MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > Who should play Cathy Earnshaw?

Who should play Cathy Earnshaw?

Who would you cast as Cathy? She was described as wild, passionate nature, with brown curly hairs and beautiful dark eyes...
Anjelina Jolie seems to have this passionate look, but maybe too sexi. Helena Bonham-Carter, would be perfect if she was younger, whats your suggestions?


Jolie would make a good Heathcliff. Rachel McAdams would do a good job with Kathie; her look is good - smooth white skin, very English. Passionate yet girlish. The best Heathcliff to date - Fiennes. That scene where he breaks through glass doors to rip Kathie from her coffin - it just tears me up.


yes, that was really touching scene, Fiennes was great Heathcliff. I could see Justine Waddel or Anna Friel as Cathy..


Yes they could also work. Possibly Kate Beckinsale too.

Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit...


There must be some capable British actress? We've had French (I love Binoche to bits, but this was wrong), we've had American, we've had one or two small British ones. Kate Winslet might have been alright, a few years ago - although I can't recall having ever seen her with dark hair. Rachel Weisz - little old but she'd be all right, possbly - after Constant Gardener I have more faith in her! Helena Bonham Carter is a good suggestion - or would have been a few years ago! Hm. There must be some other young British actress at the moment apart from Keira Knightley... I did see Natalia Tena on the stage not too long ago as Cathy - I believe she's gonna be in the new Harry Potter film next - and she was pretty good. Appropriately intense (she was also playing Bertha from Jane Eyre). But I'm drawing blanks on anyone else...
I suppose wouldn't mind Winona Ryder, if going overseas proved necessary. She seemed fairly capable in some roles earlier. Mind you, she's probably too old now as well.

Cathy Earnshaw always seems impossible to cast/write/act - even harder than Heathcliff. Films never can seem to get the balance right...


Winona is older than Angelina? Wierd...

Anyway, Angelina... in a drama? That makes me cringe...


I think Keira Knightley is a perfect choice! she's just as Emily bronté described Catherine, I thought of her when I read the book in english. I'm italian, I had red it long time ago in my own language, I read it last year in english and I truly understood why it is called a master piece! I think Keira would be an extraordinary Catherine. She has the talent, the looks, and I think she would be better in this role than in the one she portrayed in Pride and Pregudice.


no WAY. any actress who attempts to play catherine should have PASSION. keira has none. she is a bland actress- hardly any talent. she's obviously in hollywood because of her looks.



agree with the above, don't think keira knightley would be suited to this roll AT ALL. I think orla brady did a very good job, portraying the fiery, wild spirit of cathy earnshaw's character in the 1998 (TV) version of 'Wuthering Heights'.


How about Anna Paquin (girl from Jane Eyre, X-men)?


The last person I'd want to see portray Cathy is Keira Knightley.


I think Amy Lee, singer from evenescence would be great Cathy.


keira knightley definately not. amy lee? nope

its so hard to know! i can't think of anyone worthy. vivien leigh would have been good. back in the day of course.

"Hey, STELLA!"


I agree about vivien. i read she should have played isabella, but she refused.


Natalie Portman. She has the chops.


Flay me alive if you like, but if she can pull off a Northern accent, I think Angelina Jolie is a good choice. Catherine Earnshaw is *not* that giggly, delicate character portrayed by Juliette Binoche. Emily Bronte's Catherine throws tantrums left and right, and is selfish and neurotic under that very thin veneer of refinement. Temperamentally, Jolie can match Bronte's Catherine, IMHO. She probably doesn't have the acting chops, though...


why is everyone talking about this - is there going to be a remake or something?? woo hoo!!

i don't know about catherine but i think jonathan rhys meyers (the bend it like beckham coach) would make te perfect heathcliff.


Not a bad choice! I think with a bit of effort, he can eschew the charmer attitude and do broody, dark Heathcliff. :)

What about James Purefoy?


i definitely don't think angelina jolie should. i think nicole kidman would be a good choice, and ralph fiennes was definitely made for the part of heathcliff.


Nicole Kidman is too old - she doesn't match the description, but she is one of the few who would possibly have the acting talent. If only *sighs* Angelina may not be that bad. You never know. She did shock me a bit in her ability to do drama in Original Sin. The accent thing may be an issue. She can do an English accent, but the Yorkshire accent has a certain twinge to it that she may not be able to pull off. Trying to think young English actresses . . . I'm beginning to draw a blank on who could do it. We just need to find a newbie - you know, some magnificent actress coming out of the blue. Ha. Wishful thinking. But I disagree about Ralph Fiennes. Heathcliff was a gypsy - a foreigner. He wasn't English. Someone needs to have that gypsy look about them. Cathy is just hard to place - Rachel Weisz would've been wonderful, but she may be a bit too old now aswell. Winona Ryder is a most likely no, because I don't know if she'd have the talent - she can act but I don't know about her emotional capacity for the character. Christina Ricci is young enough, but her British accent in Sleepy Hollow went to hell every few syllables. I'm faintly stumped.

"The Music May Be Over, But The Phantom Lives Forever"


What about Natasha Wightman? Admittedly, I've only seen her in two films (Gosford Park and V for Vendetta) and she didn't have a major role in either (although her part in V for Vendetta was memorable), so I'm not sure if she has the acting chops. She has the right look for the part, though, and she's English. I can't seem to find her birthdate anywhere; she might be too old.




Angelina Jolie is just to tough to take a fragile role as Catherine Earnshaw.
Winona Ryder could be the best choice. just have a look at her performance in "Dracula". i am head over heel captivated by this "little women".


No no no Angelina!
Emmy Rossum would fit the physical description perfectly, and I might trust her with the role...

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


Eh, it's possible. I don't know if she could pull off the accent, though. Have yet to see her try to do any accent really. She can soften her speaking voice, but that's all I've seen her do. But, you never know.

"The Music May Be Over, But The Phantom Lives Forever"


She did a Welsh accent in Happy Now.


I think Julia Ormond would've been perfect choice, when the movie was made in 1993... a bit too old now to play Cathy :) I am not sure about Ralph Fiennes as Heathcliff, but Jason Riddington as Hareton Earnshaw was really gorgeous!!!


Yeah I can think of several people who could be cast but for their age. Darn.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


i think kate winslet would be amazing in this role, she's one of the best actresses out there today


She is a great actress, but I want the new movie to be very close to the book, and in it Cathy dies at 21, so Kate is way too old.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


Rachel Weisz would be perfect but she is getting a bit old i think. some people really need to stop saying jolie because she would butcher it. and whoever said binoche was not good in the role is crazy!
i think someone said rachel mcadams and i know it sounds crazy but if she got the accent down i think she would be really good.
but yeah if i could pick anyone it would be vivien leigh, greatest actress of all time




You have never read Wuthering Heights if you can seriously see Emmy Rossum play Cathy!


I agree if Helena Bonham-Carter was younger she would be amazing! If they made Wuthering Heights now, there are only a few actress's I can see playing Cathy well, and they are:

Laura Fraser (personal choice)

Nora Jane Noone (she has that wickedly passionate spirit)

Rebecca Callard (Wonderfully talented Yorkshire lass herself)

Sophia Myles (She was just so good in Tristan & Isolde, I know she could pull it off. She also reminds me of Kate Winslet)

Justine Waddell (Great, period actress)

Emily Blunt {Gorgeous and talented, i think she could just abouit pull anything off!)

Romola Garai (An actress who continues to surprise me with her performances)

I have nothing against American actress's, but the UK has enough brilliant young talent to fill Cathy's shoes I think!

"Shocks are so much better absorbed with the knees bent." - Lord Summerisle


Nora Jane-Noone is an interesting choice Peach. I've only seen her in "The Magdalene Sisters", but she really left a lasting impression on me. Not only is she very beautiful, she really does seem to possess a passionate and fiery quality.


Glad you agree with me. :) I think of Nora as an undiscovered gem; she's definitely someone to watch out for. In The Magdalene Sisters, she showed she could really play a strong, willfull character with both passion and subtletly. She'd be perfect for Cathy! (As much as I respect and admire Juliette Binoche, I think her potrayal of Cathy was really quite weak.)

"Shocks are so much better absorbed with the knees bent." - Lord Summerisle


I think Sienna Miller as Cathy. Cathy has blonde hair, and the actress has to be younger. Sienna has the wild look about her that would work.
As Heathcliff, not sure on that. Possibly Hugh Jackman, more wolverineish. :)


The first Cathy has brown hair and the second Cathy has blonde hair here i can prove it prove it here's a quote from the book when Cathy returns from the Grange
"a very dignified person, with brown ringlets"

Not that it matters very much but i had to say,

anyway back to the topic my personal choice would be Emily Blunt, she looks he part, she's young enougth and she's a really good actress


You're right, I just reread the part I thought they mentioned her blonde hair, but I was wrong.



Amelia Warner or Rosamund Pike



Bryce Dallas Howard....always


I think Keeley Hawes would be brilliant in the role. Score 1, she's British and she can actually act (whoever suggested Knightley for the role should be shot). She might be a little old but she can do a variety of roles, and she's shown she doesn't just do 'nice' (anyone seen the TV adaptation of Macbeth the bbc did for their 'Shakespeare retold? She was seriously evil in that.)She also has the passion needed to carry it out and there's a certain 'Englishness' about her looks that make her good for the part. She's beautiful but in an unconventional sort of way. Actually, the more I think about it the more right it seems.
