How old were you

When this came out in '99?
I was 4 and one of my earliest memories is seeing this in theatres. My earliest memory (maybe) is seeing the original Star Wars films...


And did you like it?



32 and I thought it was one of the best summer movies of the 90s, along with Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, and The Rocketeer. Not as good as the original Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back, but an improvement over Return of the Jedi.

Time to make up a new signature.


I was 17, and oh my goodness, ripe for entry into a new era of the Star Wars Universe. Instead, the movie was a bit of a let down--especially coming off the 90's hype of incredible Star Wars stuff like PC games such as X-Wing and TIE Fighter, Rebel Assault II, and Dark Forces, and hundreds of canon-expanded universe books (thanks Disney, you jacka$$es.) and it would take till 2005 before we got to see Darth Vader again and the Empire.

Really, the Empire should have started at the end of the second movie, at the start of the Clone Wars.


and oh my goodness, ripe for entry into a new era of the Star Wars Universe. Instead, the movie was a bit of a let down--especially coming off the 90's hype of incredible Star Wars stuff
So very true. This movie had so much potential, especially building off of the brand that was still flourishing (despite the original movies being a little bit forgotten at the time... until they re-releases).

I like you idea of having the Empire introduced in the second movie. What the prequel trilogy really lacked though, was significant transition from Anakin into Darth Vader.

He just kind of shrugs his shoulders and says "Okay, I'll pledge myself to you". Next we see him murdering children. I mean, murdering younglings.

That's a pretty big step!


I was 18 and I thought it was pretty good. I watch the the franchise blu rays a few times a year


I was 19 and liked it


I was 10 and thought it was fairly decent.


10 and i thought it was the coolest movie ever. BUT even then i also remember thinking that it didnt quite feel like classic Star Wars


16 and it was my first Star Wars movie : I didn't hate it but I was confused and thought that Star Wars was not for me.


I had turned 17 a month before. I enjoyed it as well.
