Unbelievably bad

Saw for the first time last night (June 2013). I'm old enough to have watched EFNY when it was released. It made the best of technology available at the time.

EFLA was HORRIBLE. Characters with no personality (not even Snake), worthless plot, clear use of the easiest locations/sets possible, preschool quality computer animation, and jarring soundtrack. At least EFNY had the repetitive synth theme throughout. I only finished it because I wanted to see how bad it got, which is pretty bad. I couldn't believe it was made in 1996!! With digital effects that bad I was really surprised and disappointed.

Just shaking my head.


It's shocking how far the mighty have fallen in this snoozefest. Escape From New York is one of my favorite films, yet the same lead actor and director created this mess. The main problem is that it's a scene for scene clone of the first film. They couldn't come up with a new story with original ideas? Even Snake seemed to be bored with this sorry mess. DON'T do another sequel or remake please. It will be terrible.


The movie was ok.escape from New York was the *beep* but the CGI sucked in escape from LA especially the surfing scene.i wonder if Kurt Russell knew the CGI in the film would be this horrible



I wouldn't be surprised if Carpenter embezzled some of the budget that was supposed to go towards the visual effects. Most likely lazy as well.


I liked EFLA A LOT more. Out of the 2, this is the timeless one that I want to see again and again. I liked the style of this one more. And EFNY's score was good, but I liked the Rob Zombie going on in this one. Not to mention the other music...not sure what that one's called, but one place where it played was at the end, I think. Perhaps part of the movie's own score. Really gave some character.


This is definitely bad.


This coming from a guy whose entire comment thread consists of "OMG THIS IS AWFUL".

Give it a rest and learn from the Rageaholic, wannabe auteur(s).



And just who the hell are you talking about "OMG THIS IS AWFUL" - Not me sir, be careful of what portion of the thread you hit the reply button to. In this case you replied directly to me where I think you intended to reply to the OP.

Also, you would have a lot more credibility if you learned to spell correctly.


I agree, he should have had at least one slam dunk in the basketball scene. That killed it for me.


movie is pure crap.

