MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > The Ultimate Line-Up Of Bad Rappers

The Ultimate Line-Up Of Bad Rappers

In no particular order I humbly offer the following:

1. Robert "Vanillia Ice" VanWinkle

2. sirK ssorK (Kris Kross)

3. GNR frontman Axl Rose's "Rap Song" MY WORLD on the UYI 2 album.

4. Marky Mark

5. Snow

6. Right Said Fred (I'm Too Sexy For This Rap)

7. Any Person Who Raps For JESUS

Who am I missing?

The Raptor


Kid Rock

Kid N Play

and lastly...

MC "stop" Hammer-time aka two legit er sold out to quit...he has to be on this list...he and the ice man were on the sureal life


I heard this guy on the radio yesterday and can't believe I forgot him.

"MR. Rico Suave" himself - GERRADO


Mase and P.Diddly.


Hell no! Mase was a great rapper, he really could flow. Diddy to an extent I agree with, but Mase had crazy talent. If you heard some of his stuff before he came to Bad Boy, you'd change your opinion.

My top five

5)- Snow
4)- Gerrardo
3)- Shaq
2)- Sean Paul
1)- Ja f*cking Rule


50 Cent, for goodness sake, the man sounds he isn't opening his mouth when rapping.


i agree that pdiddy is one of the worst rappers out there. he has no flow and his lyrics are horrible!


Dude, how would you sound if you took a bullet to the face?


Oh, by the way, why didn't anyone mention Master P? He's the paradigm of the American Dream...other than money, all he ever produces is bs!


like P diddy (wtf) or Fiddy (wtf) and they never did.



Sean paul.
50 cent


Sean Paul isn't a rapper.


Lil Wayne
Lil Jon
Vanilla Ice
Any Member of the Black Eyed Peas

These are the names that come off the top of my head when you talk about worst rappers ever. So bear in mind this is not after picking my brain. Also bear in mind that rap is FAR from my favorite genre of music (actually, it's a genre that I don't listen to very much).

I know I'm going to catch a lot of flak for putting Lil Wayne on the list, I don't care. He's a terrible rapper, with terrible flow. Probably more overrated than Lil Jon.

Btw, saying that a musician has sold a lot of albums is NOT a good argument as to their musical talent. No one can deny that making money is not directly correlated with making good quality product. The entire argument is invalid because every musician mentioned here has (at one point in time) made a lot of money, and sold a lot of albums. So how is one rapper less eligible to be labeled as terrible if another one isn't? Awful is awful, regardless of how many people think otherwise. Black Eyed Peas always manage to have a hit song on the radio. Musically, they're the most simplistic, obnoxious, and overrated act I've ever heard. But, they're very catchy, and people continue to like them because of it.





Yeahhhhh. I'm glad I got American Life for $4. The rap bits on it are totally worth it just to laugh at.





I met MC Hammer a few times. He lives over in Tracy California. Anyway.

I don't listen to rap but I must say Mike Jones really dose suck. I mean listen to this.

All off his one album.


Can't really say Hammer 'sold out,' since everything he did back then (Endorsements, pop songs, sell truckloads of records, and attain Crossover/Mainstream Success), rappers are doing now...


thats 3 of the top 10 BEST RAP ACTS EVER!! SORRY


Rappers that IMHO Suck...

MC J & Cool G
Young MC
The Fat Boys
Gerardo (heheeh Remember Him? What a Gigolo)
Urban Dance Squad.....

Any more?


I disagree with some of these...

Snow was one of the best and most respected reggae toasters in Canada (which is saying something, considering the islander imigrant population in cities like Toronto)

The Fat Boys are probably among the best of the humorous old school MC's... ranking up there with Biz Markie. They were really damn talented MC's.

Did Right Said Fred actually rap? More of sing-songy speaking.




Not this year repete86 !!!

"Timmay, I live in a lie, I live in a lie, Timmay"


Dude, I'm a rocker. I don't like rap much. But still, you flame a message board, and you insist they listen to the Cure. The Cure, a precursor of the unfortunate emo trend. I'm a rocker and I'd rather hear a full-party mix of cheesy 80s rappers as the spirit of wiggah-Ice talked about things he stole from David Bowie and Freddie Mercury, than listen to that piece of crap whiny band you call "music".

And rap actually takes talent, so don't deny it and hide behind a bunch of vinyls and tapes of people moping. Not as much talent as most classic rock, in the opinion of myself and many others, but it still requires a certain level of talent.

uhhhhh... suckas betta recognize?

Yeah, I'll stop now.


uhh i don't know where all that stuff about the cure came from,
but it think the question here was not which rapper's you don't like, but rather, which are bad enough to be genuinely laughable. obviously vanilla ice is #1, because of this movie. also, on an unrelated note, how does a person (50cent for example) get shot in the face (i've heard rumors of 9 times) and not only survive, but not have any scars. And why would that make him sound like his mouth was never open, and why would that make it ok that it does sound like that? i dunno


50cent did get shot 9 times ,or so they say ,but only once in the face, if you look on his left cheek it looks like he has a dimple thats the scar. and the voice thing is to do with his jaw and teeth moving when he got shot or something like that




The Cure isn't that special. Neither is the Velvet Underground. You want some Real Music? Put on Swans sometime. Or Gordian Knot. Or A Silver Mt. Zion. Or Ayreon. Or Bathory. Or Sol Invictus. Or Dire Straits.

-Bad waves of paranoia. Madness. Fear and loathing.-


every rapper is crap all they wont is money girls and most of all the puplic and they all think there great but there all poofs and they should all get shot.


Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon.

"Ulli doesn't care about anything. He's a Nihilist. - Ah. Must be exhausting."



You may as well just list every rapper that ever existed.



Can't wait to hear Ron Artest's album.

I never lose. Never really.
-Jef Costello



I wonder why the Beastie Boys haven't been mentioned.

"Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" -Patrick Henry


Anyone remember Jesse Jaymes of Shake it Like a White Girl and College Girls Are Easy um "fame"? He was pretty bad, but funny for how good he thought he was.


As what???
The Beastie Boys are friggin pioneers...they're widely recognized as legends by rappers AND rockers.....

"We were around Barstow when the drugs began to take effect."


Modern rap has lost its way, to say that all rappers are bad is just ignorant.


that dude who raps in that c+c music factory song "everybody dance now". hows that line go?...."im like a squirrel, tryin to get a nut, so move your butt." or something,


No, but a common mistake. Jesse Jaymes put out the album 30 Footer in Your Face with some horrendous tracks on it that are so awful that you can't stop listening as you discover boasts that make no sense. Blatant ripoffs of Young MC, Dee Lite, Beasties etc. It's on Amazon for about $2, well worth a listen. Makes William Hung and the Macho Man sound like vintage Tribe.



I agree with you, man. Modern rappers just suck compared to the old days. I'm old school all the way (well, middle school, I guess). I listen to Dre's The Chronic, Ice Cube's Predator and Tupac's Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z. more than any other rap cd I own. Back then the sh!t was brand new getting taken to whole new heights, now it's same old same old.

Skee-lo, you don't remember him? Mid 90's, had a buzz clip on MTV for his song "I Wish" (I think that was what it was called). You know..."I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her". Total Crap.

Anyone out there remember Domino? He was awful, too. Had 2 songs on the radio I can remember, "Ghetto Jam" and "Sweet Potato Pie". I downloaded them recently to see if they were as bad as I remember, and yeah...they were.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams.


I think yuo guys forgot Shaq when talking about bad rappers. Personally, I like Talib Kweli, NORE, and Common.


Skee-lo was a dude that had a semi-hit back in about the middle 90's... The album was called "I Wish"... That was the hit song from it that I remember also... Went something like....

I wish I was little bit taller,
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
and a '64 Impala


I'm the first person here to bring up eminem or Li'l kim, which is really sad.


how can you say eminem is a bad rapper there is no one around who comes close to em he is the greates,his last two albums where not his best work i agree but listen to his lyrics and then say he's crap
