MovieChat Forums > The Grudge 2 (2006) Discussion > For those of you who are still confused....

For those of you who are still confused... [SPOILERS]

I took the liberty of writing down EVERYTHING that happened in real time (from both movies).


~ Kayako falls "in love" with her professor and writes everything in her Diary.
~her husband (Takeo) finds the journal.
~She comes home to find Takeo reading it. He gets enraged and breaks her neck. He then kills her son (Toshio) and the cat.
~Kayako's ghost kills Takeo. (You don't see this, but you are supposed to assume it because he was hung up by her hair.)
~The professor goes to the house to find everyone dead. He also finds the journal and knows that Kayako was obsessed with him.
~He goes home and jumps off his balcony.

~Matthew Williams gets a job in Japan, where his sister (Susan) already lives.
~He moves to Japan with is wife (Jennifer) and his sick mother (Emma.)
~They move into The House.
~They need help cleaning the house and caring for Emma so they hire a girl (Yoko), who is killed.
~Because Yoko is killed, the social workers send Karen over to the house to help instead.
~Jennifer is killed.
~Matthew is killed.
~Susan is killed.
~Emma is killed.
~Karen goes into shock and is taken to a hospital.
~The cops go to the house to investigate.
~They find Matthew and Jennifer's bodies up in the attic along with Yoko's lower jaw.
~The head detective starts to think that the deaths may have something to do with the house, so he goes back and is drowned by Takeo.
~Karen's boyfriend (Doug) goes to the house.
~Karen goes to the house.
~Kayako attacks them and Doug is killed.
~Karen sets the house on fire.
~Karen is taken to the hospital.

~Karen's mother tells Karen's sister (Aubrey) that she has to go to Japan to bring Karen back
~Aubrey goes to Japan
~Aubrey goes to the hospital
~Aubrey meets up with a reporter (Eason).
~Aubrey is led to Karen's room where Karen starts screaming hysterically and she is restrained by the nurses.
~Aubrey goes outside where she meets up with Eason again.
~Karen breaks free of the straps and runs out of her room and up onto the roof.
~Karen is attacked by Kayako and she is thrown off the roof.
~The next day, Aubrey and Eason go to the House.
~Eason finds the diary.
~They go to Eason's friend to translate the Diary where they find out about Kayako's mother.
~That night, Kayako kills Eason in the photo room.
~The next day, Aubrey goes to visit Kayako's mother.
~Kayako kills her mother.
~Aubrey returns to the house.
~The ghost of Takeo kills her in the same way he killed Kayako.

~Three schoolgirls (Allison, Vanessa, and Miyuki) are in a courtyard at school in Japan.
~The Girls go to the House.
~Allison sees the ghost of Aubrey in the closet.
~A couple days later Miyuki dies.
~Then Vanessa dies.
~In the principal's office Allison tells the principal she wants to go home. Then she is chased out by the ghosts of Miyuki, Vanessa, and even the principal too.

~In Chicago, Trish moves in with Bill, Lacey, and Jake.
~Allison goes home to the USA, allowing the Grudge to get into Chicago.
~Bill uncharacteristically becomes jealous because he thinks Trish is having an affair.
~That afternoon, Lacey visits her friend (Sally) who is compulsively drinking milk.
~Sally dies surrounded by milk cartons, the ghost of Toshio, and the cat.
~The next morning, Trish, possessed, Kills bill with a frying pan.
~Later that day, Jake and Lacey come home. They split up and Jake finds Bill dead. He goes into the bathroom and finds Lacey dead too. Then Trish is pulled under the water by Toshio.
~Jake runs out of the apartment and sees Allison in the hall.
~Kayako comes out of Allison's sweatshirt and kills her.
~Kayako kills Jake.

To be continued...

(yes, there is going to be a Grudge 3)

Hope that helps.

EDIT from sin_city1876:
"Jake is still alive! I saw the trailer for the Grudge 3 and he is put in a white room [psych ward?]
but yeah thought i would say that lol"

thanks for the update!

"I don't have a crush on Hugh Laurie. I have a crush on Greg House." ~Me


You seriously just made my day. I just watched it and was so confused! THANK YOU SO MUCH. That just cleared up so much.


you're welcome :O)



Don't jump the gun. You gotta wait til "the Grudge 3" to find out what happens. If they figured out how to stop the curse in "the Grudge 2", there would be no sequel.



it's just a movie. Not instructions for life as we know it. The whole fact that it's about a ghost who kills people with her hair should be enough for you to know that it's not the be all end all of film. It's obviously not an Oscar nominee. take it for what its worth. simple entertainment. if you hated it, don't watch the 3rd. it was free for you anyway.



How do you know that Aubreys death was 2 years before the Schoolgirls go to the house? I must have missed something.....

crappy random thought.


Karen set fire to the house, then died like 2 days after that. Then Aubrey died two days after that.
and at the very beginning of "the Grudge 2" one of the girls said to Allison, "This is the house that that girl set fire to two years ago." (or something like that.)


Can't the grudge die by fire? Because in the ending of the 1st movie karen was alone in a hospital room and from what i remember she heard two people talking that they had watered the house to save karen, then she sees the grudge and it ends, so what I'm saying is if they didn't water the house to save karen wouldn't the grudge be dead?


oh! wow you're the first person to notice that. thanks!


impressive work. thanks.


ah , i see, so i did miss something. Thanks!

crappy random thought.


Thanks so much for this. I think the reason I didn't like The Grudge 2 was because I got confused about the timeline. I'm gonna try watching it again tonight now, and hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it, now that I can understand what the hell is going on!

"Never ever bloody anything ever!" - Rik's Dreamytime Escorts charater motto.


This is a really great work,

Thanks :)


They did reiterate the point that the Alison related story was taking place 2 year after karen/Aubrey drama. But you're right cos i missed it at the start too and was wondering why Aubrey and her mum had left karen in a tokyo hospital for 2 years and not visited her. The film was just shambolic, badly written and terribley directed. There wasn't even one scare. Very disappointing!


just watched the movie and i was confused until i read this, this has really halped a lot. thanks


When I watched the movie I figured out the exact same timeline that you give except I realized that there is one huge hole in the theory... Eason takes the journal out of the closet two years before Allison sees it there. Any explanation for that? Also if you watch the deleted scenes it implies that it is not two years earlier because in one of them Eason is standing outside of the closet when Allison comes busting out.


aubrey brought the journal back to the house, where she died. then allison came 2 years later and found it. its almost like the journal always finds its way back to the house somehow.
that one scene was deleted for a reason. they were two years apart. the director explained that he thought about making a Time Loop Continuum issue but thought it was getting too confusing (as if could get ANY more confusing lol) so he decided to cut it. it wasnt part of the finished movie. it can be ignored.


Actually Aubrey did NOT bring the journal back to the house! I saw that scene again and Aubrey enters the house holding nothing (she has just turned off her sell phone after talking with her mother, but she is not holding that either). Then she just "sees" the journal in a flashback being read by Takeo.

So, there is still a plot hole there, except if the journal comes back by its own, or if Allison "sees" just an image/flashback of the journal in the closet and not the actual one. (Now, thinking about it, we easily accept that she sees the ghosts of dead Kayako/Aubrey and dead Toshio(!), so why not seeing a non-existing journal as well?!?)
