MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Why did Barnes hate Daniel so much?

Why did Barnes hate Daniel so much?

It didn't make sense. Sure, Daniel isn't a likable guy, but Barnes didn't know that, at least not initially. Was it because Daniel wimped out of some good old fashioned pre-fight hype? Had Daniel respectfully accepted the challenge would Barnes have respected him? He seems like a level headed individual when he talks to Terry.


Bad writing



He was being paid to brutalize Daniel.


In that case, could Mike and Daniel be friends? Mike could tell Daniel that it was nothing personal, he was just doing his job.


Think off the bat he sized Daniel up as a paper champion who wasn’t a very good ambassador for the sport. As someone who took karate seriously, he was offended by Daniel’s flabbiness.


Sort of like Clubber Lang's criticisms of Rocky Balboa. Or the press' criticisms of Tommy Gunn.


Overall Daniel had an obnoxious energy that rubbed people the wrong way. Barnes wasn’t the first person to instantly dislike him.


Do you know who liked Daniel at first? Freddy Fernandez, and Daniel let him down.


Do you know who liked Daniel at first? Freddy Fernandez, and Daniel let him down.

Daniel let Freddy down?
The same Freddy the weasel who could have warned Daniel about Johnny. The same guy who deserted him on the beach?
Daniel let Freddy down, what a fucking joke!


Daniel was a bad guest, instigating a fight and ruining the party. He also hurt Freddy’s social standing within the group and, to a larger extent, the group’s standing with the girls. He should have stayed in New Jersey.


Daniel was a bad guest, instigating a fight and ruining the party.

He didn't instigate a fight, Johnny was already looking for one.

He also hurt Freddy’s social standing within the group

Well Freddy was still with his friends at school so you just made that up.

to a larger extent, the group’s standing with the girls.

Hahahaha! Their standing with the girls!!!!

He should have stayed in New Jersey.

Hardly Daniels fault that he left New Jersey.


Johnny and Ali were having a private conversation that was going fine until he butted in. Had he minded his own business and respected their space, he would have been fine.

Freddy faced derision from his friends (“You sure pick cool people to be friends with.”) for bringing Daniel and embarrassing them. He was a social liability.


Johnny and Ali were having a private conversation that was going fine until he butted in. Had he minded his own business and respected their space, he would have been fine.

No, it was a very public conversation. Stop making things up.

Freddy faced derision from his friends (“You sure pick cool people to be friends with.”) for bringing Daniel and embarrassing them.

But lost no standing with them.

He was a social liability.



Daniel should have read the room and kept his distance. He had no business getting involved. Ali herself wanted him to stay away and kicked the ball for him to fetch.


Woulda, coulda, shoulda. All easy to say after the fact. Daniel (stupidly) was trying to white knight Ali like most testosterone filled teenagers would do.

Ali herself wanted him to stay away and kicked the ball for him to fetch.

Ali knew that Johnny would beat on him to prove he was an alpha male. She was right.


She wanted privacy to have a conversation with her ex, so she sent Daniel away. Had he the social skills to read the situation properly, all would have been fine.


She wanted privacy to have a conversation with her ex, so she sent Daniel away.

No, she didn't want a conversation with her ex at all. Epic fail from you there.

Had he the social skills to read the situation properly, all would have been fine.

No it wouldn't. Ali would have been the focus of Johnnys' wrath instead of Daniel so it would have been far from alright.


He just wanted to talk.


But she didn't. Hence his hissy fit.




Oooh, good comeback...not!


A not joke?


By you?


There’s nothing you got that the Kai can’t counter. The only joke around here is you.


And yet you have failed to counter continuously for years.


"He didn't instigate a fight, Johnny was already looking for one."

Johnny clearly said, "all I wanted to do is talk." His story didn't change in Cobra Kai when he explained he intended "to have a civil conversation with Ali, but LaRusso kept butting in." After Daniel sucker punched him, Johnny defended himself. Had Johnny not made a stand, Daniel would have beat him up using YMCA style karate.

"Well Freddy was still with his friends at school so you just made that up."

This friends most likely gave him an ultimatum, either Daniel goes or they go. They knew Daniel was bad news and would drag them into trouble as accomplices, so they saved Freddy. True friends.

"Hahahaha! Their standing with the girls!!!!"

Exactly, Freddy didn't have a girlfriend or any other girls swooning over him the rest of the movie. It was all Daniel's fault. Freddy's friends became associated with Daniel and were dismissed as eligible bachelors for the rest of high school.

"Hardly Daniels fault that he left New Jersey."



Johnny clearly said, "all I wanted to do is talk." His story didn't change in Cobra Kai when he explained he intended "to have a civil conversation with Ali, but LaRusso kept butting in."

And Ali clearly stated that she didn't want to talk. What Johnny doesn't say is that he was already angry having seen LaRusso and Ali flirting on the beach. He was not in the frame of mind to have a civil conversation no matter what his recollection of events 30 years later may be.

After Daniel sucker punched him, Johnny defended himself. Had Johnny not made a stand, Daniel would have beat him up using YMCA style karate.

Defend himself? Daniel had already stated 'Hey, we're even man, right'? So no further attack was coming unless Johnny instigated it.

This friends most likely gave him an ultimatum, either Daniel goes or they go. They knew Daniel was bad news and would drag them into trouble as accomplices, so they saved Freddy. True friends

Again this your opinion, but based on what exactly? Nothing in the movie supports Freddys' friends giving him any such ultimatum. I could just as easily propose that Freddy felt if he hung around with Daniel then he too would be subject to the Kai bullying him. But maybe, just maybe, Freddy felt that Daniel was just full of shit.

Exactly, Freddy didn't have a girlfriend or any other girls swooning over him the rest of the movie. It was all Daniel's fault.

Hardly Daniels fault that Freddy and co weren't the jocks of the school and not part of the Alphas. This happened long before Daniel turned up.

Freddy's friends became associated with Daniel and were dismissed as eligible bachelors for the rest of high school.

Well seeing as Daniel won the All Valley and dated the most popular girl for the remainder of their last year in High School then it's safe to say Freddy and co being associated with Daniel would have put them in good standing rather than what you are proposing.


Defend himself? Daniel had already stated 'Hey, we're even man, right'? So no further attack was coming unless Johnny instigated it.

It has strong competition but this was probably Daniel’s most pathetic and delusional moment of the trilogy. After Johnny went to check on him to see if he was OK, Daniel needlessly sucker punched him then had the nerve to try to shake hands only a few seconds later. It was an outrageous gesture.


It still comes behind Silver saying Kreese was dead and Silver breaking in to Miyagis house. Oh, and Silver hiring a thug to harass Daniel.



The ruse about Kreese’s death was for a larger purpose and, under the circumstances, quite reasonable. Personally, I was more disturbed by Miyagi’s apathy towards the news, having played a central role in Kreese’s hypothetical demise.


The ruse about Kreese’s death was for a larger purpose and, under the circumstances, quite reasonable.

Lying about someones death is not reasonable at all. Only a dickhead like you would think so.

Personally, I was more disturbed by Miyagi’s apathy towards the news, having played a central role in Kreese’s hypothetical demise.

Kreeses hypothetical demise was always down to Kreese himself. You pretending otherwise doesn't change that.


Daniel entering the tournament at Miyagi’s suggestion was the catalyst that led to Kreese’s hypothetical downfall. Miyagi had just been informed that he played a central role in another human being’s death and nonchalantly brushed the news off without a second thought. Like a true sociopath, he simply didn’t care about the consequences of his actions.


Kreese taught his students the way he did. Sooner or later those chickens were coming home to roost. So Kreese was the ultimate contributor to his own (hypothetical) demise. Also, don't forget that the reason everyone left Cobra Kai in the first place (leading to the hypothetical demise) was down to Kreeses actions in the car lot after the84' All Valley tournament against his own students.

Miyagi not caring too much about Kreeses (hypothetical) demise is neither here nor there. But seeing as you wish to discuss sociopaths, then look no further than Kreeses actions, Silvers also, all because Daniel actually won the tournament.


Miyagi had no role whatsoever in Kreese's demise deception. He did have a reaction and politely acknowledged his passing. Not knowing the man very well he had no reason to mourn him.


I know that, you know that, but certain folks around here are always gonna blame Miyagi or Daniel simply because they don't like them.
Go figure.


Had Daniel and Miyagi not entered the tournament, he would not have lost his students. They kickstarted the chain of events that led to his (hypothetical) death. He did not seem to grasp the gravity of the situation nor his role in it. A more thoughtful person would have been more reflective. The dismissiveness with which he greeted the news was disturbing.

Also, don't forget that the reason everyone left Cobra Kai in the first place (leading to the hypothetical demise) was down to Kreeses actions in the car lot after the84' All Valley tournament against his own students.

If he had been allowed to finish his chokehold lesson without Miyagi interrupting it would have been smooth sailing.

You people have a warped view of the world.


Had Daniel and Miyagi not entered the tournament, he would not have lost his students.

Something Kreese agreed to so once again the orchestrator of his own (hypothetical) demise.

If he had been allowed to finish his chokehold lesson without Miyagi interrupting it would have been smooth sailing.

Well that's just your theory isn't it? So your latest theory is that because he lost to Miyagi everybody left, is that it?
You really are reaching here.


Not putting the blame squarely on Miyagi, but he was a major player in the series of events which led to Kreese’s supposed death. His apathy and lack of reflection is telling.

If you got in a car crash on the way to Broken Scar Park or Harrods, I would take more than a few seconds to consider the gravity of the situation.


If you got in a car crash on the way to Broken Scar Park or Harrods, I would take more than a few seconds to consider the gravity of the situation.

But Miyagi isn't from our culture. The Japanese are a much more reserved culture. You cannot compare his show of emotion or lack thereof to ourselves.


There’s a difference between being reserved and showing zero sympathy for the death of a human being that you caused. Just like how Miyagi wasn’t even shocked when Whinielle pushed him to murder Kreese previously in the car lot.


There’s a difference between being reserved and showing zero sympathy for the death of a human being that you caused.

First off Miyagi listened politely while Silver (who had interrupted Miyagi and Daniels training) apologised for Kreeses dishonourable behaviour at the tournament (his words not mine). Secondly, Miyagi said he hoped Silver succeeded in helping Kreese rediscover his balance. Thirdly, he said sorry to hear of Kreeses death. Last and by no means least, it wasn't Miyagi who caused Kreeses (fake) death. It was Kreeses own actions.

Next time you watch these movies, take the blinkers off!


Daniel was visibly shaken by the news and attempted to process the tragedy through conversation (“Wow, that’s too bad.”), but Miyagi had already put it behind him, refusing to give the matter any further thought. (“Aye. Too bad Daniel-San [One second pause.] Come, we continue kata.”).

He had just learned of another person’s death which, intentionally or not, he had played a major role in causing and all he could think about was useless kata. He simply did not value human life.

Later on, Kreese showed more respect for Miyagi’s memory than Miyagi ever did for Kreese’s.


Daniel was visibly shaken by the news and attempted to process the tragedy through conversation (“Wow, that’s too bad.”). Miyagi had already put it behind him and didn’t give the matter any further thought. (“Aye. Too bad Daniel-San. [One second pause.] Come. We continue kata.”)

What did you want him to do, wallow in the death of a man he barely knew yet had caused so much shit? Fuck the fuck off!

He had just learned of another person’s death which, intentionally or not, he had played a major role in causing and all he could think about was his useless kata routine. He did not value human life.

Again, Kreeses fake death was down to him and him alone.

Later on, Kreese showed more respect for Miyagi’s memory than Miyagi ever did for Kreese’s.

Nope. That's just bullshit. Furthermore at least Miyagis death was genuine and not just a ruse to get sympathy.


Miyagi was a heartless bastard who didn’t understand the value of honesty, compassion or fair play. Your support of him reveals your own moral shortcomings.


Miyagi was a heartless bastard who didn’t understand the value of honesty, compassion or fair play. Your support of him reveals your own moral shortcomings.

You spelled Silvers name wrong.


His flat out apathy was the worst part. He didn’t even take time to say that he disliked him or reflect on his contributions to karate in the valley. He just shrugged it off.

Even the sociopaths in the Sopranos show more respect when their rivals pass away.


His flat out apathy was the worst part. He didn’t even take time to say that he disliked him or reflect on his contributions to karate in the valley. He just shrugged it off.


Even the sociopaths in the Sopranos show more respect when their rivals pass away.



If a Kai member died WA would pause for a moment shrug and resume building his bunker. Totally uncaring.


September is fast approaching.

“I ain’t got time to grieve!”


Ah yes, September. My birthday month. Guess where I'm spending my birthday?


Tahiti? Mamona would not give you any service due to the bad things you have said.


What are you doing on the boards at this time (not even six am in Hawaii) ?
Furthermore the reply was to NRC123...oh hang on, you are the same person, silly me I forgot for a moment there.


Making a pilgrimage to the crapshack location?

Jumping off Devil’s Cauldron?


No. I'll be in New York


Curious why you’re visiting New York and not LA? Afraid of running into Snake?


Always wanted to go to New York,

Not afraid of a movie character


You’re not welcome on this continent.

Let me know the dates you’re going to be there. Maybe I’ll make time to come across for Round 3.


You’re not welcome on this continent.

Apparently I am.

Let me know the dates you’re going to be there. Maybe I’ll make time to come across for Round 3.

I'll be there from 26th September until the 30th before flying down to Mexico for 10 days.


I can meet you at Washington Square Park on the 28th.

Don’t even think about backing down, or this, this will all seem like a happy memory.


No. I'll meet in the Empire State Building on the 27th. I'm doing something on the 28th.

I have a feeling you won't be there because you are full of shit.


We can’t have a fight indoors at the Empire State Building. It would be silly.
The proper place for a brawl would either be Washington Square or Central Park.


Why don’t you two fight on the observation deck at the Empire State Building? When you beat WA I’ll yell “finish him!” And you can throw him off the building.


When you beat WA I’ll yell “finish him!”

First off..When? Not going to happen.

Secondly... Why would you yell to yourself?


No, no. That’s not what karate is all about. It’s for defense.


But we can meet there


I’m not interested in a social greet up. I want to make your knuckles bleed for wrecking the board.


Who said anything about social?

I want to make your knuckles bleed for wrecking the board.

The only blood on my knuckles will be from your nose...if you even show up. You have form for saying you will and it not happening.


I can imagine Wears showing up to New York and punching a random American citizen falsely assuming it’s NRC123. Then the Port Authority will arrest Wears and have him deported back to England. WA will have to go to the Queen, cap in hand, and explain how he caused an international incident .


Why would I falsely assume a random American citizen was you.

The rest of your post is simply you rambling on again.


You’re so hopped up on cocaine and revenge that you’re gonna show to New York ready for a fight. The first New Yorker who looks at you funny (as you’d be wearing your gi on the streets) you’ would punch him assuming him to be a Kai member. This would spark an international incident and you would have your passport revoked.


You’re so hopped up on cocaine and revenge that you’re gonna show to New York ready for a fight.

You're confusing me with Terry Silver.

The first New Yorker who looks at you funny (as you’d be wearing your gi on the streets)

You're still confusing me with Terry Silver.

you’ would punch him assuming him to be a Kai member. This would spark an international incident and you would have your passport revoked.

Now you are confusing me with you. It's the drugs isn't ? Just say no!


No one could confuse you with Terry Silver. You lack desire devotion and discipline.


No one could confuse you with Terry Silver.

You just did.

You lack desire devotion and discipline.

You don't get to be a 7th dan by lacking those things.


Daniel ostensibly got to be a black belt didn’t he? Do you think he has desire devotion and discipline?


Have you watched the Karate Kid? Furthermore, if you feel he had none of those things, what has that got to do with me? I earned Blackbelt through passing grading after grading at a standard set by the association. The standard was high enough for me to make the National team. What have you ever done except eat Cheetos and fantasising?


You claimed that anyone who gets to be a black belt has desire devotion and discipline. You claim that Daniel is a legit black belt therefore you believe he has the 3 Ds same as you define them. The first 2 I can’t give you, the 3rd I can but you have to be willing to receive it.


You can't give me anything regarding Karate. You are a basement dwelling, cheetos eating waste of space.. You may not have any respect for me but at least have respect for Martial Arts and shut the fuck up!

Furthermore, get some rest. All this sleep deprivation isn't good for you.


If you had an discipline you wouldn’t have no showed at Scar Park. NRC123 flew across the Atlantic and you couldn’t be bothered. You also no showed at Jamaica when I went there ( at least you sent your girlfriend) This time is going to be a fight to the death. You vs NRC123 at Federal Hall.. Party time!


He still hasn’t apologized or given a reason for no showing. You go through all that trouble and he couldn’t be bothered. Inconsiderate.


No such place as Scar Park. If you mean Broken Scar, then I was in Negril waiting for you who no showed. Wanker.


I was in Jaimaiica and some girl came in the bar yelling who is cruisin109. Why didn’t you show up yourself?


No.You didn't even know of any girl until I told you. You weren't there, pure and simple. Just like you weren't there 2 months ago.


I heard some girl yelling who is cruisin109. It was sort of embarrassing. I wasn’t going to fight a girl.


Describe the girl. Describe Ricks cafe. Let's see if you are telling the truth.


It was Wears in a wig


I don’t think it was Wears in drag. WA seriously sent a women into the bar yelling out my name. It had to be one of the most cringeworthy things anyone has ever done.


describe Ricks Cafe. describe the woman. If you were there you would be able to. Put up or shut up, boy!


You must be so embarrassed sending a girl to fight your battles for you. Just like Daniel hiding behind Jessica when Barnes Snake and Dennis visited the crapshack.


Describe the woman and describe Ricks Cafe. Let's see if you were really there. Put up or shut up!


Tell us where Benosheabutters is.


Instead of lying on the internet and mouthing off to your imaginary friend, describe the woman and describe Ricks Cafe to prove you have been there and let's end your charade. PUT UP OR SHUT UP, YOU WANKER!


That’s it Im making a citizens arrest. Wears Alan…you are under arrest for the murder of benosheabutters. You have the right to remain silent.


Wash, rinse, repeat. You just recyle the same old bullshit. You had an opportunity to prove your side of the story and as usual you dodged the issue. You have once again shown your self to be a liar and a fantasist on a public forum. Well done you wanker!


You have the right to an attorney


You have been found wanting. You lack the basic ability to be honest. You are a buffoon at best. You suffer from multi personality disorder. I wonder if I shouted Kevin Wendell Crumb, would the board get to meet the real you. Would the real you be allowed in to the light? Some how I doubt it.


Anything you say may be used against you.






You weren't in Jamaica, we've already established that. There is no such place as Scar Park either. If anyone had flown across the Atlantic they would have quickly discovered that too. So stop with the bullshit. Where were you on the 12th May? Oh that's right , another lie from the annals of cruisin109.
You won't show in New York either. But here we go, Empire State Building 29th September, 1 o'clock in the afternoon.


I was and so was that girl you sent in. Where were you?


No you weren't and you know it. You are fantasist, no more and no less.


Why go through the trouble of sending a girl in the bar and not just show up yourself? You were afraid I’d hurt you so you instead hid behind a girl. I wasn’t even going to hurt you much. I’d flip you like a pancake and then buy you a beer as a consolation.


I wasn't there because of covid restrictions in this country. But I still established the fact that you were a lying no show. You couldn't flip a pancake let alone a person you moke!


You would have landed like a thud on your backside and the whole bar would have erupted with laughter.


You weren't there.


I thought you said you wanted to visit New Jersey? A pilgrimage to Danny Boys hometown.


Why would you think that seeing as I've never ever said that? Plus seeing as he's been in California for most of his life I daresay he considers California his home town now.


If you do come to NJ drop me a message. It is my home and I’m really here.




Will do


Well seeing as I'm not building a bunker you couldn't be more wrong. But seeing as you talk about showing emotion etc..I recall you joking about my mothers death.

Shameful and hypocritical on your part.


Not true. I referenced your mother not knowing she had passed. You told me she was given and I expressed my sympathies. You in the other hand joked about Rob Garrisons death in Sept 2019 which goes down in history as the worst thing anyone has ever done.


I referenced your mother not knowing she had passed. You told me she was given and I expressed my sympathies.

Not true dickhead, you've never expressed your sympathies.

You in the other hand joked about Rob Garrisons death in Sept 2019 which goes down in history as the worst thing anyone has ever done.

Yet I wasn't the first. That was another Kai, yet none of you lambasted them...hypocrite!


The only blood on my knuckles will be from your nose...if you even show up. You have form for saying you will and it not happening.

Come on old man. Let’s see how good you really are.

This is going to be great. Will win one for the board, then go home and binge watch as Barnes and Silver destroy Miyagi-do once and for all.


This is going to be great.

Not for you.

Will win one for the board,

No chance.

then go home and binge watch as Barnes and Silver destroy Miyagi-do once and for all.

You won't even turn up.


Any story needs conflict between a protagonist & antagonist to work. That was all the writers could think of.


They had a previous relationship. While making love, Daniel clinched his buttcheeks, squeezing Mike's weiner. He's still a little sore.


Why did Barnes hate Daniel so much?

He reminded him of both Elias and Chris


Barnes was doing it for the money and Daniel initially refused to compete. As Barnes said, it interfered with his financial future and I think most of his actions was just to "motivate" Daniel into entering the tournament.
