MovieChat Forums > Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Discussion > GOD! This one was dumb as hell!

GOD! This one was dumb as hell!

I generally enjoy Marvel movies however this movie was just TOO dumb.
There were times when I thought I was watching a Nickelodeon movie or something… the orgy dialogue was very cringy, Zeus acting like he was a celebrity, using the same resource with the goats screaming over and over again (as if the tenth time was stil funny), the kids fighting scene (I thought I was watching Spy Kids), Jane with her catch phrase (eat my hammer???? Really????)… god!
Eternals was also bad but at least they put some emotion on it. This one was downright dumb from start to finish.


The MCU is bleeding out faster than XXXTencion, after he ran into those four guys who were fiending for a few thousand bucks, yet possessed no desire to try their hands at playing the lotto


I thought it was a lot of fun.


The go-to excuse for the dumbest of movies: it was "fun".


Is it an excuse if a movie is trying to be fun and succeeds at being fun? If a movie is intentionally "dumb" and manages to be entertaining, then it has achieved its goal. Are people really expecting this movie to be intellectual?


So you're saying this film was intentionally supposed to be dumb? LOL? Transformers films, or any other mindless pieces of garbage, could also be labeled as "fun" (again, the go-to excuse)... and they'd still be mindless pieces of garbage. I guess you're saying that as long as it was intended to be a mindless piece of garbage, that it's okay that it's a mindless piece of garbage? Some of us don't like mindless pieces of garbage. But I guess you do, so thanks for the clarification.

And thanks for the clarification on a new go-to excuse - "it was supposed to be bad!!!11".


Somebody is off his meds again!


Someone has no response to my post!

Best just to stay silent if you have nothing to say, boy.


Except the Transformers films aren't fun. They're Super Ceral.


Why can't you let people have a good time? Do you just choose to be a bummer or does it come naturally?


If you want to enjoy dumb shit, that's your prerogative - but don't expect everyone else to. Don't be offended when someone calls a spade a spade.


It takes someone special to come on a movie discussion board and bash people who enjoy a light hearted film. You are really special.


It takes someone special to come on a movie discussion board and think that everyone is going to share your opinions, and enjoy dumb shit. You are really special.


lol nobody asked or expected you to agree with them precious.


Why can't you let people complain about things they want to complain about? It's always a one-way street with you entitled children.


Don't forget the love triangle joke between Thor, Mjolnir and Storm Breaker.

That didn't get old at all


No way Eternals was better than this. This is bad, but Eternals is the worst.


Eternals try to keep it serious in some scenes, but in this movie, even if a character is dying they shove a joke on it, I was like "Damn man, a character is dying" or "this character is in danger, can you keep it serious please???"


Yeah, its was weird to go from partial nudity and multiple orgy references to the scene with the kids fighting. It did seem like a mashup of an adult and children’s film.


So this. Very odd indeed.


The kids fighting scene reminded me of how much I would have loved seeing that if I was a kid. This movie isn’t just for you and your age group you know?


yeah but let's put a scene for kids and in the same movie jokes about orgies and butt naked guys


Do kids know what an orgy is? I don’t really know what this country’s hang up over nudity is and they don’t bat an eye at showing kids terrible violence. It’s a butt.


> Do kids know what an orgy is?
A lot more will after (re)watching this film. Some innocents will ask their parents or siblings what it means, others will look it up, still others will learn from their friends.


I'd rather children know that an orgy means a bunch of people having sex than have them watch someone getting murdered or some other gory violence that will mentally scar them. Now if they were SHOWING a sex orgy . . .


For good or ill, violence is commonplace in PG movies but discussion of group sex is not. So parents may be surprised to encounter the latter in this film and unprepared to discuss it with their children. Personally, I just found the orgy references incongruous alongside the scenes with the kids and a lame attempt at humor.


Can't be more awkward than the time I was reading my Bible on the way to Sunday school and asked my dad what circumcision was. My point being that, you can tell kids to shut up.


Is an orgy so terrible? I mean, do kids even care about sex? Is it going to harm them to find out what it is?


Why dont you discuss orgies with your kids and find out?


Yeah that’s exactly what I said 🙄


You implied kids knowing about it is harmless. If its harmless you shouldnt have an issue discussing it with them.


You are ridiculous. Get a life, seriously.


Weak rebuttal but okay.


Oh look you're pro groomer too, what a massive major shock /s


I read Asterix when I was like six. To child me, an orgy was a lavish dinner party. Because that's what it used to mean.


Oh that's interesting! My parents were raised in Europe and I grew up with them telling me how much of an adjustment it was learning how taboo anything related to sex and nudity were in the U.S. My parents didn't see an issue with discussing anything like that to me when I was a kid, it wasn't weird or perverted. It was discussed like how you would educate someone medically.

My dad is always talking about how the more you try to sensor completely normal things like that, the more people start to get weird and obsessive about it like in the Middle East they have sexualized women so much that you can't even see her ANKLES without people going fuckin' nuts.


Yep. Wonder how many 7-12 years old asked mommy and daddy after movie finished: "Mommy what is orgy?"


They said that in the movie ? a Disney film ?!

The end is near.


That guy from stone is also gay now. At the end he was telling how he met a person/partner for himself or something and they showed how he was sitting next to another stone guy with mustashe and they were looking lovingly at each other.

Tessa Thompson makes multiple references about her "dead girlfriend".

Only trans were missing.


I know that when my 8 year old daughter watches this, she is absolutely 100% going to ask me this.


Isn't this PG13? So she's a bit young for this.

I sure knew what an orgy was when I was 13.


Could be a good orgy


They're like pizza. Even if it's a bad pizza, it's still a pizza and that ain't bad. Same with orgies. Everyone hates them until they try.


She watches many hundreds of films with me. We pause the films so she can ask questions and I would never show her anything that unsettles her. She knows it’s all make believe. I avoid horror at the moment (although she’s fine with things like Dr. Who or Wednesday).


Agreed on all of that.

I also really dislikes the dialogue with the weapons as they have thoughts and opinions.

And what is it with now everyone can pick up (or drag)Thors weapon. Im talking his ax, not the Hammer and Jane thing. That was explained.
