plot hole , non time travel

When they were trying out different methods of getting the car up to 88mph, they tried a team of horses.

Why would Doc , a man of science , a student of all sciences , who is capable of building a time machine amongst other things ....
... not dismiss this retarded idea out of hand immediately?


Maybe Doc is a true scientist that wants to test things directly as opposed to your Clergymen Scientists who never question what they learn in commie school that you love so much


That there is another case of the right describing its own ugliest features (in this case following religion over fact) as a left thing .


A bunch of guys in white jump suits who all went to class gatherings to learn what was in science books that they must never question lest they be ousted from their community and considered a right winger....No that doesn't sound like the history of religion at all.


I have no idea what you are blathering about.

but the left believe in science, The Right dismiss it if they dont like it and call it a hoax , and make out the scientists were paid to give the wrong answers.

I personally believe in peer reviewed science with proof and all that stuff ,
as did doc brown.

A Scientist doesent need to actually test if 2 horses run faster than one horse
established maths and physics tells you the answer

if you think that proven peer reviewed math & science is Commie bullshit that you should not beleive , then you best go back to the cave and bang some rocks together and check everything from there for yourself.


If the left believed in established science we wouldn't have the big mess in women's sports right now.


its not a "big mess" its one or two trannies competing.
99% of "left" does not support them . I dont anyway.


The point he made is valid. The right tends to be the party of fact and science, the left the party of feelings and deception. Look at your "following religion over fact" nonsense as a perfect example. There are atheists on both sides of the political aisle just as there are religious folk on both sides. Neither side relies on religion as any sort of proof to supersede science, even if individuals on both sides sometimes do.


covid - hoax
climate change - scam
vaccines - kill you

which party is that?


None that I'm aware of. Instead, you've listed the made-up talking points of the left. Why not add trickle-down economics to your list of things the right has not actually said?


Think about it, do you think Doc would have ever built a Time Machine in the first place if he was a highly respected man in the science community? If he went through the motions and never questioned the narrative he wouldn't have built a time Machine. He would be in the present right now telling lies for big pharma.



Even if Im granting your premise... I'm still trying to figure out how that's considered a "plot hole."


I guess its not in the strict sense (like most plot hole threads)

But you know , it just *wouldnt happen* , its Doc's job to keep the science on track and tell Marty when his ideas are pointless and wont work.

The idea that adding more horses with a maximum untethered speed of 25mph will somehow get them up to 88 is so stupid and immediately doomed to failure that ... well .... thats why its almost a "plothole" that doc would entertain it.

He'd have been much better pushing on with the "whisky-into-gasoline" idea , even id it meant repairing that manifold with 18th C tools


TBH completely agree. I do laugh every time they smash cut to the scene of them riding the Delorean like a carriage as if "Hey maybe this will work."


That's why it's in there. It's in there for laughs! I really hope that the people who are posting on here debating that scene are trolling...


ikr? like sandman's post a little further down


Maybe he'd travelled to 1987 and watched the Bond film, The Living Daylights, which shows horses being able to move faster than a plane:-

Maybe that confused him...


As a man of science, you wouldn't rule out any possibility until you know for certain in won't work. Especially the two simplest ways: the car running on its own, or having horses pull it. If one horse could get to 25 mph, it could be possible for 4 horses to get to 100 mph. Then 6 horses could pull the DeLoren. It was a theory he had to try before ruling out.


Think about what you wrote. If I were say to you that since the average man can run about 20 miles per hour, it makes sense that if I tether 5 men together they should be able to run 100 miles per hour, would you need to test my theory? Do you really think a "man of science" would need to test it?


I see where you're going. The horse are not capable of going 88 mph but He was desperate and trying anything he could think of.


The scene was put in specifically for IMDb users. You know the ones that always need to know: "whY diDn't TheY trY hoRseS to PulL it!?"

To which intelligent, educated people would reply, "because Doc knows that horses can't run that fast, so he didn't even bother to try it."

They would then complain, "well how would he know for sure unless he tried it. Would it be so hard for them to just put in a quick scene of a few seconds showing trying and failing?"


yup , Sandman81 would have written that. and did in fact.
