The film has disturbed me more than I could ever have imagined. I deeply encourage anyone thinking about watching this film no too, one of the biggest regrets I have. It was more grotesque, shocking, sick and horrible than any other film out there, and I cannot believe it got through censorship. Whilst the acting and thoughts behind it are brilliant, this by no means should have been a film - Rape is something more horrendous than anything in this world, and that scene will never leave my mind.


While I would never recommend to someone to watch this movie, I don't think you should tell someone not to.
Let them make up their own mind.


Isn't it kind of censorship to chase away a negative reviewer with torches?

That happens a lot here, any time anyone says they didn't like a movie there are the inevitable mean, rude, and insulting comments as if people aren't allowed to not like something. I personally find the negative reviews to be as helpful, if not even more helpful to me as long as the person explains why they didn't like it.

That said, I saw this movie some years back before I ever heard of this IMDB.

Every review on the site I rented this from mentioned the tremendous amount of violence, but not one person - NOT ONE- mentioned the very graphic sexual assault scene.

Having actually experienced this, I can tell you that had I known this, I would not have rented it at all. I viewed this alone, so I tried to fast forward through it which even at high speed was an interminably long scene. I don't know how I would feel about it now, but it was too soon and I wish I had known ahead of time what to expect.

I don't happen to believe that art is anything that isn't science, so every piece of junk can't always be called art - no matter how much someone loves that junk. I don't believe that you have to be gory to be provocative. I don't believe everyone has to share the same opinion.

I *do* believe that every opinion should be heard and the value of that opinion is left to every mind attached to any ear that hears it.

It is frustrating that so many reviews and comments have to turn into ugly fights and even personal attacks around here. However you feel about this or any other movie, please remember to be respectful.

As for the OP, I wish I had read that before I saw the movie. That scene gave me nightmares for I don't remember how long after I saw it. So hopefully your post will give someone else a flag if they are still in a recovery phase from assault.


An extremely sane, balanced, and rational post, amid all the polarized hysteria.

You have clarified things for me. Thank you.


This movie was extremely boring and it's comments like yours that convinced me to watch it in the first place! I do agree rape is a horrendous crime but I really do feel bamboozled after watching this film!

"Pleasedon'ttry2checkmewhenitcomes2MY OPINIONit’llbeawasteofurtime&energy Thanks"


Im agree!



Don't try to dictate my life. Mind your own business and if you don't have the stomache for it maybe in the future you should only watch something cute and cuddly like a clip of puppies or cats suckling a rabbits ear or something...


And yet no one is out raged about films where people's lives are taken.


To the OP (who misses the point on all accounts and is most probably a rad fem).

Before this film, I never imagined how rape could be so disgusting, but afterwards, I did because I felt like I'd seen it for what it really is in a film before.

It's the same thing with violence, e.g. the film saving private ryan (esp the opening) almost put me in the position of the soldiers in WW2. Most harkens back to the original last house on the left.

Irreversible had the same effect on me, in it's realistic depiction, it opened my eyes to witness the suffering a rape victim goes through.

Now, go off and bitch about a film where rape is seen as something funny (Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves) or glorified.

Gaspar Noe did good.


Before this film, I never imagined how rape could be so disgusting, but afterwards, I did because I felt like I'd seen it for what it really is in a film before.

Totally agree. That rape scene really made me empathize with rape victims and can make one understand why the crime is taken so seriously.

Irreversible (2002) - 7 outta 10 stars


Precisely! I'm tired of films that glorify violence. This once captured, more than any film I've seen before, what it must be like to be raped. Of course, I'm sure it's much worse than portrayed here, and I hope I never find out. And I gave this 8/10 stars.


Precisely! I'm tired of films that glorify violence. This once captured, more than any film I've seen before, what it must be like to be raped. Of course, I'm sure it's much worse than portrayed here, and I hope I never find out. And I gave this 8/10 stars.

It really is a powerful scene. Let's just say it is not one of my most re-watched films. However I do find it silly that the OP is whining about a rape scene when hundreds of films gratuitously show people getting murdered and tortured and lots of times it is done by the protagonist of the film! At least this horrible act is done by the antagonist and lest us not forget the REAL message of the film which I believe is the senselessness of revenge killings out of passion. To make matters worse these two clowns end up killing the wrong person.

Irreversible (2002) - 7 outta 10 stars


Indeed. I've seen some films in theaters with violent scenes that were absolutely gruesome, but judging from the audience reaction, they were "feel-good films" or even comedies. Violence has become a cheap gimmick to attract a core moviegoing demographic out for blood. That's certainly not the case with this film, which ultimately is very thoughtful (and "ends" on a beautiful note, but of course that's only the beginning of the story).

I had been hearing about this film for a decade and was curious about it, but it always seemed "wrong" to rent it or buy it based on what I had heard (which was consistent with that the OP said). Finally, I check it out at the library (along with several innocuous films, of course). The violence was as devastating as I expected, though I didn't expect to be as moved by the rest of the film. I don't think I could see this again anytime soon, but I did replay a couple key segments to connect the threads from the subway to the bondage club. Honestly, this film is so seared in my memory that I don't need to see it again for a very long time. That's the mark of an effective film.


Honestly, this film is so seared in my memory that I don't need to see it again for a very long time. That's the mark of an effective film.

That's exactly how I feel. That scene seemed so real to me that I can almost feel and see how horrible it would be to experience that atrocity. Hats off to Gaspar Noé.

Irreversible (2002) - 7 outta 10 stars


i agree, but have you seen a serbian film? can be hard to find online vut can also try sebskra film or sumthing


On a side note, I find it very interesting that when talking about the rape scene in Irreversible, no one mentions how offensive the DIALOGUE ALONE is in that scene, which I must say, compared to what I've seen during rape scenes in other movies, felt almost new to me, and really unpleasant!
