MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > For those of you who are still confused....

For those of you who are still confused... [SPOILERS]

I took the liberty of writing down EVERYTHING that happened in real time (from both movies).


~ Kayako falls "in love" with her professor and writes everything in her Diary.
~her husband (Takeo) finds the journal.
~She comes home to find Takeo reading it. He gets enraged and breaks her neck. He then kills her son (Toshio) and the cat.
~Kayako's ghost kills Takeo. (You don't see this, but you are supposed to assume it because he was hung up by her hair.)
~The professor goes to the house to find everyone dead. He also finds the journal and knows that Kayako was obsessed with him.
~He goes home and jumps off his balcony.

~Matthew Williams gets a job in Japan, where his sister (Susan) already lives.
~He moves to Japan with is wife (Jennifer) and his sick mother (Emma.)
~They move into The House.
~They need help cleaning the house and caring for Emma so they hire a girl (Yoko), who is killed.
~Because Yoko is killed, the social workers send Karen over to the house to help instead.
~Jennifer is killed.
~Matthew is killed.
~Susan is killed.
~Emma is killed.
~Karen goes into shock and is taken to a hospital.
~The cops go to the house to investigate.
~They find Matthew and Jennifer's bodies up in the attic along with Yoko's lower jaw.
~The head detective starts to think that the deaths may have something to do with the house, so he goes back and is drowned by Takeo.
~Karen's boyfriend (Doug) goes to the house.
~Karen goes to the house.
~Kayako attacks them and Doug is killed.
~Karen sets the house on fire.
~Karen is taken to the hospital.

~Karen's mother tells Karen's sister (Aubrey) that she has to go to Japan to bring Karen back
~Aubrey goes to Japan
~Aubrey goes to the hospital
~Aubrey meets up with a reporter (Eason).
~Aubrey is led to Karen's room where Karen starts screaming hysterically and she is restrained by the nurses.
~Aubrey goes outside where she meets up with Eason again.
~Karen breaks free of the straps and runs out of her room and up onto the roof.
~Karen is attacked by Kayako and she is thrown off the roof.
~The next day, Aubrey and Eason go to the House.
~Eason finds the diary.
~They go to Eason's friend to translate the Diary where they find out about Kayako's mother.
~That night, Kayako kills Eason in the photo room.
~The next day, Aubrey goes to visit Kayako's mother.
~Kayako kills her mother.
~Aubrey returns to the house.
~The ghost of Takeo kills her in the same way he killed Kayako.

~Three schoolgirls (Allison, Vanessa, and Miyuki) are in a courtyard at school in Japan.
~The Girls go to the House.
~Allison sees the ghost of Aubrey in the closet.
~A couple days later Miyuki dies.
~Then Vanessa dies.
~In the principal's office Allison tells the principal she wants to go home. Then she is chased out by the ghosts of Miyuki, Vanessa, and even the principal too.

~In Chicago, Trish moves in with Bill, Lacey, and Jake.
~Allison goes home to the USA, allowing the Grudge to get into Chicago.
~Bill uncharacteristically becomes jealous because he thinks Trish is having an affair.
~That afternoon, Lacey visits her friend (Sally) who is compulsively drinking milk.
~Sally dies surrounded by milk cartons, the ghost of Toshio, and the cat.
~The next morning, Trish, possessed, Kills bill with a frying pan.
~Later that day, Jake and Lacey come home. They split up and Jake finds Bill dead. He goes into the bathroom and finds Lacey dead too. Then Trish is pulled under the water by Toshio.
~Jake runs out of the apartment and sees Allison in the hall.
~Kayako comes out of Allison's sweatshirt and kills her.
~Kayako kills Jake.

To be continued...

(yes, there is going to be a Grudge 3)

Hope that helps.

EDIT from sin_city1876:
"Jake is still alive! I saw the trailer for the Grudge 3 and he is put in a white room [psych ward?]
but yeah thought i would say that lol"

thanks for the update!

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me



and I thought they just wanted to give three actresses a break , into a movie ie Allison, Vanessa, and Miyuki



spikeschilde Deserves an award, I finally get it now...


thanks! secret is i watched it twice. :O)


Wow, that's impressive. I just watched it for the first time and was really confused. Now it makes sense. It's still not a very good movie but I'll probably end up watching the 3rd just to see what happens next. They'll have to explain why Aubrey now haunts the house for sure. One good thing: Eason.


I've been reading this whole discussion and ALL my questions have been answered (thanks heaps - it make more sense now) except for one. I hope this makes sense: if Aubrey died two years before,and now haunts the house when the three school girls visit it, does that mean that Aubrey is the one who follows the girls around and makes two of them dissapear, or is that still the work of Kayako?
Nothing to do with this thread but I'm going to Japan with some friends in Jan next year and if I see a house like in The Grudge I am going to freak!


no aubrey is stuck in the house. kayoko is following them around, then when allison goes to the US, kayako follows her there. its almost like aubrey took kayako's place so she could be free to roam around.
and lucky you to be going to japan. i wish i had the money to travel.



Eye - Warship - Satin


Ah! Thankyou once again for getting rid of my confusion. Now I can watch it a second time with confidence : )
As for Japan, yeah I am pretty lucky, it should be really good but trust me - it's been a long time coming. I just got a little restless seeing all my friends go overseas and after heaps of 'you have to get your ass out and see the world!' from them I decided to do it too!
I've never been to another country before and it's taken me a while to save for it so it will be worth it. Don't worry if you can't go right now, heaps of ppl have never travelled. You'll get there one day : )


thank you. my fiance and i want to travel england, wales, scotland, ireland, france, italy one day, but its like $8000. by then we'll have kids! lol. we'll make it eventually though.



exactly. she's like yoko for part 1. she's trapped in the house now. kayako is still the main ghost. she's just free to travel outside of the house now. i think karen set her free when she burnt the house down.


Kayako is still the main ghost, since it is her who take care of the killing. But I really doubt Aubrey is stuck in the house. Not even Kayako was stuck in it, as long as someone entered the house, she was free to follow them whereiever it was. It was the curse that was stuck in the house, meaning only those who entered the house would be cursed.
When the house was burned, it was the curse which was set free, not Kayako. Aubrey was already infected, and by bringing the infection to Kayako's mother, the mother too was killed. So I don't see why Aurbey should be trapped inside it and Kayako not. And what about the teacher and the two schoolgirls? They too were free to travel.

But Kayako still used the house as her "home". I guess her home is wherever the curse is.


ok. i can see that. maybe aubrey just didnt know how to get out.


Maybe the next movie will tell us. The reason Aubrey don't get out is because it would be a huge spoiler that she had actually turned into a ghost herself. If we saw her like that before the end, the end would have been ruined. Also, at that point, the curse was still located in the house in Japan, and before Allison and the two other girls entered the house, no new ones were infected by the curse. The last one was Aubrey, and she had already been taken. With no victims, what else could the ghosts do than wait for someone to enter the house?

Is it possible that by running from Japan after being infected, and returning to Chicago, the distance was so great that the only way for Kayako to get allison was if the source of her power, the curse, was transported to Chicago as well? But to do so, she had to performe some influence on those living there, causing them to create another tragedy to make the right atmosphere so the curse should be able to move in and fully manifest itself.

The movie's title is The Grudge, which means The Curse. But Kayako and the curse is not the same. The curse is working through Kayako's ghost, like all the others turned into ghosts, and they don't seem to mind doing so. Kayako and the others are its lackeys, but she seems to have the highest rank. At least that's my theory.

I still don't understand why some are just killed while others are transformed into ghosts. Maybe the process of transformation requires some ressources, and so only those with a strong soul makes it worth it. But the stronger it gets, the more souls it will be able to transform.


yeah i dont know why some are turned and some just die. im hoping that question will be answered in part 3.


I don't think burning the house did anything extra. Sarah (I think that's the right name), the real daughter of the dementia woman in Grudge I died in an apartment *outside* of the haunted house. She was the one who fled from the security guard's footage in G1 and got cosey with the ghost in bed who she mistook for her brother.

As for Kayako's cruise across the Pacific to the states, I don't know if the fire smelted her a nice Passport for international travel.

btw Spikeschilde great work piecing things logically, I think I got the story after watching both movies but it got solidified by your timeline. It would be great if you made a PowerPoint presentation with pics and slides for it :P Perhaps anyone who watches both films can review it afterwards!


her name was susan. yes, she was emms's daughter (and matthew's sister.) she died outside of the house, but she still died bc she was touched by the curse.


There is something taht I still don't get.. why did Takeo kill Aubrey? Is he haunting the house too?
The movie is so confusing.


why wouldn't he kill aubrey? lol. he's a crazy psycho madman ghost. j/k. she was just there and he killed her in the same way he killed kayako, so personally, i think it might be a residual haunting, which just means it repeats itself without any knowledge or thought, kinda like a CD on repeat. kayako's not residual. she is an intelligent haunting. she knows what shes doing when she does it.


I don't think it was actually Takeo. Everything happened exactly the same way it happened to Kayako, even Karen experienced it even if it didn't kill her. Each time it looks like an old film is played over and over again, in every single detail. The "Takeo" we see in these replays seems to be no more the real Takeo than a picture of you is the real you. If it was his real ghost, he would have been more like Kayako and not repeating each movement, timing and everything else each time, he would have been seen outside the house, and the surroundings wouldn't have changed back to how the house used to look and we wouldn't have seen him kill the cat and the boy.

It could have been the curse itself, which Kayako is a part of, taking physical form and repeating its birth again as to absorb more people. The ghosts connected to it are able to kill in their own way, but the curse seems to only be able to kill by influencing their behavior or letting them experience the same thing that created it in the first place.
The fact that Aubrey was acutally killed bu it could mean the curse is getting stronger.

And just an idea. Kayako could have killed Aubrey anytime since she entered the house, instead she used her as a transport to her mother, a person she probably hated and blaimed for what she did to her when she was a child (could this be the reason she was dragged into the house in the first time?). This was not an act caused be the curse, since the mother had not been into the house. For me it look like this was the first time Kayako really acted and killed somebody on her own. Aubrey had just like her a difficult relationship with her mother, and Kayako could have understood this. So now when she finally got revenge on her mother thanks to Aubrey, she could have refused to kill her. So instead she was killed by the curse by letting her die the same way Kayako did.
And when we see Kayako's face coming closer to her at the end, for the first time we don't see her face as an evil spirit with hostile eyes and white skin in the moment a victim is dying, but as a normal girl who sees on her with an expression of something that is not hate or triumph, but something else. This was also the first time somebody infected with the curse was not killed by a ghost.
This, combined with the fact that the curse has now established itself in America, makes me wonder what we have in wait for the final film in the trilogy.

I also wonder, is there some sort of intelligence or will behind the curse, or is it just some supernatural phenomena that has to follow its own rules and laws of nature, just like an apple that falls from a tree has to fall to the ground.


Thanks for explaining... after reading all this the movie makes more sense to me!
I really wonder what will happen in the third movie.



you know what this movie was just badly done and made no sense. The writers just wanted to try and make a creapy movie and ended up with a crappy movie!nothing in it makes sense and there is no way to make it make sense. The only reason for this movie is to make people so upset that they need to watch the 3rd movie in hopes that the person who wrote it isnt actually stupid and may have a good idea for the 3rd. But i hate to tell you guys with such a *beep* writer and directer you are not going to seea good movie or find any answers so save your money.
I dont get why if the chick drinking the milk was supposed to be Allison why was it a different actress that makes no sense. how badly drawn out. They just put no thought into this movie at all.
All these people keep saying ohhhhhh i get it thanks for the comments ....but really what the hell do you get. There is nothing there, there is no rational reasoning behind anything in this movie. I have never been so angry after watching this movie. I watch alot of movies and spend alot of time on the detail and making of ect but this movie was just such a waste. There is nothing worst than a long wanna be cool movie that has no point. I am sad that i wasted almost 2 hours of my life. I would sooner watch Gigli than sit throught that *beep* again.



If you don't have the ability or patience to read the posts, and you still don't get it, just say so instead of pretending you really didn't like it because nothing makes sense. Yes, there are still some mysteries left, but hopefully these will be answered in Grudge 3.


My point exactly! It is a badly made movie that was rushed together just a bunch of random junk for simple minded people who will pay to see part 3 just to try and make sense of it all. And when part 3 comes out and its as stupid as part 2 you can appologize than. I have seen alot of good movies and this one really has no rational thought to it. Its only my opinion. I understand the movie there is nothing trivial about it ....its just not well thought out


You're a moron and your argument reflects that. If you actually bother to THINK while watching the film, you'd know that the girl in question is not Allison and that girl was possessed by the cat spirit.


I dont get why if the chick drinking the milk was supposed to be Allison why was it a different actress that makes no sense. how badly drawn out. They just put no thought into this movie at all

no, you didnt put any thought into this movie. you just watched it and expected everything to be spelled out for you. i dont know where you got the idea the milk girl was supposed to be allison. it was Lacey's friend. the blonde girl. she got haunted by the kid and his cat. she had the need to drink milk and keep drinking it til she drank so much her stomach ruptured and she died.

It really wasnt a bad movie. you just didnt understand it.


Yes, she died because of too much milk after being influenced by the curse. If Jake survives into the next movie, that means that Kayako still havn't killed anyone that hasn't been into the house in Japan except for her mother. But now when new deaths and a tradegy has occured, it will probably change. Before after Trish had killed her husband, the only way for someone in the building (execpt for Allison) to be killed was by the indirect consequenses of being affected by the curse. I just wonder who killed Trish and Lacey, as I doubt it was Kayako.


Thank you so much. I totally didn't catch that it was Aubry, Allison saw in the closet. I'm getting the creeps again, now. :)


thank god there is going to be grudge 3 but why kill eason and aubrey they are the main people in this! why even make grudge 2 then?


to pave the way for grudge 3



So in the first Grudge, does the coworker of Karen, who sees the jawless woman die too?


in the deleted scenes you may find the school girl in the closet meets the journalist....the stories are not spanned over two years..(as it may appear)


somebody asked me about that deleted scene a few months ago. I'll explain it again here...

that one scene was deleted for a reason. they were two years apart. In the commentary, the director explained that he thought about making a Time Loop Continuum issue but thought it was getting too confusing (as if could get ANY more confusing lol) so he decided to cut it. it wasn't part of the finished movie. it can be ignored.


Can't the grudge die by fire? Because in the ending of the 1st movie karen was alone in a hospital room and from what i remember she heard two people talking that they had watered the house to save karen, then she sees the grudge and it ends, so what I'm saying is if they didn't water the house to save karen wouldn't the grudge be dead?


Also someone said that in the 3rd movie they should explay why Aubrey haunts the house. My opinion why she haunts the house is because she was killed by Takeo, but this is just a guess, I can't think of any other reasons why she haunts the house.


No, the curse can't be terminated with fire. If so, it would be easy to destroy.

I think, or at least hope, we can expect a more detailed explanation why Aubrey is now a ghost. And she wasn't killed by Takeo, but by the curse which as a residual haunting takes the form of Takeo and lets Aubrey experience the same death that Kayako was exposed to.


Thanks now I think the reason Aubrey is a ghost is because she wanted someone to replace her so she can go where she wants, but what i don't understand why is she evil and shouldn't everything be over after she got her revenge to kill Takeo. How was the curse made?


also there might be two parts to the grudge. Kayako's soul, which fueled the grudge, and the curse in itself. In order for the curse to keep itself going, it needed a soul (like a parasite). So, Kayako needed another host for the Grudge. Why didn't she just use Karen, you say? Perhaps Karen wasn't feeling strong emotions, other then triumph, when she tried to burn the house down in G1. Karen was also being kept in the hospital under lock and key, and wasn't that emotional. The Grudge disposed of Karen. I think in order for Kayako to free herself, she needed someone to die the same way she did. Also, she wanted a few "chores" done before she left (killing her mother and so on). Kayako/the Grudge then pulled Aubrey in when she was emotional (her sister's death, and anger towards her mother, not to mention hopelessness). They then lured her upstairs by showing her Karen and recreated Kayako's death through Aubrey. In G1, Karen only saw the memory of it, not having it reenact. So now Aubrey is the host, while the Grudge still uses the guise of Kayako. Kayako's soul is free, but maybe she felt sad for Aubrey since she knows what that feeling was like.

enter Grudge 3....dun dun dun.


I didnt like this movie..until spikeschilde explained it all, i was completely confused but thanks for explaining the timeline. Because of you, this movie makes more sense to me now and i like it better.

What happened, Hollywood, what happened to your sequels?


I friggin love you.

It's all MUCH clearer now.
