MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > Films that made you walk out of a cinema...

Films that made you walk out of a cinema midway

This is the only film I've walked out midway through out of disgust. I even waited outside for my friends to finish watching it. That's right, I'd sooner stare at a carpet for 40 minuites than watch this borefest.

One of my friends enjoyed it, I suppose because he was a trainee lawyer at the time. But to quote Peter Griffin, the film imposed on itself.


It was actually pretty good and I like movies with lots of violence and action (diehard killbill). My little brother and his friend went to see it. he is 9 now and that was 5 years ago so he was about 4 or 5. They both fell asleep.

That's Why I'm TheBlackTyphoon.



My little brother and his friend went to see it. he is 9 now and that was 5 years ago so he was about 4 or 5. They both fell asleep.
I've no idea why a four year old would start to watch a movie like this.

I've walked out of two movies in my life:
1) Body of Evidence, because it was horrendously bad.
2) Sleepless in Seattle, because I'd just fallen out with my girlfriend (and the film was bad).

I didn't see Changing Lanes at the cinema, I bought the DVD, but I wouldn't have walked out, it's a good movie.



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


thought the film was great. i think people come on imdb to crap on films just to see themselves as an internet personality.


and you come on imdb to crap on others, because?

I hate how IMDb signatures look like part of the post.


So I fell asleep during this suckfest.I took up 4 chairs, and my friend took up 3 seats, and then we woke up refreshed and ready to hop to a better movie, thank goodness we didn't pay for this.

Then I fell asleep, sitting upright watching *Silent Hill*. In the 3rd row... boring as hell, no plot! My fiance told me it sucked and I didn't miss much.

I actually walked out of a film only ONCE,
*The Ruins*, not because of the plot or anything, it was entertaining until I had one of those girls that narrated the film behind me. In a theater with only 9 people in it, she and her idiot BF sat behind us, right behind us, and proceeded to make fun of the actors for not knowing how to speak chinese to the chinese people...(IF you haven't seen the Ruins, they are Mayans. The correct answer is Mayan, not chinese.)

OH and I walked out of the first *Lord Of The Rings*, into the clasic comedy "slackers"... best choice I ever made. haha. and I also was able to see "I am Sam" while the other guys were still watching LOTR... what I waste of time!

I hate how IMDb signatures look like part of the post.


kickin it old skool

"You ladies want some coke?"- Jack Nicholson, The Departed


lord of the rings one of the greatest movies ever!



I honestly don't get how people can fall asleep during a movie. How tired can you be to fall asleep amidst that amount of noise? And why didn't you immediately leave and go into another cinema, instead of staying just to sleep through the rest of the movie? This just baffles me.

Seeking a superhero for the end of the world.


I have never seen anyone actually fall asleep during a movie. I think people say it on IMDB as a metaphor just to sound cool.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Though I agree that falling asleep in a (movie) theatre is rare, it does happen:

My friends and I had tickets for the opening (Christmas, 2012) of Django Unchained. That day, we arrived at the theatre (in midtown Manhattan) approximately 10-15 minutes late. Unfortunately, we had to sit in the first - the front - row. The room was packed! So, we took our seats and the movie began. About halfway through the film, during one of the "quiet" scenes (mostly dialogue), I heard someone snoring quite loudly. I turned to the left and saw my friend John (who was sitting a few seats away from me) passed out: head back, mouth open, tongue falling out. I looked to his feet and saw a river of soda flowing down to the aisle - he had accidentally kicked over his Sprite.

On a separate occasion, I went to see The American with a friend. Once again, we were sitting in the first couple of rows. We both fell asleep about halfway through the film.

Still, it must be noted that all of these 'incidents' were caused by a combination of poor seating and mild intoxication. Under "normal" circumstances, I too find it hard to fall asleep in the theatre.


Nodded off during more than a couple of movies. Not because I didn't like them, just because i was tired.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Fell asleep during "Open Season." Had absolutely no interest in it and was forced to go by my family. No regrets about it.

Only walked out of two movies in my life. The First was at a drive-in. It was a double feature and I cannot remember what the first movie was but the second was "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde." My brothers had all fallen asleep and only my dad and I were awake. We both hated it and I asked my dad if we can go home and he was completely fine with it (despite him paying for himself and five kids).

The second was "Fifty Shades of Grey." I had the entire day off of work and it was snowing, so I decided to go the the theatre because I had a free pass. I went to first see "The Kingsmen" and it was good, then went to see "Jupiter Ascending" and it was abysmal. Then I went to see "Fifty Shades of Grey" because I saw everything else in the theatre and halfway through I left because I had zero investment in the story and could not care less (plus, I was movie hoping and did not pay a penny to see it).


Actually, the only movie I ever walked out of was Stranger Than Fiction. My thoughts on that pile of garbage can be found on that movies forum.

I don't know, I actually liked this movie. Sure, its silly and pointless, but I thought it was entertaining at least. I didn't expect Academy Award stuff.

Would you mind telling us why you thought it was SO bad that you actually walked out?


I've never walked out on a movie in a theater, but i did quit watching a rented movie once: Gone Fishin'. (with joe pesci) What a suckfest.


I walked out of one movie..... not another teen movie. blah

bunch of teeny boppers giggling at stuff that wasn't funny.


I think it's a pretty good movie. Not the best, but I have certainly seen worse films. Oh, and by the way, Peter Griffin said "insist" not "impose".

Is it 2008 yet?


Are you kidding me? That movie was ten times better (and more timeless) than the crap they're putting out today as the latest incarnation of Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc.


I have never walked out either and that's because I atleast do a minimal amount of research before going to the movies. I certainly won't pay to watch a movie I know I probably won't enjoy.

While watching at home, I quit watching only on a couple of instances. One is Fresh (1994) and the other one I don't recall for the time being. Limey (1999) came pretty close but somehow I made it through to the end, arguably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Wrecked (2011) was almost as bad.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


That's a shame. I didn't like this movie until the last 20 minutes or so.

I walked out of Spy Hard. I've never looked back.


lol phindar

Goddamn, you wait 4 days for a response then a million come at once!

Yeah, I felt like a dick for misquoting Peter Griffin. Thank you for correcting me message board correcting dude.

It was years since I saw the film and little of the actual product is still with me. However, I will always remember it for being the only film I've walked out in disgust to. Hence the thread title.

Basically, I hated the film because it had overly dramatic acting and soundtrack when in fact, very little was happening. For the record, I don't mind films where nothing happening is drawn out for effect. As a matter of fact, Gerry is one of my favourite films of all time. But Changing Lanes tried to tell me it was an absolute epic, when it clearly wasn't.


i just watched the film last night on film 4 and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

i love ben and samuel and i thought the plot was pretty exciting.

cant believe u walked out of this film just because the film took itself too seriously, allright its no epic but it was worth sitting through

i bet u think your sooo superior for walkin out on this film when ur mates stayed and watched, one even enjoyed it, probably because he's a law student what b@llox thats like sayin i only like the office because i work in one.

and finally have u nothin better to do than 2 watch and wait if anyone replies to ur patheticly dull critisism of this pretty decent film for 4 days.


P-51! Cadillac of the sky!


"Yeah, I felt like a dick for misquoting Peter Griffin. Thank you for correcting me message board correcting dude."

You're most certainly welcome. If you wanna misquote any other simple lines of dialogue just let me know!

Is it 2008 yet?


i loved this movie i thought it had a great story line

oh yea and the only movie i walked out on was borat. people always ask how i didnt like it, i thought it was just unbelievably annoying, within the first half hour i got out of there and left my friends behind.

Celebrity Creator:


The only movie i walked out of was Natural Born Killers, it weren't for me !


We need more people like OP. The less people there are in the cinemas the more enjoyable is the movie watching experience. So people like OP are very much welcomed to leave so that the rest of us can enjoy a quiet afternoon.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


I agree, this movie was lame


it was ok i guess, but when it ended, i was glad it was over lol.

I almost walked out on that movie Laura Croft and the cradle of life, but my friends made me stay



Yeah thats the only one.


i fell asleep in the theater in saw III
and wolf country or whatever it was called

When The Body Suffers, The Spirit Flowers


i fell asleep in the theater in saw III
and wolf country or whatever it was called

LMAO @ wolf country! Yeah, I thought "Wolf Creek" was way WAY overrated.

The only movies I've walked out of were movies where I ordered a drink too big for my bladder. Walked out to the restroom. Once relieved, I walked right back into the theatre.


Little Man...barely made it exactly 14 minutes.


I walked out of crazy beautiful and Chronicles of Riddick, those are the only two for me.


I thought this movie was mediocre at best...
It is one of those movies when you are scanning your dvd selection to watch
that does not come to your mind up front, but it was somewhat entertaining...
5.5 out of 10 stars ... ?
Good actors and acting though, script could have been written better to reflect
the talents of Afleck and Jackson-

A better movie to see if you could have liked this one is:

The Sum of All Fears
made by the same movie company (Paramount) in the same year- 2002

The only movie I ever walked out on was named - Anguish

with Zelda Rubenstein of Poltergeist fame- it was very lame! lol

Fabian Pierre Trahan


im not surprised you didnt like it, most moviegoers dont go to see smart, well written movies.


I, for one, enjoyed Changing Lanes. It's been years since I've watched it, but I do remember thinking it was good.

I've walked out on two movies before:
"The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle Of Life"

I thought League was terrible all around. Well, for the forty-five minutes or so that I actually saw of it.

Cradle Of Life just didn't capture me at all. I wasn't interested in any of it. I didn't exactly walk out on it. I went with about five or six people, so I didn't want to just leave them. My sister and I kept going outside to smoke and to just talk. I probably saw maybe an hour of the film all together.


I haven't seen Changing Lanes yet, thinking about renting it sometime. I haven't walked out of any films but fell asleep watching Syriana.


I watched in on TV last night, and well, I didn’t think it was horrible (I liked that they were both really nice people on the bottom), but I have to admit I was very bored and more than once considered finding something else to do. The only reason I stayed to the end was to keep my mother company.

I too though it was too slow. It was like the scenes went on a little too long, but I don’t mind slow movies (I loved Stranger Than Fiction). And the dialog was incredibly forced and not even entertaining. I really felt embarrassed for Ben when he started talking about seeing a girl at the beach. The monologue was ridicules.


I follow you all the way. I watched this movie last night and was bored to death. But my dad kept saying how good and well written he thought it was, so I didn't leave the room. I like people to have their own opinions, and if my family liked the movie, I didn't wanted to ruin their experience.

I often want to leave cinemas since we always go to see crappy movies with my friends. But watching average Hollywood *beep* makes it easier to gather a lot of different people to hang out with, so it's sorta fine with me. But I DO regret I didn't walk out of Pirates: At World End, Oceans 13 or the latest: The Lookout.


I walked out of the theater when watching "Traffic", really sucked.
I also wanted to walk out when watching "Crash" cause that was the worst piece of trash ive ever seen in my life but had to stay cause of friend.


The only movie i walked out of was When a Stranger calls, but i thought Traffic was garbage also.


The original with Carol Kane? And Traffic with Benicio Del Toro? I really liked both those movies.
