Old Biff.

What happens to old Biff when he returns to 1985 after he gives himself the almanac, what was his future like, did we find out I cant remember?


He spent time walking around the town square calling everyone buttheads.


Yeah I remember now.


A spin-off of “the life and times of Biff Tannon” would be pretty awesome.

Maybe Disney will buy the rights and make it. They can have Brie Larsen play Biff as a misunderstood black drag Queen.


Maybe they'd give us 5% each for the idea.

Seriously I'd watch it.


When old Biff comes back, he's apparently suffering a heart attack. But there's a deleted ending showing old Biff vanishing:


Same as Marty, changes to his past cause him to disappear from the former timeline. In Marty's case, he would've never been born. In Biff's case, his high living as a casino owner probably shortened his lifespan.


So basically he killed himself.


Apparently, Lorraine was said to have killed Biff sometime after Alt 1985, in revenge for all the abuse he'd put her through, hence why ld Biff was meant to disappear as soon as he returned to 2015.



Now that you mention it, I recall that being mentioned in the narration for a "behind the scenes" TV special covering the BTTF trilogy.


The one hosted by Kirk Cameron, right?

I think there was even a brief clip of Old Biff clutching his heart and collapsing, just before he disappeared.


You mean this scene?



Clicked that a few times before realising i was going around in circles in the same thread : )


Same as Marty, changes to his past cause him to disappear from the former timeline. In Marty's case, he would've never been born.

Are you sure about that? If memory serves me correctly, Marty was 17 years old in 1985 and in the scene where Marty learns that his mother is married to Biff, she tells him, when he asked where’s George McFly, see answers by telling him that he’s been in the same place he’s been for the last 12 years which would mean George was killed in 1973 making Marty only five years old at the time.


I meant in the first movie ... Marty keeps George & Lorraine from meeting, erasing first his older siblings and finally himself

He was still alive in BTTF2, but off in a boarding school according to Casino Biff

What's not clear is whether there was another alternate Marty still out at the boarding school.

To the extent that BTTF even tries to be consistent, I'd guess boarding school Marty just disappeared the moment prime Marty appeared in that alternate 1985

That doesn't make logical or scientific sense, but BTTF's logic has always been tongue-in-cheek


What happens to old Biff when he returns to 1985 after he gives himself the almanac, what was his future like, did we find out I cant [sic] remember?

To flag an error, you meant to say, when old Biff returns to 2015.


Arr yes thanks, I'd forgot i wrote that


