MovieChat Forums > Pulp Fiction (1994) Discussion > vincent asking for a please seemed out o...

vincent asking for a please seemed out of line

i guess it was just so tarantino could write that dialogue for the wolf to say. also i guess vincent was supposed to be kind of a douche bag.


Yeah, definitely that last part. And also so Vincent and Jules can argue about their lots in life and in the situation. Combine that with the shooting itself and the soap/towel debate, and even the heroin in the coat, they paint Vincent as the douchey sloppy careless one of the pair. I feel it fits his character.


I agree about Vinent being a jerk. I was happy when Butch blows him away.


Do you mean out of line or out of character? It's definitely out of line but perfectly in character.


as i was typing i kind of solidified a notion that vega might have been written as a douchey guy. so i mean out of line.


Yep, zero humility


One thing I love is how Tarantino shows very different facets to the same character. Vincent is pretty relatable throughout his storyline, we’re on his side, but in The Bonnie Situation he’s a hot-headed jerk - and yet it still feels like the same character, just in different circumstances.

Same with Jimmy. One moment he’s berating Jules and Vincent like a headmaster cutting down some timid schoolboys, but as soon as The Wolf shows up he’s full of deference and respect… like a timid schoolboy.

One moment Jimmy is yelling about ‘dead nigger storage!’ the next we discover his wife Bonnie is black. Tarantino is constantly trolling and surprising the audience.

Much like a David Lynch film, you have no idea what the next scene will be (even if you’ve seen it before), it’s such confident, bravura filmmaking and Pulp Fiction still feels fresh and groundbreaking even after 30 years.


Same with Jimmy. One moment he’s berating Jules and Vincent like a headmaster cutting down some timid schoolboys, but as soon as The Wolf shows up he’s full of deference and respect… like a timid schoolboy.
And Jules, for that matter. Early in the film, he's berating Brett and the others like a headmaster cutting down timid schoolboys, but then is deferential and acting like a timid schoolboy himself around Jimmy when the latter is giving the "dead nigger storage" harangue, and around The Wolf.

Makes one wonder what sort of person and circumstances would make The Wolf act like a timid schoolboy!


i always found that line to be cringe-worthy
even for Vince....

he's a hothead, not an idiot.
he should know the Wolf is the only person that can help


I beg to differ, Vincent was an idiot. He’s a professional hit man whose heroin addiction causes multiple catastrophic events throughout the film, Mia ODing, casually blowing off Marvin’s head, and ultimately, losing his life, by leaving his, or being unaware that Marcellus has left his gun on the kitchen counter of the home they’re expecting their mark to return to, due to being situationally unaware while taking a dump.
The man was an oblivious moron.
All of this being said, I think he was a cool and well written character, and the kind of guy I’d probably enjoy having a conversation with at a cafe or hash bar.


"heroin addiction causes"
Nah, I think a careless idiot could do all those things without the addiction.


Touché, but I believe it’s heavily implied Vincent has a problem, as his heroin use did ultimately lead to his death, being constipated while using and then having to go at the most inopportune time…
