The film has disturbed me more than I could ever have imagined. I deeply encourage anyone thinking about watching this film no too, one of the biggest regrets I have. It was more grotesque, shocking, sick and horrible than any other film out there, and I cannot believe it got through censorship. Whilst the acting and thoughts behind it are brilliant, this by no means should have been a film - Rape is something more horrendous than anything in this world, and that scene will never leave my mind.




This movie was made to show you the grotesque and ugly. Gaspar Noe always plays off that in his films. He uses the dark side of people. I think it's brilliant.

Anyway, I remember reading about this movie after I saw it, and I got the message from the movie that rape is an ugly and cruel thing. This is not a beautiful world we are living in. It is nasty, dirty, and full of darkness. This film has two disgusting scenes. Two that I can remember perfectly, and probably for the rest of my life. I think that's what Noe was going for.

Also, his style is always like that. He always uses "flashes" or "strobe-like" effects in the beginning (or end) to upset or give the viewer a queasy feeling. Simply put, this movie is to show how bad rape is, and that it's real. And horrible.


I find this topic disgusting, who are you to say something deserves censorship


You're right, Rape is horrendous.... that's kind of the point of that scene and a larger point about the notion of revenge for wrongs done. Yes this is a shocking movie... that's kind of the point. it's meant to shock, you're meant to feel sickened by what you see, you're meant to think "How did they get away with that?" and you're meant to be disturbed to your core... it's not however something that's not allowed to be in film. If anything this film, while one of the most horrible I've seen, is also one that's one of the most clever and hard hitting films to tackle the subject of Rape that I've ever seen.

Let's put it this way, I saw The Accused and beyond Jodie Foster, nothing in that film impressed me. With Irreversable, everything about it sticks with me and the acting was beyond perfect. I say watch it, but during the day time and have a cartoon ready to help calm you down afterwards


this is a vulgar film. No different than porn.


It's a little different than porn, actually.


Pussy. This movie was brilliant.


You see violence in films and most of the time it's glamourised. That's wrong. Violence is horrible and shouldn't be taken lightly. It should be respected. I have seen alot of things and for someone to show something like this respects me as audience. Same goes for the rape scene. I don't like it. Because I'm not supposed to. This film has probably shown more respect to the rape victims than any film on the subject. So sorry if you can't swallow it. But this is reality. It can happen to anyone.


Its a movie. not reality. Rape can happen to anyone; movies like this don't prevent that from occurring; if anything it may encourage some slackjaw that its easy.


I know it's a movie. I'm saying it's portrayed realistically. And i wasn't saying it prevents it, but that it respects the subject and does take it lightly. And it takes more than a movie to encourage an act such as rape.


guess again. movies influence abominable behavior.


Tell that to the billions that have seen countless action hollywood films glamourising violence.


I agree with you. Rape is something abhorrent, but that is the intent of the scene. Show how one atitute like that can justify such a cruel murder as shown in the first ten minutes of the movie. A movie for ADULTS, who can understand the whole problem of violence of the "modern world". As another guy say, it's not a movie to enjoy, but a movie to think about it. I think it's worth watching it.


Not to imply that it is horrible or wrong or anything like that, but even though it IS a movie (not a reality), it does have some real gay sex in it, and I would imagine that ALSO because of that material content wise, it is NOT for young children of any age!
