Another plot hole

Why the heck would the Nazis ever leave Henry and Indy in that room unguarded? Of course they are going to try to escape. They knew all about Indy and how good he was, heck he escaped from an underground chamber that was covered with snakes, they never would have not had at least one guard in the room.


How on gods green earth is leaving Henry and Indy in a room alone a plot hole? its Nazi incompetence not a plot hole, jeez and how did they know how good Indy was ?


They would have been aware of the events of the first movie and no Nazi would leave someone as dangerous as Indiana Jones alone by himself. Hell they didn’t even bother searching him and removing his lighter which could be used to burn through the ropes . The plot is dependent upon the characters being stupid


It's not like they had the internet. They couldn't google Indy. Sure some higher ups might have known who Indy was, but that doesn't mean that every single Nazi did, and would recognize him.


They had radio you idiot. And Donvan and Elsa clearly knew he was indeed Indiana Jones, if any of the other Nazis weren't aware of his existence then they definitely would have confirmed it.


Wow, you are really a special type of rude.

I am very well aware they had a radio, I am also aware that not everyone is privy to all information. I am saying that those who didn't need to know, wouldn't know who he was. Donovan and Elsa wanted Indy and his dad to find the grail. Yes they were in league with the Nazis, but they also weren't sharing everything. I'm saying that in the 1930s it is less likely for every nazi to know who Indy, and even if they did, they probably weren't knowing why he was wanted. Most soldiers aren't in on military secrets.


MovieChatUser497 is a plot hole himself and without question, the rudest of them all on here. Most action/adventure movies has the hero or heroes escape captivity at one time or another. But he doesn't comprehend that


I'm not rude at all, I'm just treating you the way you deserve to be treated.

The Nazis knew who Indiana Jones was, because of him they didn't have the Arc of the Covenant, they even knew who he was before Indy even went to Egypt.

Donovan and Elsa knew that the man they had captured was indeed Indiana Jones, the Nazis would then say "that's the guy who thwarted our attempt to retrieve the arc of the covenant, this guy is a badass, we'd better guard him carefully and make sure he doesn't escape, we also better search him and make sure there is nothing in his pockets he could use to break through the ropes", that is what they should have done but they didn't because this movie is so poorly written.


Excuse me. So, taking part in a discussion where I disagree with you, but I have not insulted you, or been rude, just put forth my opinion means that I deserve to be insulted? Are you serious right now?

Do you honestly think that in WWII, every grunt soldier knew who Indy was? Do you think that every Nazi knew about the Ark? Seriously? That was like secret covert shit there, plus it was a failed mission. Nazis (especially movie nazis) didn't advertise their failures. That would be hushed up, not broadcast.

Of course Donovan and Elsa knew, but do you think that they really wanted to share with the Nazis? Seriously? They were all using each other and all turned on each other. So your point about them knowing is moot.


You aren't being insulted, I'm just speaking to you at your level. It's what you're supposed to do.

"Do you honestly think that in WWII, every grunt soldier knew who Indy was? Do you think that every Nazi knew about the Ark? Seriously?"

That's not what I said you moron, don't put words in my mouth and learn how to debate honestly. The higher ups definitely would have known who Indy was. Hell we know that Donovan was in communication with Berlin about Indy, they would have told them "Guard the hell out of this guy because he is one tough and sneaky bastard" but they didn't because they are stupid.

Really? Donovan turned on the Nazis? You must have been watching a different movie and your entire last paragraph is nothing more than empty speculation.

Learn how to debate without having to use logical fallacies, kid.


You know, I really don't know what pleasure it gives you to speak to people the way you do. I am not an idiot, nor do I deserve to be called one, or to be told that is my level. We can disagree without being assholes to each other. I refuse to be an asshole to you, but I'm not continuing this conversation.


Watch out, sslssg. MovieChatUser will now claim you have conceded the argument. He doesn't quite understand that withdrawing from an argument with someone who refuses to be logical or civil is not a concession.


I bet you're part of the same crowd that nitpicked TDKR to death. Ironic how you can't accept the slightest bit of criticism of this trash movie.


I don't recall ever posting anything about TDKR.


I’m just making a logical conclusion based on your behavior. TDKR haters/Last Crusade defenders often go hand in hand and are equally pathetic.


Logic. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


He mentioned The Dark Knight Rises because as this discussion's going on, he’s simultaneously freaking out on its board because people don’t like it, all while jumping on the “hate Last Crusade” bandwagon on here.

If you check out his posts on TDKR, you’ll see that irony and hypocrisy are lost on him, coupled with projecting onto others; he’s either trolling or he’s really just that dense. He sounds almost exactly like moviefanatic505 when he argues, including how he likes to claim the other person concedes when they withdraw.


I really don't care if they feel I have conceded. I really don't care about this movie enough to be concerned about it. I actually feel pity for the OP.


You can see from his reply to this comment the quality of his arguments. I have giving up caring much about him, other than how he can chill a conversation, especially among new posters.


I do really enjoy how trying to honestly have a conversation on a chat board equates to shooting my mouth off. SMH.


Yet you felt the need to dig up this thread after I hadn’t posted on it for years.


Because it came up on trending. I usually check out anything that comes up on trending; films I enjoyed, new films I never saw, others I may have forgotten.


Well you didn’t need to reply but you did


The truth of the matter is you know you can't debate the facts because they are on my side. My advice is next time don't shoot your mouth off when you don't know what you're talking about.


I truly believe you shouldn't watch any movies ever again , i dont think you even know a movie from reality


Honestly if you like Last Crusade then you don’t deserve an opinion in any intelligent discussion.


audience score , 94% pow, you lose, 2nd best indy film by far


Now you’re appealing to popularity which is a logical fallacy.


No it means you have dog shit taste in movies


Nope it means you don’t know how to properly present an argument


There is no argument, last crusade is considered to be the 2nd best indiana jones film, it universally loved by critics and audiences, this upsets you


I couldn't care less what the general public says, I'm smart enough to form my own opinion I don't need everyone else to tell me what to think. Also appealing to popularity is a logical fallacy as I have clearly explained. The truth is Last Crusade is riddled with plot holes, character errors and bad writing.


No its not, its a great film, get your big boy pants and accept this instead of spamming the board with your shite


LOL so unless I agree with you that means I don't have my "big boy pants" on? Maybe you should put yours on and own up to the movies multiple flaws.

Also literally no one is forcing you to respond to me. I honestly would have forgotten about this thread a long time ago had you or anyone else not resurrected it.


The problem with you is that you belittle people that disagree with your opinion, very irritating poster that brings pretty much fuck all to this forum.


I don’t belittle anyone, I just treat them the way they deserve to be treated.


You said people that like this film have little intelligence, that is belittling people.


Anyone who finds Mickey Mouse jokes , Marcus and Henry’s Jar Jar antics, etc. to be funny obviously have little intelligence.


Congratulations on negating TDKR's popularity.




>no Nazi would leave someone as dangerous as Indiana Jones alone by himself.
Adolf Hitler did.


Adolf Hitler only met Indy once and he didn’t know who he was


"The higher ups definitely would have known who Indy was."
"The Nazis knew who Indiana Jones was, because of him they didn't have the Arc of the Covenant, they even knew who he was before Indy even went to Egypt."

So the Nazis who locked Indy and his father alone in a room know who he was, Nazis higher up the hierarchy knew who Indy was but the biggest Nazi at the top of the Hierarchy doesn't. Congratulations on wrecking another of your own arguments.


The movie made it clear that they were in contact with Berlin and that they had Indiana Jones, the higher ups definitely would have told them to guard Indy more heavily. Again the plot requires the characters to be idiots in order to move forward and this is a plot hole.


And Russia's best military advisors told Putin that Ukraine would be a push-over, but that didn't work ourlt well. Hitler himself ignored his advisors when invading Russia. FFS this movie exists to entertain, not to comply with reality. Over 30 years on and it's still passing you off. Move on.


Ummm that’s nothing compared to the level of stupidity of not guarding someone who so easily evaded his captors in the previous movie. It is a plot hole.


Its not a plot hole, do even know what a plot hole is lol, great movie though the 2nd best indy movie.


It is a plot hole because if the Nazis had just acted like any Nazi would have then the movie would not have been able to happen.


This boils down to an ancient trope called "Idiot Plot." i.e. any plot which requires characters to do idiotic things that no real person with at least average intelligence would ever do.

Also, every Nazi who knew it was Indy who prevented them from taking possession of the ark... was killed. There was nobody left to tell HQ about him or whatever.
