MovieChat Forums > Wuthering Heights (1992) Discussion > Who should play Cathy Earnshaw?

Who should play Cathy Earnshaw?

Who would you cast as Cathy? She was described as wild, passionate nature, with brown curly hairs and beautiful dark eyes...
Anjelina Jolie seems to have this passionate look, but maybe too sexi. Helena Bonham-Carter, would be perfect if she was younger, whats your suggestions?


I would have to agree with whoever suggested it earlier,if they went for well known I.E, a 'comfort Cathy' It would have to be Natalie Portman. Her performance in cold mountain convinced me.She is beautiful,but earthy too,and still young enough. Anyone paying attention to the timeline in the novel,knows that Cathy was barely eighteen when she died,which would have made Heathcliff barely nineteen,thats the story,young tragic love.Back in the day[the colonial day that is,when this actually took place]by the time you were as old as many of these actors who have played C&H,if you weren't allready dead or dying,you were considered practically geriatric,and far,FAR from any frolics on the moor,who's damp windy chill was the invitation to every ailment under the sun.
Loss of childhood,loss of heaven,we grow up,and heaven disappears,until we see it again near death.Cathy and Heathcliff 'fell in love'as children,were eachothers all and all,eachothers key to a heaven on earth,to life itself. So commiting the unforgivable sin of giving into worldly things and forsaking one another,the key to life and growth was lost,therefor,they literally could never grow up. No one in Wuthering heights ever gets past the [mental]age of 13,except for Hareton and Catherine Linton. Anyways,Natalie Portman for sure,in lieu of a fabulous unknown.Now what about the other characters?


Jennifer Connely!! But maybe if she was younger!


How about Eva Green?

She is my personal choice.


hey how about Reese Witherspoon? just a thought...dont hurt me! xD


I think Reese would be good Isabella Linton, not Cathy.


Eva Green has the look, but she's a little older than what's ideal (27?), and a little too French; I don't know if it's OK to risk another hapless French actress in the role, considering the reception Juliette Binoche got way back when. But from what I've seen in her from The Dreamers, she would be a great pick. She can do childish, sexually alluring, and naïve very well.

edit: meanwhile, I think Rosamund Pike would be a good Isabella, were she a little younger, too -- I've only seen her in Pride and Prejudice, so maybe...?


Natalie Portman as Cathy, Clive Owen as Heathcliff. They have the acting skills, the look, and the chemistry (Closer). Perhaps Kiera could play the 2nd Catherine.


I have no idea about Cathy, but I DO think that if you try to make her look exactly like she did in the book you would NEVER find ANYONE. I think what is really important is someone talented who can pull of the wild spirit of Cathy. Angelina just doesn't seem right to me, can she do period work? Even though she is wild, there's something about the passionate, careless nature of Cathy I just don't know if she could do. I see Keira Knightley as Isabella rather than Cathy. She might work for Cathy, but I think she'd have to prove herself at this type of character before she could do it. If Rachel McAdams can do period work (I think the Notebook is not long enough ago to tell) then go for it. I think Olivia Hussey back in her Juliet days would have done it well. I have a feeling I might be yelled for this, but Johnny Depp as Heathcliff?


Someone here mentoned Vivien Leigh and I agree - she should have got that roll in that version with Lawrence Olivie! OI don't have anything against Merle Oberon, but Vivien is perfect!

Angelina have that kind of passion for Cathy, but she don't ahve look in my option. Helena would be great, if she was younger. Kate Beckinsale would be good I think, but I can't say since I oldy watched Van Helsing with her (in which she was perfect).

Nicole Kidman - no. I don't see her as Cathy. Actually, when I read book, she was Isabella in my mind! I wish, if they make some new version soon, that they'll cast her as Isabella! She would be really PERFECT!

I must admit that I like somehow idea of Keira Knightley. She was fine in Pride & Prejudice and I think she would be good in this one too.

Or maybe Sandra Bullock... Don't know why, I would like to see her in role of Cathy... Or Reese Witherspoon - she's good actress!

Hmmm... Can't think of anybody else. I know I had someone in mind while reading book, but can't remmember now. If I do, I'll edit post...

Hope they'll make another movie really! It's great novel!

Gillian Owens: Hang onto your husbands, girls!
~Practical Magic~


I was thinking about Kelly Brook as Cathy.


The talented Sophia Myles, Amelia Warner- she practically look likes Cathy & Jodhi she is an amazing actress too. If any of these would play Cathy I would be very happy because you can expect 200% commitment & authenticity to the character.


I agree with Amelia, she would be perfect Cathy, she really have her look.


Definitely Rachel Weisz. The perfect English rose.


i think natalie portman has the cathy look and is a great actress but she just doesn't have that vibe. my vote is for sophia miles....

and why didn't anyone mention rose byrne??? her acting isn't the best but i think she has that vibe and she could pull it off it given a little polishing off. she looks beautiful and young and "naive" as that side of catherine but also could turn into a completely selfish and stubborn biatch at the blink of an eye. i think she would be perfect.

although there are hundreds of girls that look like cathy earnshaw, maybe someone anonymous should play her?


I think Emmy Rossum could do it. She was very passionate in Passionada( no pun intended) and she can do accents. She did a Welsh accent in Happy Now.


Also Mia Kirschner would be good as Cathy.


With a stretch - perhaps Camilla Belle

The age is right, at least, and the looks are closer to what is needed... But the acting talent that the role requires?

Oh well, if we have suggestions as OBSCENE as Jolie or Witherspoon (ugh, <shudder>), honestly, what can be WORSE?!

If this film casts someone that Hollywood, then we will just have another sacriligeous distortion of literature, something like Troy...


I think the casting in this movie was great but if they made a remake I would choose Emily Rossum as Catherine and Johnny Depp as Heathcliff. Emily has the look of her and could pull it off I think. I'm sure Johnny Depp could act it.
