waste of time

what a bad film. rubbish. turned it off halfway and deleted it. awful


Wow finally saw this film after all these years and what a piece of...

GREATNESS!!! Fricken dug it and I don't even have that sick sense of humor. The baby and ass kicking priest just rocked!!!


I watched this recently via FearNet On Demand. Wanted to like it, but it was a bit too gross for my taste and I didn't find it funny. Though I did make it all the way through. I'd ask for a cookie but would probably throw it up ;-)

I like all other types of horror and I "get" what they're trying to achieve - humor thru being gross, gory, cheesy, and campy. I've just come to the sad realization that this sub-genre probably isn't for me. Its weird because I grew up on 80s horror, so you'd think I'd eat this stuff up.

I've tried this, Evil Dead, Drag Me to Hell, Reanimator, Slither, Feast, Basket Case, and many others. Off the top of my head, the only horror comedies I've really liked are Shaun of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, Planet Terror, and Dance of the Dead (Ghosthouse). I actually found the humor funny, not just relying on being gross to be funny. There's a difference. Oh, and some Troma movies (Toxie, Nuke 'Em High) because they had hot babes lol Ok, they were kinda funny, too. And I did enjoy Jason Mewes' cameo in Feast. But otherwise, am I a lost cause?

I actually do prefer horror movies with *some* degree of humor. I just prefer movies that focus more on creepy atmosphere. And I know taste in humor is subjective...different strokes and all that. God knows I like some horror movies that aren't respected at all on imdb - my cross to bear. And I've always been a sucker for cheesy pop music, so I get the appeal of things that are simply cheesy and fun, not to be taken too seriously, believe me. However, this and Evil Dead made me want to take a bath afterward - no self respecting straight guy should be made to feel that way from a movie...ever :-)

Anyway, just wanted you to know not all those critical of this movie are trolling jerks. Hopefully being long winded isn't worse! Some of these genre movies are so highly rated, too bad I can't be in the cult, but such is life.

Btw - I did enjoy the "baby in park" scenes. And "I kick ass for the Lord" made me lol

Also - I noticed that while this is rated highly, certain other films in this genre are not (like Nuke 'Em High 2, Basket Case 3, etc). So I'm curious as to what separates a good grossout/camp horror film from a bad one.

"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."


Watched through half, got bored, switched to an ending. 5.5/10 if you into this particular genre I guess it will be better. You can take me as a "mainstream audience", cos drama for me is the main thing that should be executed in a film. But this is a gorewhaterver genre. So I belive it should be judged by other criterias



LOTR owns, you ball sack. As does Braindead; unhinged, brilliantly funny and extremely well shot.
What more could oyu want from a film?


It is really about what you like, but to bash this movie on any respectful server is stupid the original threader is probably laughing his @$$ off at what he caused

In my opinion dead alive is the best horror comedy ever made. If you didnt like it your either to squemish(i dont get it but ive heard multiple people say that), or you have no tastes for movies, and you like movies like Halloween 2 by rob zombie, and seed of chucky


I loved this movie, but I have friends who share your (OP) opinion. To me it was funny as hell.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”


a waste of dvd plastic and my time,to each his own i guess i rather liked the return of the living dead instead,but hey if this works better for others rock on!


Even without being impressed by Jackson's modestly superb direction, it is hard not to at least recognize all the creative artistry that went into the gore effects. Appreciated or not, the final half-hour post-party breakdown remains one of horror's most memorable physical displays.


I recommend watching the second half. A lot of these type movies take a little bit to get going. It is like looking at the Mona Lisa from the neck down, you miss the smile. Bad analogy... ...probably? Still I love this movie. It cracks me up! Most of the action unravels in the second half.



You're a waste of time.

Too bad we can't delete you.

R.I.P. Corey Haim



You're a waste of time.

Too bad we can't delete you.

Indeed, indeed my dear! I remember using this movie as a measuring stick of sorts back in the VHS days of my youth. People who laughed were deemed worthy, people who complained or got sick where ridiculed, hastily thrown out and never spoken to again.



i completely agree with the op


That is so ridiculous I'm sorry but the people who did not like this film, and thought it was a waste of time definitely turned it off before the crazy zombie action starts. The scene where the is carnival music and the main character goes through the living room with the lawnmower, slaughtering around 50 zombies is brilliant. The beginning is stupid, but you got to watch the rest of it, you will not be disappointed. Peter Jackson is a genius; if you like horror-comedies, and brutal over the top gore, you will love this movie.
