MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > Truly most overated film of all time.

Truly most overated film of all time.

I have seen it three times trying desperately to figure out what makes this film so special but i just reached the conclusion that Fight Club is the most overhyped and overated film of all times since for some reason it is included in the top ten films in imdb.

I understand that everything is a matter of taste but i believe that if it wasnt for Brad Pitt and Edward Norton on the cover (although their acting in the film is both average to say the least) then this movie wouldnt be rated more than 7.5 at best.

Its one of David Fincher's weakest works and i cant believe its rated higher than Seven, The Social Network, Gone Girl and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

I even found Panic Room and The Game more interesting than Fight Club even they are both preety average films.

I personally gave it a 6/10 and got rid of my original dvd copy.


Cool story bro.


brad pit and stupid people thats why my friend.Same reasons that kardasians exists. i agree with you.


Okay I can accept Seven and Gone Girl... But The Social Network and Bejamin Button are better movies than Fight Club?? Please. You just didn't get shit obviously.


I would give this flick at least a 9/10. I read the book and from what I remember of it the book is even crazier than the movie. I liked the movie better.


That's fine if you wanna think that, but this movie is a cult classic. After this was in theaters, people were inspired to start their own underground fight clubs. I remember hearing about it on the news and them posting on Yahoo! Groups to meet up at this location on this time and date.

If you want to look at it this way, it didn't do too well at the Box Office from what I understand. It barely made any money back. Domestically, it was a failure. Then when DVDs started rolling out, people were discovering the movie and it slowly gained an audience. It would have done well if not up against "The Sixth Sense" and "American Beauty" in 1999.

Another problem may have been people not understanding the film. Could be that the reveal of Tyler wasn't impressive enough. Or perhaps missing the overall message.

Twenty years later, I still think "Fight Club" is awesome. I've seen it a number of times and it still amazes me. Not too many movies can do that nowadays.


92 replies has to rank this as one of the most legendary troll jobs on this site.


Joker 2019: Hold my pills and heroin needles.

Well... while I remain of the opinion that the hype surrounding edgelord Phillips’ “groundbreaking” film was overblown for several reasons (whoa, just title your film after an iconic dark comic character and keep the overall references to the comics to a bare minimum in an proud and pretentious “anti-comic book film” that’s an unapologetic rehash of films by a comic-hating boomer film legend and you’ll get called original and daring), it’s grown on me a bit. That said, I still don’t think it’s anywhere near the super risky masterpiece some claim it is (I would still call it overrated), but I can tell you that I’m starting to appreciate that one better than a number of notable classics from “back in the good ol’ days” (be it films from the 90s, 70s, 60s or just pre-2010’s cinema in general) that film snobs who whine about modern cinema, like of course many on this site do, go on about. (Also prefer it to Scorsese’s overpraised 2019 film, lol.) Fight Club? I can see why some would think it’s the most overrated, but I disagree.


It may be overrated (or not, who cares) but THE MOST overrated film of ALL TIME?? That was just a totally absurd claim.
