
I hope they don't try to get us over-invested in him now for the next two seasons, I'd rather them concentrate on better developing/resolving both Raj and Stuart.


I like that character. I find him funny. I can't stand Stuart, I'm pretty sick of that character and how pathetic he is and how he is always mooching off of everyone.

I'd definitely prefer more Bert (Burt) and less Stuart.


Yeah I used to like Stuart more before they made him into someone with zero self esteem. At first he was portrayed as an educated man, owned his business and at least had the courage to ask Penny out on a date. He was socially awkward but not a total loser.

He needs a severe boost of self confidence. He's cute, a successful business man and has a nice personality underneath all the self pitying. But I guess that now since Leonard and Howard are married and Sheldon has a girlfriend, someone has to be the social outcast loser on the show.

Of course I thought Raj had that title already!


Every workplace seems to have a Bert-like person...a little goes a long way. He is no one's best friend; but is always a part of the group.

Maybe Bert is just the new Kripke.

Same as with Kripke, I wouldn't be a big fan of them focusing on him; but, an occasional visit would be all right.


I agree... I prefer just having the few main characters with Stuart, Burt and Kripke used now and then.. I don't think Stuart is interesting enough to be in the show as much as he is, it's always the same joke that he's a useless mooch.


I wouldn't make too much of it. Probably they had a type of story they wanted to tell and Bert fit it better than Stuart did.

I wouldn't want Kripke every week unless they cure his speech impediment. That could get old pretty fast.


The only joke I loved with Barry was his first appearance, when Raj asked what his accent was. It's unfortunate that they really only seem to have written the speech impediment in for that one joke...


You must be kidding. That speech impediment is the main joke every time he appears. If you listen carefully, the writers deliberately choose words with letters that make it as apparent as possible.


Yeah I know they reused the joke many times, but I'm sure they came up with it only for that joke originally.


I think I stand alone here. I like the Bert character. I think Brian Posehn is very funny in an understated way. I remember seeing him in a standup performance years ago (televised, I wasn't there) and he really is funny. I would like to see what they could do with his character for this show. I for one think he melds better with the cast than a character like Stuart. He is a genius, but definitely not arrogant about it. He's kind of a sad sack type but not pathetic about it. He may be the underdog, but he never wallows in an unending, cringe worthy Stuart-like misery. I loved the whole "party" segment, that only consisted of himself, Amy, Penny and two pounds of potato salad. It was a comfortable and funny scene and the character intrigues me.
