MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best (1989) Discussion > After 15 years, I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!...

After 15 years, I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!!!

I have literally been looking for the Best of the Best soundtrack for half of my life. Searching for it online was always impossible, because doing a search for "Best of..." was very popular and always took me to something dumb like "Best of Lyle Lovett".

Finally, this past Friday, by some miracle, I found it.

I heard a rumor that it was at FYE. We happen to have a small FYE outlet here in DC, so I drove over to check it out. They had the DVD, and they had a poster saying that the soundtrack was available (which was cool, when the hell was the last time you saw a BOTB poster ANYWHERE?!), but not the soundtrack itself.

I asked the lady to call the other stores. She called every store in the DC, MD, and VA area. In all of these stores, there was one left. I got on the phone, told them to hold it for me, and sped over to the other store.

Then, I finally bought it (for $9.99 LOL) and blasted in in my car. One word: WOW! I have always wanted to hear the other verses to "Best of the Best", and it was strange but cool. Also, they have the score for the final Tommy Lee vs. Dae Han battle, which is amazing. There are nine tracks in all, which basically does cover the whole movie.

So, sorry to anyone in DC, MD, or VA, but I have the last one. But rest assured, if you somehow are able to locate another copy, you will NOT be disappointed.


Haha. Yeah, I bought it too. The poster was kind of weird though. Must have been a slow holiday gift season.


Yeah, I agree. I don't know who the hell those two Tae Kwon Do fighters are at the bottom. They look cool, but they sure aren't in the movie!

But the soundtrack rules, so I ain't complaining one bit.


I know this post must be however many years old, yet I concur with each and every one of you. I have been a martial artist for nearly just as lng and this movie is among my favorites. I also love the soundtrack to it, and, like so many ohters, unable to find.

If anyone has any information on where to download it (as I'm unable to order online), it'd be muich appreciated, or if you have it ripped, to send it to me until I can find my own copy.

My email is


If anybody know where i can find sountrack from Best of the Best II, such great music????
Please,please send me any information on this subject!!!! My email is


I am currently seeling this Soundtrack Cd on ebay

Along with two free Cds of songs from Bloodsport,Kickboxer,No Retreat No Surrender,BotBII,Last Dragon & More!


hey i absolutely love this movie i need to no who sings the song in the ending credits the song is called SOMETHING SO STRONG PLEASE GET BACK to me at thanx for your time get back to me anyone asap


I tried to email you direct but it won't work. I have this title. Email me if you want more info.


Man you have to rip the song from the credits for me. Please!


I agree with you BiggSyke, the song from the credits is awesome...I actually just finished watching the movie on the starz action channel. Of course the story is pretty crappy, as well as a lot of the acting, but the fight sequences are somewhat decent but the song from the credits is awesome! I definitely need to find the soundtrack to this movie.


I have this available, sealed etc. I started a post on IMDB, let me know if you want more info.


man i need this soundtrack.... can it be downloaded from any where ?


I would be very pleased if someone sent me an e-mail withsoundtrack to this movie ( This is my favourite movie soundtrack. Greetings!

PS. Sorry for my english! I'm from Poland.


Hi!! Congrats on getting Best of the best soundtrack...Been looking forever myself.If anyone has it ripped and wants to share,contact me @ (add me to MSM)

Thanks in advance


please.if it is possible
you could send through email the song to me
Best of the best di Stubblefield and hall
you of I would be eternally pleasing
thanks in advance payment
thanks however

My e-mail is


hey. could u send me tha song. ive been lookin 4 it 4 ages. could u send it 2



Hey, could you post a track listing, please? Maybe I could find them to download somewhere... I have no interest searching the entire country or world for them :-s How bout you make me a copy?


As soon as this film came out Ive been looking everywhere for the soundtrack, I live in England and cant get it anywhere, has anyone got a ripped copy they can share with me or got any info on where I can get it?



