Another "Lost"..

These producers can go F themselves, have another Starbucks coffee with Ed Sheeran or come out and just confess they sold everything to Disney in 2015. I don't care. I'm effin' done with this Game of Groans. I hope wildfire burns Westeros off the screen forever.



It's very similar to the final season of Battlestar Galactica, which also became a caricature of itself.


how many shows stick the landing in their final season?


Not many, i guess.


Can't think of one.


Quantum Leap


Breaking Bad, is the only one I can think of.
Maybe The Sopranos, minus the last episode.


Better question - how many shows broke both ankles on the landing?


more of those than stuck landings


Breaking Bad?


eh, BB shifted to a different kinda show really early on. the initial setup was far more complex than what it came to be. aside from the obvious big one, there wasn't much to pay off in the end


To each his own. I loved the ending.


I'm not putting down the ending. I'm just saying that it was easier to deliver an effective ending for a show that didn't have a host of setups to pay off. Once it became the Walter and Jessie show, that changed the dynamic and the demands.


Ah, true.


Six Feet Under did.


Star Trek: The Next Generation


Jesuschrist you guys are brutal... heh

I haven’t read the books, and probably never will, but as a show-only fan, I don’t think the show has been nearly as bad as a lot of people make out. It’s been pretty damn epic and compelling television.

Sure, the show’s taken a
number of “liberties” with the storytelling at times (and I utterly hate the Children of the Forest), but to say the last 2 seasons have sucked is ridiculous.

If anything, HBO should’ve given them 10 eps a season. It’s not like the snow isn’t making them a ton of money...


As someone has mentioned in another post a lot of people tend to me more annoyed because their theories have not played out. It feels like these days fans think their way for the show is the right way so if it doesn't go that way they hate it.

The only thing I was surprised by is how early in the series the night king died. The white walkers have been there right from the start so I felt like they would be the last battle and expected them to be at kings landing at some point. It also looked like many characters should have died in that episode.

Whatever happens though I will be watching


The showrunners clearly don't GaF. It shows in the quality of writing. But GRRM is equally to blame, he clearly doesn't GaF either


I am really astonished at how badly they're fucking up the final season!

I suppose I should have expected it, seeing how badly the books went off track. At least the show's writers got further into the story before going off the rails than GRRM did!


Agreed, it's horrible.
