MovieChat Forums > Cool as Ice (1991) Discussion > Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Why is Ice bad but Eminem good?

Since they are both so-called "wiggers" who made it in rap... how come Marshall Mathers gets the critical acclaim while Ripoff Van Winkle is now a joke?


You OBVIOUSLY have absolutely no clue at all about hip hop, and I seriously question whether you have any clue towards music in general as well. Eminem produced two back-to-back CLASSIC albums, The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP. Eminem, especially in those days, was the best mainstream rapper in the game and probably the best pop artist as well. He dealt with a large spectrum of issues in his songs, and had incredibly good technical abilities as well as witty and sharp-as-a-tack lyrics. Now, to contrast Eminem to (ugh) Vanilla Ice, let's take a look at an excerpt each from one of their songs. So as to not confuse you, I'll just go ahead and take some lyrics from their biggest hits (in Eminem's case, ONE of his biggest, in Vanilla Ice's, his ONLY.)

Vanilla Ice in "Ice Ice Baby"

"Now that the party is jumping/with the bass kicked in and the vegas are pumpin/quick to the point to the point no faking/I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon/burning them if you ain't quick and nimble/I go crazy when I hear a cymbal/
And a hi-hat with a souped up tempo/I'm on a roll and it's time to go solo/Rollin' in my 5.0/With my rag-top down so my hair can blow

I could go on about these lyrics, but they speak for themself. That there are rumors that Ice DIDN'T EVEN *beep* WRITE THEM HIMSELF... well, I'm at a loss here. Now here's a bit from Eminem's OSCAR WINNING song, "Lose Yourself".

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy/There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti/He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready/To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting/What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud/He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out/He's choking how, everybody's joking now/The clock's run out, time's up over, blah!

Obviously you can see that one is a lyrical genius and one is a one hit wonder buffoon. I'm not even a die hard Eminem fan, you just need to open your *bleep*ing ears, dude.



First up..reply to above jack ass, Kid rock is not a rapper, never has been.

Eminem is cool i like his music, But..He has a huge amount of support staff, I.e Ghost writers, producers, theme managers, PR lackeys etc. Eminem is a brand that was created by Dr Dre and his people, THAT is the reason everyone is into him.

Eminem had released 99% of his first 2 albums before he was promoted to hell on MTV and guess what? no one bought them.

He is a very talented but sadly disturbed guy, auto tune and the behind the scenes people have made him huge.

The majority of Eminem music is insane rants and psychotic fantasy's, that while they sound good, are absolutely pathetic lyrically. (i say this and i am a big M&M fan)

Vanilla ice was dressed to appeal to the teens of that era, it worked at that time. Eminem was Set up for late 90's-00s youth, they both have talent, they both have appeal.

Vanilla Ice has put out some damn good music in the last 10 years that most of you probably have not heard, he is hugely popular live, is respected by real Hip Hop royalty, Chuck D, Beastie Boys etc.

Give the guy a break. He wrote Ice ice baby when he was 15, put out a version of that album when he was 17, sold 40,000 copies unpromoted (about 40 000 more than Eminem sold of his first 2 albums combined, until Dre and the jews came along).

Vanilla hooked up with a small time manager, went ballistic way too fast, but had the sense to OWN his own label, music copy writes etc, made in excess of $100m in 3 yrs, sold 25m albums etc, made way more $$ than Eminem, who pays 77% of his income to the record company and others.


First up..reply to above jack ass, Kid rock is not a rapper, never has been.

Kid Rock actually did start his career as a rapper and DJ. It was pretty clearly documented on the Behind the Music episode that the said "jackass" was referring to. Kid Rock later transitioned into whatever crap he plays today, but yeah, dude was a rapper first.

As for the difference between Eminem and Vanilla Ice, someone already said it. Vanilla Ice was a gimmick, plain and simple. Ice's background, songs, image and everything else about him were created by some crap creative team who were just looking to cash in on the hip hop/rap trend of the moment. I remember when that insipid ass song of his came out. The only people that liked him and that stupid song were suburban kids (mostly girls) who didn't like "regular rap". That makes sense because that's exactly who his target audience was. Even at age 12, I could tell he was a contrived act and didn't even bother with that mess.

Eminem is very obviously not a contrived act which explains some of his acclaim and success. He's not really my cup of tea music wise, but he writes about what he knows and he's genuine.

Life is nothing if you're not obsessed.


Tacks aren't that sharp.


Cause you never saw Eminem wearing a coat and shorts at the same time like some kind of retard.



umm vanella ice tries way too hard to be ghetto gangster fly. ''drop that zero and get with a hero'' are you serious..??

eminum is just being himself he doesnt have to try...i thought this was obivous

i like these clothes i like this hair, it's not emo it's not anything ¬¬


IMO, Ice is much better than Eminem. Although many people don't think so, Vanilla Ice definitely has proven his Emcee skills and Eminem is only a better Actor with 8 Mile. If you have me vote on who is better, I would definitely vote for Vanilla Ice.


Well, I haven't heard any of Vanilla Ice's music. but the general complaint is that his songs are generic and his rhymes aren't very original. I can't say whether or not it's true, and I suspect some people are a little overly critical. However, Eminem is considered a good rapper because he makes interesting and difficult rhythmic patterns and rhyme schemes, and his songs are autobiographical, which, when you've had a life as messed up as his, is a considerable creative risk.


I'm not stupid, I just dupe it!!


rap is about posing, and vanilla ice's style just didn't last is all.


Eminem and Vanilla Ice have absolutely zero in common aside from their skin color.


Eminem has genuine skill and talent as well as having the support of the Hip Hop community and the fans. Vanilla Ice never did and never will.

Vanilla Ice was a culture bandit who was exiled from Hip Hop by his peers.

"And what am I supposed to do while you're on a yellow brick quest for a brain?"


