MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Good as it is, why I think BB is fading ...

Good as it is, why I think BB is fading to obscurity

What makes this show maybe not as good as it could be is the failure to work into WW's character any reason behind the choices he makes - until some lousy fake apology in the last episode. This show could have had meaning to America far more than just a cheap organized crime action series. Maybe it's the difference here between the Godfather which did this better, and BB.

Clearly WW hates himself for being a failure, and relegating his wife and kid to a mediocre life, and uneventful death of cancer because he made a massive mistake in his business dealings. It would also be interesting if that could have been tied into other criminals, maybe Mike, Pinkman and even Saul Goodman.

Many of the people who buy politicians and run America today are virtual criminals who got past their self-hate and guilt and took over the country in the name of psychopathy.

The Koch brother's father made his money ripping off native Americans for oil. Behind every great fortune lies a great crime. Of course there are exceptions, but true in general.


"why I think BB is fading to obscurity"

Well its only a TV series at the end of the day, you can only watch it so many times


I have to say that's true, it is watchable.


It's #1 on imdb. What are you on about? It's hardly been forgotten.


It failed to stick the landing with the ending, Gilligan botched it, which ultimately prevented it from becoming a classic.


Drake recently bought Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul for his birthday.

Bryan and Aaron have literally started a company on the based on their chemistry in Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad will always be an american classic.


Well the protagonists were never likeable unless you fall into human piece of Garbage territory and love self medicating with narcotics. Anyone who thinks this is televisions finest moment has missed an awfully lot of good television and creators through the last 50-60 years. I dont even consider it top tier but its massive promotion did manage to fool a lot of people into pushing social engineering and cultural decay. Hence where we are today.

People can go back and discover the Prisoner. Analyze it and get a full understanding of that short series. Then come back and try preaching how great "Breaking Bad" is LOL. Probably a great show if you are a drug addict and hate yourself along with whatever family people have left though. It disgusted me personally and I had to force myself to sit through it because of the hype thinking it would somehow turn itself around in the end.. which it didnt. Even the first season of True Detective didnt make such a horrible mistake although season 2 kind of did but that might be the darkest season I have ever seen of a TV Show by design do to all its Occult references at the elite levels.

Breaking Bad will be a forgotten show eventually as will the actors involved. Its popularity was more an example of online manipulation than anything else. People are growing tired of the glorification of SCUM in TV and Film these days. Thats why everything fails with the majority of people over the age of teenager or those not habitual drug users or porn brain manipulated sociopaths.


So what TV have people missed through the last 50 years then, exactly? What "social engineering" is pushed by Breaking Bad?

>People can go back and discover the Prisoner. Analyze it and get a full understanding of that short series. Then come back and try preaching how great "Breaking Bad" is LOL. Probably a great show if you are a drug addict and hate yourself along with whatever family people have left though. It disgusted me personally and I had to force myself to sit through it because of the hype thinking it would somehow turn itself around in the end.. which it didnt. Even the first season of True Detective didnt make such a horrible mistake although season 2 kind of did but that might be the darkest season I have ever seen of a TV Show by design do to all its Occult references at the elite levels.

You sound like a victorian prude.

>Breaking Bad will be a forgotten show eventually as will the actors involved. Its popularity was more an example of online manipulation than anything else. People are growing tired of the glorification of SCUM in TV and Film these days. Thats why everything fails with the majority of people over the age of teenager or those not habitual drug users or porn brain manipulated sociopaths.

Everything does not remotely fail at all. You are the user with the 1920s housewife taste, not most people. The majority of prestige TV shows, or prestige-esque TV shows are gritty.
