MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > so i finally watched The Matrix Resurrec...

so i finally watched The Matrix Resurrections

I missed it at cinema due to covid, even though it was out it didnt feel right for me to go (a concept unfathomable to me as Matrix is one of the core sf franchises I will go see no whatever what along with Alien/Terminator/Predator/Blade Runner/Trek/Wars etc even if the reviews are bad)

Had the blu for a few weeks but put off watching until now as wanted it to be just right and tried to recreate a cinema experience best I could (all lights off, sat close to screen). watched it in two nights (wouldve preferred one night but no want to risk falling asleep then waking up wondering if id fallen asleep or not as usually happens now if start watching a film late at night. I have to say enjoyed the first half more than second but maybe that bc I split between 2nights)

Remained pretty much spoiler free (muted 'Matrix' on Twitter back in Dec) but heard it was Terminator Genisys* or DarkFate bad/worst of series/like a parody etc so wasnt expecting it to be as good as it was. The first half is along the lines of what I was expecting from the previous sequels, i.e. all of the matrix stuff being like a dream inside computer nerd Thomas Andersons mind there was 'fun' referential/meta stuff esp regarding the need for a 4th Matrix (remember there were rumours a 4th film would be a reboot with MBJ) but was done well imo, also the philosophical stuff/literature on the trilogy seemed to be referenced
(*the opening recreation of the first film with the new actors brought back memories of Terminator Genisys),

Throughout the first hour it would hit me 'wow this really is the Matrix 4! Im watching a new Matrix film for the first time! Damn I wish had seen it in a cinema!' (could just imagine watching it in the cinema December last year and how I wish id done it), the last times felt like that was for the likes of SW VII and BR2049. was abit surprised that Keanu was front and centre lead even more than 3rd one. Id assumed hed be like a supporting 'lost legacy character' like Luke or Deckard only showing up now and then or at the end. but both he and CAM were full on leads again. think Hugo Weaving should've returned as Smith when it was revealed he was Neo's boss (Weaving still looks full on like Smith - see Mortal Engines) I guess either he didnt want to come back or they couldn't 'do a deal' with him in time (vaguely remember it being about clashing schedules. wonder if hed have played Smith from the beginning or if hed have taken over when Smith was fully revealed?). Also nu-Morpheous confused me, why not just have LF back (CG deaged?) i guess they wanted a 'young Fishburne' type so not to giveaway what was happening too early? (or to avoid costly CG deage tech). As expected the action/fight scenes/FX were great with some astonishing new imagry. this wasnt some cheap knock off (budget 190m!). The score seemed influenced by Inception at times which if intentional was a fun reference

But the box office is crazy - 10m opening/not even 40 domestic total/barely 150m worldwide! due to it being released stream same time as cinema(such a dumb reactive decision that made many 'covid films' look like bombs, even Black Widow & Dune). if no stream it should've done more in line with the recent underperforming Alien, Blade Runner, Terminator films (250m ww) and if no covid maybe more (300m). but I guess the mass audience just isn't really there anymore for the core R rated SF sagas like it was in the 90s/00s (and that us 40 somethings who grew up on them still obsess over)..the worlds moved full on to Marvel/superheroes (altho Star Wars/Jurassic are still there). at times M4 felt like it was trying to 'Marvel' itself abit in the action but thats to be expected with advancements in CG etc since R&R.

Anyway, Matrix best to worst now imo - 1,4, 2,3


its crazy to think that the new John Wick is the 4th entry of a Keanu franchise that is the one everyone was pumped over/anticipating and doing the big box office (73m opening, currently 160m domestic/350m ww), not The Matrix! imagine that a decade ago! (Keanu not so much known/celebrated for Neo anymore but an entirely new character)


They said something about nostalgia, they wanted it to feel comfortable. And the game design angle (was this Matrix the next iteration in a simulation or it was reduced to a gaming project?) rather than the old corporate business model, as software development programming Perhaps we're to believe Neo/Tom are advanced enough technically to handle any kind of work, yet he appears a much more perplexed version of protagonist. Although the suicidal ideation was similarly from the Animatrix, I would say it's a relapse or reverse course of his character. Then you're given these younger 'freed' humans that you're clued in to trust. Who knows, only half an hour confused so far.


Ive been watching Matrix 4 Resurrections on Tubi all day and the rest of the movie tonight.

I happen to like the reboot sequel. Not fond of the Matrix universe being used as a videogame in the movie and that Morpheus is now a digital construct this time which is weird.

also Neo and Trinity having to hold hands like they're the DC Comics Wonder Twins that Ill have to get used to if there might be couple more Matrix trilogy sequel movies to be made?

and weird to see "baby" Sentinels/machines to be good guys helping out the people in the real world in the movie. Simbebe whatever its called it acts too child baby like but oh well


Regarding the box office , it looks like Dune 2 will pull in 600m+ ww (currently 500m)

So thats 200m more than Dune 1, so that would've probably made similar had there been no streaming/covid. So maybe you could add about 200m more to Matrix 4 (350m total)


Finally watched it and I also preferred the first half with the meta elements and bringing it into the modern day with gaming, VR etc.

I like when the films plays with reality and you wonder what is real. Some good action sequences later but nothing that felt new


The first half was much better than the second half. Just like the other Matrix sequels, as soon as the focus shifted to the real world it gets a whole lot less interesting.
