MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Since they are both so-called "wiggers" who made it in rap... how come Marshall Mathers gets the critical acclaim while Ripoff Van Winkle is now a joke?


They both stink!


Since they are both so-called "wiggers" who made it in rap... how come Marshall Mathers gets the critical acclaim while Ripoff Van Winkle is now a jokE

i cant imagine eminem getting any acclaim having seen his movie.

8 mile was even worse than cool as ice.


I think that since MM actually lived the life he raps about while Van faked it all (albeit not all his fault) has a lot to do with it. As soon as people found out that Ice didn't have it so bad before he broke it big but in rap it was supposed to be "thugs fo real" or whatever. I can see how that worked out.

With that said, I'd take Ice over MM any day. And I won't deny that M&M is the better business man, much like almost all successful rap "artists".

All in all though, rap is just another brick in the wall. Only in America can billions of dollars be spent in the wrong place = rap.

Any who argue can go grab their own crotch and rap about it. I'll put a dollar in your hat.


"Street cred" is probably the main reason.

Eminem grep up in a very rough area of Detroit, so many if the things he raps about he has really seen firsthand. Ice came out of nowhere and claimed he was from the mean streets of Miami, when he actually grew up in the upperclass Dallas suburb of Carrollton, Texas.

I'm not the biggest fan of Eminem and I don't think he's the best rapper ever, or even close, but he is much more talented than Ice ever was.


Had it not have been for Vanilla Ice I don't think Eminem would have made it half as big as he has, though he is much more talented than Ice. This may be true, but I think we can singlehandedly credit Ice for bringing hip hop to a much larger audience.

Also there is somewhat of a truth to Eminem's lyrics whereas Ice was just a wannabe. He fizzled out quicker than MC Hammer did.


It's like this...Vanilla Ice was a white version of MC Hammer, with the big jackets, silly dance moves, etc. Hammer became a joke, and so did V. Ice. Eminem wasn't trying to be all slick dancer with a puffy wardrobe. He's white but he's all about the raps, which are pretty good and so has credibility with the black youth, not just suburban white kids. Mr. Van Winkle was a one hit wonder, and a lot of that song is stolen from a great Queen/David Bowie song. Mr. Mathers has a bunch of hits, ably produced by Dr. Dre.

By the way, here is MC Hammer at his best, back in '87 I believe:


Two words: Beastie Boys!


Two words: Beastie Boys!

two words: rich brats


Okay, White guys performing Black music...
Vanilla Ice was criticized for his lack of street creds. So, Robbie Van Winkle decided to fabricate street creds to enhance his image(even on the Arsenio Hall Show) and in the end he pissed a lot of people off and couldn't save his short lived career because it wasn't true or even partially convincing. His first album was bubble gum pop that the white kids loved (as a DJ I know you can still play "Ice Ice Baby" with limited success at parties) but that's also why his second album was live simutaneously released with the movie "Cool As Ice" and his third album had him cursing and rapping about weed. They were trying to cash in on the fame before it faded. Next stop reality shows on VH1. LOL. In the 90's he was like Brian Austin Green's David character on Beverly Hills 90210... Wik Wik Wack!

Fast forward to the Canadian Reggae artist Snow. He was a "Canadian" whiteboy who had the street creds and fared quite well initially having his first single "Informer" reach Billboard's #1 spot for 7 weeks straight. He has had limited success since then but I might add that no one ever makes cracks about Snow.

The Beastie Boys originally started with a helping hand from Run DMC. "Licensed To Ill" is by far one the greatest albums I have ever owned by a pre-Eminem caucasian rap artist. They have always been on time.

Now, one more example... Milli Vanilli. The name inspires smirks and sneers. Sadly, their image was perfect for the hip hop scene but America wasn't ready to accept the fact that they didn't sing their own lyrics. I personally don't see what the big deal was, the songs were catchy and the beats were awesome. It just goes to show how fickle the public is.


Eminem was just better than Vanilla Ice, plain and simple!

Like many of the posters claim, MM had actual street cred and told many legendary rhymes about his problems while RVW was just another product in the music industry to get a "wide audience" a.k.a. white people into rap.

In short:
MM=Legendary rapper
RVW=Legendary poser

The best white rappers in my opinion were The Beastie Boys despite their Jewish roots and punk influence.

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


Right. How come no one understands that? Its talent, thats all!


What about 3rd Bass? They were a good white rap duo. They even clowned VI in the Pop Goes The Weasel song and video.

V. Ice ripped off David Bowie, Queen AND a historically Black Greek fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha [A-PHI]) in one swoop, with one song.


Beacuse Mathers actually has talent. And isnt just a ploy or whatever you want to call it.


Simple. Eminem is better in just about every way. Not to mention Vanilla Ice made it harder for any white rappers from being taken seriously after his fame. Vanilla Ice was a gimmick, he was a white guy who could make words rhyme and they exploited the *beep* out of him.

Eminem was a battle rapper from detroit who had already made a name for himself at the rap olympics and scribble jams before dre even found him. Even then he wasn't given a free pass because im sure most knowledged hip hop fan knows how many great artists who signed with dr dre have fallen to the waist side. He took being a white rapper from being a punch line to being cool. He re-opened doors that were closed by Vanilla Ice.


Basically, they are both equally bad. It's just that Marshall rode on Dre's dick to glory, whereas Robert wasn't as (un)fortunate.
