MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Since they are both so-called "wiggers" who made it in rap... how come Marshall Mathers gets the critical acclaim while Ripoff Van Winkle is now a joke?


I always thought they were the same person ... WOW ... something learned every day !!! ROTFLMFAO



Because Eminem has proven himself time and time again as a fully capable MC. Vanilla Ice was a gimmick.


Eminem will eventually become the butt of many, many jokes.

We can't stop here, this is bat country.


chuckeatscake - (Fri Sep 5 2008 20:30:42) - "Eminem will eventually become the butt of many, many jokes."

Why wait?

You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.


Eminem and Vanilla Ice have very little in common beyond being rappers who are white. Eminem is considered to have genuine skill as a rapper, and he puts all of his heart, lays himself bare and exposes all his demons in his music. Vanilla Ice was just an insipid, vapid assclown.



WORD! (to your mother)


WORD! (to your mother)

Hey, word to ALL of our mothers.
Peace out.


Look at the totally different timeframes these artists broke out in....

Vanilla Ice had like the 80's-90's and Eminem had the late 90's-2000's....I mean I actually kinda liked this film for what is was worth and Vanilla Ice was kinda hott in a totally 80's way,but let's face it he's corny as hell,the hair,the clothes,the songs,the name,I could go on and on....Eminem made it in an industry that is African-American based and he worked with Dr.Dre and founded 50 Cent,I mean he has catchy,yet non-cheesy songs,he's done well for himself and he like Vanilla Ice made a movie,but unlike Vanilla Ice proved that he could act......

In the darkness that surrounds me
I see my own special hell



Eminem is just as bad as Vanilla Ice!!!

"And if a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his a$$ a-hoppin'"


Because Eminem is good?



Eminem's marketing and PR apparatus were FAR more sophisticated and savvy than those of Vanilla Ice. Its mostly that PR and marketing in general were in their relative infancy in the early '90s, and few knew how to successfully handle him properly.

Todays marketing is light-years ahead of anything that existed back then. Its a well-oiled network of PR flacks, celebrity gossip mills, targeting advertising, demographic specific data collection and highly attuned focus groups. Anyone can be famous today with the right effort behind them. And most famous people --especially musicians-- are little more than a well developed product, with almost no say in their own message, style or work.


Vanilla Ice had the wrong Jews promoting him.

And Eminem is more than a capable rapper, he is actually more along the lines as one of the ten (10) best rap artists of all time. He is an accomplished producer and business man, and makes a lot more money than the people who call him a wigger and an ass clown. And that's what it really comes down to.


royal jelly i'll make an amendment. eminem and vanilla ice make or have made a lot more money than the people who call them wiggers and ass clowns. that is what it really comes down to. by the way what the hell does it mean to be a rapper and who are the ten best?



True. I hate rap as a general rule, but Eminem is very good at what he does.

There's really no comparison unless you're a racist. One of them built on their initial success and won a Grammy, and one of them managed said success by surreptitiously plagiarizing another song wholesale and then sold out to the Turtles.

By the way,

