MovieChat Forums > Best of the Best (1989) Discussion > After 15 years, I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!...

After 15 years, I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!!!

I have literally been looking for the Best of the Best soundtrack for half of my life. Searching for it online was always impossible, because doing a search for "Best of..." was very popular and always took me to something dumb like "Best of Lyle Lovett".

Finally, this past Friday, by some miracle, I found it.

I heard a rumor that it was at FYE. We happen to have a small FYE outlet here in DC, so I drove over to check it out. They had the DVD, and they had a poster saying that the soundtrack was available (which was cool, when the hell was the last time you saw a BOTB poster ANYWHERE?!), but not the soundtrack itself.

I asked the lady to call the other stores. She called every store in the DC, MD, and VA area. In all of these stores, there was one left. I got on the phone, told them to hold it for me, and sped over to the other store.

Then, I finally bought it (for $9.99 LOL) and blasted in in my car. One word: WOW! I have always wanted to hear the other verses to "Best of the Best", and it was strange but cool. Also, they have the score for the final Tommy Lee vs. Dae Han battle, which is amazing. There are nine tracks in all, which basically does cover the whole movie.

So, sorry to anyone in DC, MD, or VA, but I have the last one. But rest assured, if you somehow are able to locate another copy, you will NOT be disappointed.


I just got my copy via FedEx Thursday. With the exception of the song American Motel this is a great soundtrack. I know it was playing in the background in the bar when Virgil was dancing, but still I think more or less pointless to have on the soundtrack. I think that they could have used studio version of Radar Love instead of live, would sound much better (then again, I hate live albums anyway.).


If somebody got the soundtack please send it to my email..

i live in finland and i havent found any copy of that soundtrack



Finally...Just downloaded something so strong off limewire. Look under Jim Capaldi and its all over the place. For all those who have limewire just go get the song.....For those who dont, go to and get's a free music download engine.


been searching for this for years, could somebody email me it at

thanks in advanced.


I use to work out to the two greatest songs on the credits of Best of the Best. Also, I would DJ the song in Seattle.

I was amazing how I found the cd in a second hand thift store along with Enigma and some other goodies.

Later on in the Dj bizz, they grew legs and walked off.... I was able to get the best of the best on Napster when it was free, but not the other song from the credits.

Long story short, I would like to have the songs again, so if their is anyone willing to spare a moment to send them to my mail, I would greatly appreciate it.

You may also like I Still Believe by Tim Capello and definately has great historical pictures for all our enlightenment.

CharuKrsnaDasa at

spell the at out and spambots have a hard time spamming your email.

Hare Krsna


Hi guys,
like most of you I've been desperately looking for this OST for years and years, if somebody could email the songs to me it'd a true gift from heaven..I'd really appreciate that!!!

Here's my mail:


I'm from Italy and there is NO way to find it here....
Many thanks to anyone who can help....


holy cow.. i've been looking for this soundtrack for ages too!.. a few years ago i spent hours and hours searching the net but i couldn't find a single thing.. so i gave up

and just now i stumbled upon BotB imbd profile and find this thread! obviously i wasn't the only one going crazy trying to find it!

if someone could send me the soundtrack too that'd be soo awesome!
and if you guys are into that "training" type music... i have some songs from Bloodsport, Kickboxer, The Karate Kid, Rocky and a few others if ya wanna swap :)

my email is:


I have been unable to even find a list of the songs, much less the OST. The song at the closing credits...who sings it and what is the name of the song?

I would appreciate it if you could tell me. It's got the word "stronger" in it. Thx.


Jim Capaldi - Something so strong ??

that's the only one i've got actually


can somebody send me 2 songs
something so strong
best of the best?
i try to find it for 5 years =(


Quick question:

I am a big fan of the soundtrack as well. Do you know who sings the song while Tommy is cruising on his bike through the mountains? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


hi all,
i have been trying for years now looking for this soundtrack everywhere and had no joy at all and was just wondering if any one would be so kind to help me get my hands on it by maybe sending me a copy by whatever means necessary! perhaps through email or through msn messenager or even post. i will even pay for a copy of it, i have lots of music and so could swap even if you are looking for something in return. i love the movie and to have the soundtrack would be just amazing. i really am begining to give up in my quest to find it. my email is

many thanks
andy workman


Hi everyone,
I'm from Egypt and have been looking for the soundtrack too, for a v. long time. Just wanted to make sure if it's called something so strong?
If anyone manages to get the name of the soundtrack or the soundtrack itself and can send it over, plz email me at
Thank you.
