waste of time

what a bad film. rubbish. turned it off halfway and deleted it. awful




how do i delete you

Look daddy, i'm gay-Gay Rodd Flanders


Well, since you couldn't even spend an hour to finish the rest of the film, you missed most of the humor and gore, as all the best scenes are towards the end of the movie. It really starts to pickup around the park scene, where you begin to realize there's potential for humor in the lackluster, boring dialogue, and then party scene is notoriously one of the goriest scenes in horror cinema, but you wouldn't know anything about it. because you didn't FINISH THE MOVIE.


I also agree. The first hour of this film was rubbish but the last 30 min or so made it all worth it. By far some of the best and outrageous/intense gore i have ever seen in a movie. And in my opinion, anyone who turns off a film half way through due to boredom...

a) Has the attention span of an idiot

b) Is a quitter

I feel bad for the people who turned this off midway through, because they missed out on some very classic, very original gory action.


Agreed... A waste of time. I guess if one is into zombie flicks in general then it may have some redeeming value..


Dead Alive is one of the best Splatter flicks of all time, dude.... yeah it's low budget but hell it's PETER JACKSON... if anyone actually believed you, there wouldnt be a remake of King Kong or Lord of the Rings trilogy now would they?

BAD TASTE is ultra-low budget but it's fun to watch... and so is Meet the Feebles.

grow up... this film is amazing.


A waste of time! Had to also stop watching it half way. Only people of low intelligence would find this movie good.



"A waste of time! Had to also stop watching it half way. Only people of low intelligence would find this movie good."

Well I must be a flaming tard pie because I find this movie to be much better than good. While I wouldn't be one to judge the merits of a movie based on it's imdb user rating, people should take into consideration that if a movie (especially of the gore genre) has a 7.6 rating with over 50,000 votes, then there's probably something pretty desirable about it. It might not be your personal cup of tea, but that doesn't make the rest of us who enjoy it morons.

I personally find The English Patient to be the most boring piece of dung I've ever seen but wouldn't criticize anyone's intelligence for liking it.


This movie is for a certain audience who don't care about story, acting, or budget, but do care about pure silliness gore fest orgy. If you came for anything more then that it's your own fault for ever downloading it, I could care less about the story or acting but I do love me a lawn mower to the face.




I just want to put you into a chair, like Alex (Malcolm) in Clockwork Orange and force you to see this movie from start to end :D

Especially the scene where they eat dessert, it almost makes me throw up lol!
