MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > For those of you who are still confused....

For those of you who are still confused... [SPOILERS]

I took the liberty of writing down EVERYTHING that happened in real time (from both movies).


~ Kayako falls "in love" with her professor and writes everything in her Diary.
~her husband (Takeo) finds the journal.
~She comes home to find Takeo reading it. He gets enraged and breaks her neck. He then kills her son (Toshio) and the cat.
~Kayako's ghost kills Takeo. (You don't see this, but you are supposed to assume it because he was hung up by her hair.)
~The professor goes to the house to find everyone dead. He also finds the journal and knows that Kayako was obsessed with him.
~He goes home and jumps off his balcony.

~Matthew Williams gets a job in Japan, where his sister (Susan) already lives.
~He moves to Japan with is wife (Jennifer) and his sick mother (Emma.)
~They move into The House.
~They need help cleaning the house and caring for Emma so they hire a girl (Yoko), who is killed.
~Because Yoko is killed, the social workers send Karen over to the house to help instead.
~Jennifer is killed.
~Matthew is killed.
~Susan is killed.
~Emma is killed.
~Karen goes into shock and is taken to a hospital.
~The cops go to the house to investigate.
~They find Matthew and Jennifer's bodies up in the attic along with Yoko's lower jaw.
~The head detective starts to think that the deaths may have something to do with the house, so he goes back and is drowned by Takeo.
~Karen's boyfriend (Doug) goes to the house.
~Karen goes to the house.
~Kayako attacks them and Doug is killed.
~Karen sets the house on fire.
~Karen is taken to the hospital.

~Karen's mother tells Karen's sister (Aubrey) that she has to go to Japan to bring Karen back
~Aubrey goes to Japan
~Aubrey goes to the hospital
~Aubrey meets up with a reporter (Eason).
~Aubrey is led to Karen's room where Karen starts screaming hysterically and she is restrained by the nurses.
~Aubrey goes outside where she meets up with Eason again.
~Karen breaks free of the straps and runs out of her room and up onto the roof.
~Karen is attacked by Kayako and she is thrown off the roof.
~The next day, Aubrey and Eason go to the House.
~Eason finds the diary.
~They go to Eason's friend to translate the Diary where they find out about Kayako's mother.
~That night, Kayako kills Eason in the photo room.
~The next day, Aubrey goes to visit Kayako's mother.
~Kayako kills her mother.
~Aubrey returns to the house.
~The ghost of Takeo kills her in the same way he killed Kayako.

~Three schoolgirls (Allison, Vanessa, and Miyuki) are in a courtyard at school in Japan.
~The Girls go to the House.
~Allison sees the ghost of Aubrey in the closet.
~A couple days later Miyuki dies.
~Then Vanessa dies.
~In the principal's office Allison tells the principal she wants to go home. Then she is chased out by the ghosts of Miyuki, Vanessa, and even the principal too.

~In Chicago, Trish moves in with Bill, Lacey, and Jake.
~Allison goes home to the USA, allowing the Grudge to get into Chicago.
~Bill uncharacteristically becomes jealous because he thinks Trish is having an affair.
~That afternoon, Lacey visits her friend (Sally) who is compulsively drinking milk.
~Sally dies surrounded by milk cartons, the ghost of Toshio, and the cat.
~The next morning, Trish, possessed, Kills bill with a frying pan.
~Later that day, Jake and Lacey come home. They split up and Jake finds Bill dead. He goes into the bathroom and finds Lacey dead too. Then Trish is pulled under the water by Toshio.
~Jake runs out of the apartment and sees Allison in the hall.
~Kayako comes out of Allison's sweatshirt and kills her.
~Kayako kills Jake.

To be continued...

(yes, there is going to be a Grudge 3)

Hope that helps.

EDIT from sin_city1876:
"Jake is still alive! I saw the trailer for the Grudge 3 and he is put in a white room [psych ward?]
but yeah thought i would say that lol"

thanks for the update!

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


thank you so much i just finished watching it and i was really confused. i also didnt see the first one so this helped alot.


I thought I understood everything, but your timeline proved me wrong. Excellent work.

Smokey, my friend, you are entering a world of pain.


lol thanks! I only know all this stuff bc i kinda watched the movie twice. I was watching the scary scenes in fast-forward with the captions on. I don't do well with anxiety lol. (My dvd player will write out the subtitles even in fast-forward, and luckily i'm a fast reader.) Then, after I knew what was going to happen, i would rewind the scene and watch it again for real. It hinders the surprise factor, but i guess that's the point.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me



I am still confused by this part, at the end Allison see Aubrey in the closet, but in the beginning of the movie she see Kayako, that part is the only thing that confuses me.

Dean:Hey no chickflick moments
Sam:Alright Jerk


Yeah, I know. It's a technicality. Ignore the fact that it was the actress that played Kayako. It's a cheap trick- a ploy to throw you off. The audience is SUPPOSED to think the ghost is Kayako, not Aubrey. You're not even supposed to know Aubrey dies until the end when Takeo breaks her neck. If they had originally used Amber Tamblyn in that scene, it would've ruined the twist.

PS: I Heart Supernatural lol.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


oh I get it

Dean:Hey no chickflick moments
Sam:Alright Jerk





Oh, thank you. Because the storylines were all scrambled up and because Aubrey and Allison looked similar enough to me, I was really confused. I have to see it again because the first time I didn't realize that it was out of sequence. I think I would understand better a second time.

And some random opinions:

The guy who played Eason was pretty cute.

Hugh Laurie is great. I've liked him for awhile. He's damn funny. He is good-looking for an old guy and makes House an interesting character.

Supernatural is a good show. I think the younger brother is cute. He would be my preference looks and personality-wise.


You're right Aubrey and Allison did look a lot alike. I usually have a hard time telling people apart in movies. Like if there are two guys who have dark hair, i always have to go by what they're wearing. The only reason i didn't confuse Aubrey and Allison in this movie was bc i used to watch Joan of Arcadia and the girl who played Aubrey was in it.

the guy who played Eason was definitely cute! I just so happen to have a thing for Asian guys :O)

and i like the older brother (jensen ackles) on supernatural better. i think the guy who plays Sam looks like a lion cub. lol.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


i think the guy who plays Sam looks like a lion cub

His name is Jared, and he is fricking beautiful and so is Jensen

Dean:hey no chickflick moments
Sam:Alright jerk


yeah Jared Padalecki. He played Dean on Gilmore girls. it's funny that jensen's name is Dean on supernatural.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


I still don't get it! doesn't the accident with the three girls take place while Aubrey is searching for answers?!Not two years later?!

And wasn't Alison the one who got stuck in the cupboard?

Horror films aren't suppose to make you that confused, the film is so messed up. Poorly writen...


The movie is not shot in chronological order.

The 1st scene (Where Trish hits Bill with the frying pan) takes place on the same day as the last scene. In present day chicago.

In the 2nd scene, when the three girls go into the house, you're right, it was Allison in the closet. (I said Vanessa. Typo on my part.) It takes place about a week before the 1st scene. (BUT it is two years after Aubrey dies.) Allison gets stuck in the cupboard, and the ghost who comes down out of the ceiling is the ghost of Aubrey, not Kayako (but you're not supposed to know that til the end.)

Then, the following scenes are FLASHBACKS of how Aubrey came to Japan (about 2 years ago), searched for answers, and died. That's how she started haunting the house instead of Kayako.

Then, the scenes after that are Allison's scenes again. First, when she is being haunted in Japan, then when she comes home to Chicago. She brings the ghosts back with her and it shows what happened to the other family (Trish, Bill, Jake, and Lacey) who live in the same building as her.

The final scene (the sweatshirt one) takes place on the same day as the first scene only its a few hours later.

The only complaint i have about the movie is they really should have told you when it was a flashback and when it was present day. It would have clarified a lot.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


So what;s the timeline between Kayako's death and Takeo's death

And what's the timeline when the Professor visits the house - SURELY this is not done on the same day???????????????

"Parties are never mad... they're angry!" - The Pest


it says on wikipedia that the professor comes by the next day. he sees takeo dead, so it's assumed that Kayako killed Takeo sometime within the night.


because Aubrey and Allison looked similar enough to me
Yeah, that happens in films far too often, and confused me in this one at the beginning, too. They should have at least made an effort to give them different hairstyles or hair color.

If and when I ever direct a film that's going to be one of my primary dictates to the casting director, hair stylists and make-up artists--make sure that no two primary characters look similar to each other (unless it's a film that hinges on a mix-up based on that).

Is everyone in this house a total nutzoid or is it just me?


okej so most of my suspitions were confirmed by that, but still one thing though.. what happens with the people who dissappears? I mean the girl who is drawn into the mirror and the wierd way allison is drwn into her own shirt ?


i don't know. nobody does. I assume they will answer that question eventually in the sequel... or maybe not... maybe it will just stay one of those "Grudge" mysteries. In other words, don't look for any scientific explanations. lol.

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


AAaah thanks a lot! I didn't realize it was like going back and forth I thought this was all happening at the same time - Anyone got any suggestions for how this series will end??


well i kinda followed the movies correctly but your timeline does make it easier. like a previous comment i was getting confused by the actresses. it doesn't happen often but the way they jumped between scenes made it slightly hard to tell.

it took me a while in the departed as well . for some reason matt daemon and leonardo dicaprio looked and sounded the same lol

What kind of killer stops to save a dying fish?


Excellent! It helped a lot to understand the movie. I voted it a "1".


Kayako didn't kill jake because it never showed that so that is why i think there making grudge 3 but thanx for the info


true. i just assumed.
