MovieChat Forums > Spaceman (2024) Discussion > Watched it last night. It's OK

Watched it last night. It's OK

It's pretty much your run of the mill indie Sci-Fi drama that mediates on themes of loneliness. Not really anything original here, although I wasn't bored and was pretty moved by the ending. I think the biggest flaw was the scenes on earth with his wife really disrupted the pacing of the movie and could've been cut. Sandler was good here, but I don't think anything about his performance will stick out when talking about dramatic roles his done. Overall, it's decent enough for a one time watch, but I was hoping for more.


It sounds like a slow and boring film with nothing new or original.


I don't even know what the ending was! So did he make it back to the ship or die in space? Was the last scene sometime way before?


He hallucinated whole thing and that talking spider and no one will convince me otherwise. Because he went crazy from 6 month isolation. That is the only plausible explanation.


Maybe so but still, what was the ending? He made it home fine since he never left the ship? Or because of hallucination he left ship trying to save imaginary spider/friend and then died?? When was recording made that was end of film???


He floated in his spacesuit to the lights in the center of the cloud, only to find that the lights were coming from a rescue mission that picked him up. This was difficult to see in that scene.

It then cuts to him inside the spacecraft, talking to his wife with other astronauts nearby.

He expresses regret at leaving her for the mission. But of course, he wouldn't have realized that until he experienced what he did. Mistakes lead to wisdom.


his ship wasn't the only ship out there, it's mentioned that theres a Korean ship that was also sent to investigate the nebula. he did leave his own ship and became untethered, but ended up being saved by the Korean ship.


Yes, I forgot about the Korean ship. I need to go back and watch the last few minutes of the movie. Thanks all!


He was rescued by the Koreans but then the Koreans will go inside the Nebula because it is their mission and they all will die.


Do you people even pay attention when you're watching movies, or are you texting or something?


I liked the movie from a sci-fi angle. The stuff with his wife was distracting and took away from what was a very interesting story otherwise - guy alone on a space mission going a bit crazy and dealing with the ship. I had thoughts of Dark Star initially with the toilet problem but the wife stuff just ruined it. Then they had that warpy vision thing going on like Sunshine had.

I loved his interactions with the alien-spider and the way it spoke about the universe and was so interested in him and humans. When he lost him out in space I was in tears. Was like losing a best friend. That cuddle they shared was very touching also.


His relationship with his wife was what the movie was about, it's weird that you think what the film was ABOUT took away from the story. The 'wife stuff' lol


I understand that. I just much preferred the parts set in space rather than the other scenes.


Do you mean visually or the parts about death? I'm just confused because this was a very philosophical film, not really about 'space' other than a representation of isolation and loneliness.


It was the isolation and being lonely part combined with a space setting, the approach to the cloud, and the arrival of and bonding with the creature and eventual loss of a friend story which grabbed me.


Ahh, thanks for explaining. That is really interesting, do you think that the friend was real or a figment of his stressed mind?


I thought the alien was real. Pretty simple film...but the philosophical aspect of it made it worth the watch.


This part of it is entirely open to interpretation. I think it was written carefully so it could be either, and I don't mind that. I like to think it was real.


I like that they kept it open as well. That may have been the best part! The ambiguity.


I’d say to everyone, Watch ‘Moon’ and’Solaris’ instead for some good quality SF with similarities.
The original Russian Solaris if possible but Clooney’s remake is…..ok


Moon was really good, but I think that you missed the point of this film. This movie it isn't really about the SF, that's just the setting, not the content. So yes indeed watch something else if you aren't into philosophy and just want to watch a space movie. I don't know how this has anything to do with Moon or Solaris?


Moon is a good one, I enjoyed that. I found the original Solaris hard to get into while the Clooney remake was certainly more accessible. The music was pretty good though, as it is on Spaceman too.


It looks like a lot of people went into this expecting and hoping for exciting space stuff--chases, raygun battles, explosions, etc.--and were disappointed because it was a psychological drama about relationships. Oh well, their loss. I'm sure there's another Star Wars movie just around the corner for them.
