waste of time

what a bad film. rubbish. turned it off halfway and deleted it. awful


Well then at least they didn't lose any money on you downloading it...


true. but time got lost.


true. but time got lost.

So you thought you would waste more time posting on here that you wasted you time?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


hahahahaha good one!


lol..... How far did you get?

You do realize that you have missed one of the best zombie movie/gore fest endings of any film?.....

Kids today have the attention spa..... oh look. A penny!

Having completed the nineties, I am now attempting the next level....


Kids today have the attention spa..... oh look. A penny!

You know, I'm really getting tired of people like you who repeatedly use the same typical generic assumptions of: 'Oh, this person didn't like the same movie I do...how dare they...this movie is a FANTASTIC genre piece...oh, I get it. He's a kid, a silly kid who can't concentrate.'

Ugh. Why don't you also say that he doesn't know what a good movie is...or "He didn't get it" too while you're at it!

I'm 22 years old. Look in my profile at my movie ratings...I've seen plenty of films and I can watch a movie nearly 6 hours long like "The Stand" -- doesn't bother me.

But Braindead is a POS movie just like the OP stated!



Sad such a young dude as yourself has such a pisspoor sense of humor.

Dead Alive is incredible.


All I thought was funny was that this guy missed the end of the movie, Which is one of the best in Zombie film history, because he got bored....

Also, I looked at your film list.... My god! did you copy it from a magazine? It's like a list of "all the films you HAVE to see to pretend you understand film!" article.....

Also, you sat through all of "The Stand" in one sitting? There goes your film buff credability!

Having completed the nineties, I am now attempting the next level....


Also, I looked at your film list.... My god! did you copy it from a magazine? It's like a list of "all the films you HAVE to see to pretend you understand film!" article.....

Ugh, retard alert. Yeah, that's why I give Citizen Kane a 6/10 as I believe it is overrated but give The Exorcist a 9/10 and cnsider it t be among the 15 best films I've ever seen. Stop being such a fool it's a personal movie rating list! I rate a movie based on how well made I thought it was!

Also, you sat through all of "The Stand" in one sitting? There goes your film buff credability!

Yeah, because God forbid that I watch a TV movie from beginning to end...and I never actually stated if I enjoyed it or not. I simply pointed out that I can concentrate, I have an attention span, I can watch a six hour long "movie"...with no problems. You freaking idiot!



ok, kid. Lets not start with the name calling.
I have not once stated that my favourite films are better than your favourite films. (some of my favourite films are considered rubbish by the masses) I did not even say that this film is good or not, just that the ending is a Zombie/Gore film classic and should at least be watched!

You asked me to look at your film list and to use it to confirm your ability to watch lots of films. It didn't. It just told me that you watch films that other people think are good. Shame. Maybe you should try to diversify your choices in the future to really get a feel for what YOU think is good.

You seem to fear your own opinion. My advice is to stop listening to others and enjoy yourself.

Having completed the nineties, I am now attempting the next level....


Boy I seriously feel sorry for you. I rate films based on how well made they are...Kid. I enjoy these movies for their brilliance. Yes, I have guilty pleasures, I do not conform to the norm either.

Thank you.



Please tell me why you feel sorry for me?

oh, and try to keep to the subject....
Is the end of this film a zombie/gore classic?
Is it funny that some one missed out on that classic scene because they got bored with the begining?
Is it odd that some one spent time writing "waste of time" on a forum board about a film they think is rubbish?
Why are you fighting this persons corner?

Having completed the nineties, I am now attempting the next level....


In my opinion, The-Walking-Dude lost all credibility on rating movies when he gave "The Dark Knight" a 7/10 and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" a 7/10..."The Dark Knight" can't touch that movie.

also he rated Oldboy a 8/10, implying that it was a good movie, and implying it was better than both of the above.


He gave District 9 a 4/10? That movie is so much better than a four, I know most wouldn't but I'd rate it higher than The Dark Knight, I think we could agree that it deserves a way higher score than four, it's one of the best movies of the past five years. Wait wait wait wait... he gave Magnolia and Donnie Darko 6/10? Those movies deserve at least an 8 I think. At least he likes Harold and Maude, because if he rated that low, I'd kill his family.



-- I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been


So people can't have personal opinions I guess? Dark Knights is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. So what if I or anyone else rated it a 10? You automatically assume he or she doesn't have any taste right? I do watch lots of old classic movies too. Appreciating classic movies doesn't automatically mean one has to discredit new movies of this era which may be equally brilliant.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


I'm not going to criticize anyone's taste in movies, but when someone can give one of their Top 15 Movies a 9/10 I think he may have set his standards just a wee bit high.



If you were expecting the same type of movie like the l.o.t.r. trilogy or even my personal favorite "Heavenly Creatures". You are sorely mistaken. I just watched this last night, and I could not stop laughing. I loved it. It was complete cheese and I don't know if that was the intended effect but I loved "Dead Alive" aka "Brain Dead" I really hope that he goes back and makes one of these cheesy gore fest movies again.


I'm 22 years old. Look in my profile at my movie ratings...I've seen plenty of films and I can watch a movie nearly 6 hours long like "The Stand" -- doesn't bother me.

Difference being, you sat and watched the WHOLE film, then decide whether you like it or not.
The OP stated they watched HALF of the film and got "bored". I can make a list of many films that are "boring"...but are still damn fine pieces of film-making.

But I sit through a WHOLE film (like you) before I give my opinion.

Point being, how can the OP claim the film was no good when they did not watch it?

The OP also claimed they wasted their time...but wnet on to waste more time telling us they wasted time.
Really the OP is just a penis head trying to get some attention and annoy fans for the sole purpose of trolling...hence the remarks aimed at them.

My other point...don't compare yourself to this idiot.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from it's just we hear the same old unprecedented generalizatons from people that it becomes annoying.

You watch a film and then you decide whether you liked or not. It's all personal subjective taste at the end of the day.

I agree he should have watched it from beginning to end though.



by - J McClane on Mon Nov 16 2009 04:31:00
Difference being, you sat and watched the WHOLE film, then decide whether you like it or not.
The OP stated they watched HALF of the film and got "bored". I can make a list of many films that are "boring"...but are still damn fine pieces of film-making.

But I sit through a WHOLE film (like you) before I give my opinion.

I like this movie but the "difference" is in your imagination.

Do you completely get to know a person before you decide you'll take them or leave them?

If you say yes then you're a liar.

At some point usually sooner than later there is something that may not bother certain others about someone or something but for you it's a deal breaker. You come to a point where you just say "this doesn't feel good" and you leave it.

People can think your reasons are unjustified, because they are trying to superimpose their frame onto you and think they are right because if something feels right to them in their skin then it must be good for others too, which is false, but if you are the one having to tolerate something then what they think doesn't matter. It's what you think that matters when it concerns you.

Why should a movie be any different?

If the OP decides they just don't like what's going on why should they be a masochist?

Yea, he still had to come here and share his little opinion but then again so does everyone else.

The real problem is people getting their feelings hurt, even though they'll deny that and I empathize and understand - but when it comes to *beep* that ultimately means nothing like "a movie" you might as well be getting upset over whether Rice Krispies is better than Cheerios and vice versa, so the guy you replied to was right as far as I am concerned.

Who gives a crap if he didn't like the movie but didn't watch it all.

All I need is to see and smell *beep* to know I don't want to eat it while for someone else they may be a chocoholic and think they see chocolate pudding.

These arguments are battles of egos with pretenses of humble justification.

You wouldn't dare!


Why should a movie be 'different'?

Errrrr, cos it is. A movie is a movie, 90 odd mins of your time.
A person is a person with fellings, opinions, emotions etc.
How you can liken films and food to human fellings and emotions is beyond me and a rather idiotic comparison to make to be honest.

You can't honestly and accurately judge a whole film on only seeing half of it. You can only judge the half you saw.
Do you think film reviewers and critics give their opinions after only watching half the flick?
What next, give views of a film purley on the basis of a 2 min trailer?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.




It's got nothing to do with people's opinions, it's the half-assed dismissive way they put them across that shows that their opinion is not worth considering...


You can tell how personally these mindless fanboy idiots take a disagreeable opinion when they refuse to attack the argument and instead make up excuses and attack the person. Ad hominem, the argumentative tool (fallacy) for the modern moron.


@ Dwayne Hicks
I know it's a little late and Dwayne Hicks will probably not be following this thread anymore, but I'd like to call BS on your statement just for the fact that "The Stand" was not a 6 hour movie. It was a mini-series shown over multiple days at it's original airing, which you would know if you actually knew as much as you claimed. If you rented it on multiple DVDs or stole it as a torrent packaged all in one, then I call BS on you for claiming you watched it all in one sitting. And if you watched it in pieces, your argument just doesn't hold up anyway.
Dead Alive (Brain Dead) was excellent for a low budget, gory, horror film, and based on your taste, I'm guessing you randomly rated popular movies, then claimed you were some kind of film savant.



I can watch a movie nearly 6 hours long like "The Stand" -- doesn't bother me.

Did you force yourself to do it? Because it looks like you are proud of it.

I'm really getting tired of people like you who repeatedly use the same typical generic assumptions

Me too.

I've seen plenty of films
Braindead is a POS


you and the OP are POS's lol


To each their own, but I think you probably just took it too seriously. This is a movie that I can just have fun with. I think it's great, and the excessive amount of disgusting gore just adds to the good time. But that's just my opinion.

"What an excellent day for an exorcism."


It's amazing how kids these days treat movies that don't feature a kill every three to five minutes. Unreal.


so stupid lol. can't believe it didn't demolish peter jackson's career.


"so stupid lol. can't believe it didn't demolish peter jackson's career."

Yes, because the 7.6/10 rating given by 30,000+ users for this film is screaming failure for Peter Jackon's career.


I watched this the other night but fell asleep halfway through!
That was only cos i was tired and it was nearly midnight. Sorry enough of my joking, seen this countless times and it just gets better with each watch. Each to there own and all that but saying this boring is like saying it's not gory!

Don't touch the watch!


haha, its about the most fun ive ever had watching a horror movie. the tongue is planted firmly in cheek the entire movie. watched it after return of the living dead which was also a load of fun. the zombie ambush on the line of cop cars is priceless..."send more cops" lol. anyway, my point is, these types of movies are not serious, dont take them seriously, yes you may not like them, but at least stick them out THEN make a comment. its like if i turned off from dusk till dawn halfway thru then said it was a totally crap buddy movie. oh and i love the e-bashing people get into on these forums. it IS just opinions after all...

stupid like a fox!


You suck.


You're on drugs... this is a great movie. Much better than those mainstream piece of crap long winded Lord Of The Rings movie adaptions Peter Jackson did. This movie is supposed to be what it is, it's a cult B movie & a pretty decent one at that. Zaney, outrageous & completely over the top.
Maaan, mainstream movie goers haven't got a clue. They'll back track to see what directors who made movies they like have done previously & immediately dismiss them as rubbish because they're not the same slick Hollywood productions with the same style & formula they're used to.
Dude stick to big summer blockbusters & rubbish mainstream horror films.
Lastly you have no right to complain because you downloaded the movie for FREE illegally & paid NOTHING, so the fact that you're here wasting even more time winging about it clearly illustrates to everyone that you are a complete idiot & that your opinion doesn't count for much. Lost time?... tough titties, download at your own risk, you made the choice.
