MovieChat Forums > Another Cinderella Story (2008) Discussion > Anyone find this gross? A 26-year-old an...

Anyone find this gross? A 26-year-old and a 16-year-old?

Seriously, that is illegal in a lot of towns! Anyone else say this is gross?


It wouldn't have been as gross if Selena actually looked the age of her character (a senior in high school). She doesn't even look 15 or 16...she looks like she's about 9 or 10. I also think that her acting was much more immature than Drew's, so their age differences stood out even more...she danced well, but that's about it.

I have to say, I'm an upper-20's female and usually like cheesy little romantic movies (I love "A Cinderella Story"), but this movie was just BAD. The acting, the writing, the casting, pretty much everything. Obviously, it was marketed towards the tweenies out there who think Selena is the omg the greatest actress ever and Drew is ever-so-dreamy, but the movie was incredibly sub-par on every other level.


The age difference wouldn't bother me really, but Selena has such a baby face, which makes her look so much younger.


Can you define age for me?
I am intreged, so you are telling me a 16 year old and 26 year old can't dance together?
They kissed...Geeees she is gonna get pregnant?
Honestly...They are actors, it is their job...My dance partner was 26 and i am 16...Ring the police!
Besides, Drew Seeley looks very young ... What is the harm...I thought he was like 19 before i researched the film!


I've known Drew Seeley from High School Musical so I already knew he was much older than his character, I just wasn't sure how much. And I knew Selena Gomez was about my age.
I can't believe she's playing a SENIOR in highschool! I'm a few months OLDER than her and I'm only a junior.
And of course she's going to look even younger standing next to the not-quite-adolescent Drew Seeley.

I understand that they are just acting and that Hollywood does this all the time but some of us are just saying that we don't like it. That's what we come on this board for, to find others who agree with our opinions. I never like that big of an age gap when dealing with kids/teenagers.

Aren't there any younger boys who can dance and act?


y'all have already covered anything i'd want to say on the age difference matter...
but i just want to say that i'm pretty sure selena's playing a junior, not a senior. cuz they're talking about how tami is gonna be able to survive senior year w/out mary, and mary doesn't leave til the end of the movie. the dance is on valentine's day, so it's later in the school year, therefore making me assume they're juniors...

Life's Short. Talk Fast.
RIP Gilmore Girls


my husband is 10 years older than me. I was 17 when we got married.
it's not like Selena and Drew were having sex. Drew was playing a highschooler

do you think it's gross on Zack and Cody that Zack has always had a crush on Maddie, and Ashley Tisdale is 22?



I don't know why everyone is so stuck on their ages anyway. Almost every teenager role in Hollywood is played by an older actor or actress. It just makes more sense money wise, experience wise, etc. I don't think the age gap here is any different than Hilary Duff's and Chad Michael Murray's in the original Cinderella Story. Selena is already an established actress and her parents were obviously ok with her being in this movie, so why aren't we? They didn't do anything other than kiss a once or twice at the end.

The Eraser room does two things: Cleans erasers and takes our innocence.


its only a movie ppl. its not like they are dating in real life. Look at A Cinderella Story, Hilary was like 17 or something while Chad was over 21 or whatever. same thing. they are actors, its required for their job to be someone who they arent. ITS ACTING.


in breakfast club, molly ringwald was 16 and judd nelson was 26
(sorry, i just had to mention it cos i love breakfast club)

screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place.

reply's fictional..look at hilary and chad..duh..

Nathan: You got me chased by a munchkin and a transvestite!..E-MAN-uelle?! Has adam's apple!



Does anyone on this board know how to separate reality from fiction? It's called acting.


I think many of these people have lost touch with reality. I believe they cannot separate reality from fiction. Very sad they cannot enjoy a movie for what it is. This movie is innocent and sends a good message to young girls. Thank goodness most people see past the age of the "actors" and enjoy their performances as Mary and Joey. Selena and Drew have their own lives in the "real world".


Hey man... This is a MOVIE and everything does good for the PLOT..
Personally I don't think Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley look gross together; they make a good pair on the screen. So if it's no big deal, why should we care? After all getting satisfied is enough... so don't take it too seriously,ok?


It's ok. My parents have a 13-year age gap, and I know many people in similar situation. And even if Selena was 16 then, I think they are not going to marry very soon. They will first get to know each other more, and it might take years, before getting serious. I think you would get more enjoyment from the movie if you watch it without ever thinking of that age gap. If you can't stop thinking about it, then I'm sorry that you can't enjoy the movie as much as I did!
