Favorite Quotes

My fave quote from Little Giants is definitely when the kids are at practice and they huddle...Junior says that Becky should run the play and then Tad says he'll do it. They begin to argue and the chinese kid says, "You always run the ball, why can't I run the ball?" And they argue some more. Classic.

What are your favorite quotes?


Including most of the ones said before:

-Help Us God!

-Why can't I run the ball?
-Because you're slow and no one likes you.

-Coach, how'd I do?
-I don't know, son. I don't have a sundial.

-Do you think I'm pretty?
-No, I think you're beautiful.

Ones not mentioned:
-She's hot to trot, but she still gotta squat.

-If I was a mama hen and they were my chicks, I'd lead them to water and let them drown.

-Every night, before he goes to bed, I massage his hamstrings with evaporated milk.

-PLAY TO DIE! He's high! He's high!

-I can tackle anything, anytime, anywhere... got that?!

