Favorite Quotes

My fave quote from Little Giants is definitely when the kids are at practice and they huddle...Junior says that Becky should run the play and then Tad says he'll do it. They begin to argue and the chinese kid says, "You always run the ball, why can't I run the ball?" And they argue some more. Classic.

What are your favorite quotes?


When my brothers and I watched this movie, we'd always rewind the "Somebody call 911" line over and over ...
Aim to be spoiler free ~ please post warnings



The 911 line comes after this exchange:
Spike: Look, you berzerko Barbie doll, when you mess with Spike, you mess with death.
Becky O'Shea: You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
Spike: Try me!
Becky O'Shea: I will!
Spike: Well, go!
Becky O'Shea: Right Now!
Jake Berman: SOMEBODY CALL 911!

It looks like they were about to get into a huge fight and need medical attention.

Aim to be spoiler free ~ please post warnings


Wow, you guys really don't have lives.


Seriously, you don't. Don't get mad either, I'm just trying to save the world, one loser at a time. Oh, and don't try to say that this is a "social activity", because it's not, and you know it.


Wow, and coming in here and commenting on how WE have no lives makes you, what, cool? Kind of pathetic, not to mention hypocritical...

I don't resist temptation, I persue it.


icebox: "ok, chicken little flea flicker on 2."
the toe: "what's that?"
icebox: "it's a pitch to johnny."
johnny: "wait, you can't pitch to johnny. I'M JOHNNY!"
icebox: "zolteck he's gonna need some running room."
zolteck: "gotcha!"
icebox: "READY..."
the team: "BREAK!"
johnny: 'xcuse me guys! guys c'mon!!!"

sean: "get ready zol-fart. by the time im done with you you're gonna be farting outta your mouth and talkin outta your butt!"
zolteck [to tad]: "is that physically possible?"
[the play runs and sean knocks him down]
tad: "you ok?"
zolteck [outta his butt]: "i think so."
tad: "hmm...i guess it is possible!"

I piss excellence and $#!+ perfection!


You can't pitch to Johnny I'm Johnny
I think its so cute how he runs to his daddy and screams his name.


Spike: Look, you berzerko Barbie doll, when you mess with Spike, you mess with death.
Becky O'Shea: You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
Spike: Try me!
Becky O'Shea: I will!
Spike: Well, go!
Becky O'Shea: Right Now!

best line ever.

It's easy when you play with rejects and a fat kid, Rodriguez.
Shut your mouth, Phillips!


INTIMIDATION!! and he crushes the football...classic


Anything Ed O'Neill says throughout this entire movie is great. A couple favorites:

Zoltek: What's my time coach
Kevin O'Shea: I don't know son, i don't have a sun dial.

Kevin O' Shea:Gotta give him credit though, calling the state cops instead of the local cops.

his delivery is classic


I like when the fat kid gets hit and he's got the jam sandwich in his helmet. When the cheetos are found saying Ed O'Niell asks 'puffy or crunchy?' 'puffy.' 'Wimp.'

"Some people just need to accept they don't know things"


"Laces daddy-o"


"What is this, a telethon?"

I am Lord Newt Batchmonkey!


"Hey Ice Box, you look like a boy, and play like a boy, but do you pee standing up?"
"Yeah well she's hot to trot she's still gotta squat!"

"I use these for acid indigestion"
"What are we gonna use em for?"

Are these the Nazis, Walter?
No Donny these men are nihilists There's nothing to be afraid of


Johnny: Pitch to Johnny!? You can't pitch to Johnny...I'm Johnny!

Jake: Don't be talkin bout my mama!

Giants: Giants, Giants...
Jake: Help us God!

Steve (football player): Remember, Football is 80% mental and 40% physical




Kevin: "...I knew you'd see it my way."

Danny: "Actually, no I don't. I HATE your way."

Or something to that affect, Ed O'Neill and Rick Moranis were great in this movie.

"No, I'm sorry, I don't do French." - Phil Hartman (1986 SNL audition)


seriously, best line ever,well.. best scene ever.

-guys, I got your jersey's!
-death shrouds
-they have your names on them.
-so the guys at the morgue can identify the bodies...


the whole movie's hilarious. but uhhh...

"GIANTS, GIANTS -- HELP US GOD!" <---- amazing.

++ S.I.R. / R&R / T~O [#71] / KPWCAACTLITT / P.E.A.C.E / Team Edward, baby.


Pitch to Johnny?!? You can't pitch to Johnny! I'M Johnny!!

That's a good point bear, let's try that!




Giants! Giants! Help us God.

I took you to see the Cleveland Indians!
You left me at the stadium!

What's that cheerleader doing with a helmet on?
That's no cheerleader, that's my niece Becky. She's pissed.

Football is 80% mental and 40% physical.

You always run the ball! Why can't I run the ball?
Because youre slow, and no one likes you.

And my favorite part of the movie (or at least the one I quote most often):

Spike: Is Spike mistaken, aren't you... a girl?
Icebox: Gee, good eye.
Spike: Spike don't play with girls
Coach: She's pretty good, Spike.
Spike: Spike don't care, didn't you hear? Spike don't play with...
Icebox: I can tackle anything, anytime, anywhere, GOT THAT?
Spike: Look you berzerko Barbie doll, when you mess with Spike, you mess with death.
Icebox: You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
Spike: try me!
Icebox: I will!
Spike: Let's go!
Icebox: Right now!
Jake: Somebody call 911!


"You can't pitch to Johnny! I'm Johnny!"



Spike: "I'm gonna rip your head off!"

Nerdy Kid: "Don't you be talkin about my momma!"

Becky: "Unlce Kevin, do you think I'm pretty?"
Kevin: "No. I think you're beautiful."

Murphy: "Hey hanon?! Ever catch anything?!?!"
Hanon: "I caught a cold yesterday murph, here have some! *lifts nostrils and blows on him*"
