive their garbage down to the curb and beat the hell out of it with a stick-I've never seen that!



Hey wait! You can't go yet,I called the pizza dude!



Hey Ray. Is the temperature gague on a furnace suppose to go to 5000 degrees?


- last 5 minutes of the movie...

"Art, your wife is home..."

"... and your house is on fire..."

ART: " my WIFE is home?!?!"

- it's kinda predictable, but rick duccomen(?) sells it so well with his facial expression. what a great F-ing movie...



Most of my favorites have been mentioned, but-

"This your house?"




Yeah, was just gonna mention the Rick Duccomen lines at the end of the movie...

"My WIFE is home????"

And the other good one is "about a 9 on the old tension scale there Rube.."

It's not a one-liner, but I love the part where Art is eating all of Ray's breakfast. He puts the syrup bottle back in the fridge(empty) and takes out a rack of ribs and eats them cold. What a great neighbour!!! ROTFLMAO

I still think this is Tom Hanks' best movie... and Corey Feldman's too.


I thought for sure I would see my favorite lines, I didn't but I was reminded just how funny this movie was. My favorite lines were:
-- “I think the message to uh, psychos, fanatics, murderers, nutcases all over the world is uh, do not mess with suburbanites, because uh, frankly, we're just not gonna take it anymore!”
--“Can you blame 'em? They live next door to people who break into their house, and burn it down while they're gone for the day!”
-- “I've been blown up! Take me to the hospital! Take me to a hospital, I'm sick!”
Classic Movie. Highly underrated.


The food from the 'fridge is funny...but do you notice that he takes a taste of the dog's food as Ray's wife walks past?


I love that he just takes some of everything that looks edible he doesn't even notice Carol is holding dog food. Done so subtly I don't even think she noticed!


I used to think he puts the empty syrup bottle back into the fridge....but upon further review, it appears that he tosses it into the garbage can which I presume is next to the fridge. You can tell because he just pitches the empty bottle forward then proceeds to reach into and dig through the fridge for the steak/ribs and pineapple.
