MovieChat Forums > House of the Dragon (2022) Discussion > So the princess crashed the party

So the princess crashed the party

Killed and maimed some innocents with dragon.

Made them wish they would have dragon size bubble gums.

And the she said bye and she left.

So ... how come she didn't burn them all? She would have solved all the problems and we would have had a happy ending in ep 10 ...


Yep that's the problem. If she'd burned the Hightowers then Rhaenyra would have taken the throne thereby ending the Dance of Dragons before it had begun.


Don't know why she didn't, but she should have roasted those fools. Maybe she'll say why later, cause everyone on this show is always up to something.


The writers wanted a badass moment, but it seems it backfires massively. Still, they can use this for important plot points in later seasons, peasants dont forget!


Yeah, before realizing who "drives" the dragon I was like "who the fuck is stupid enough to antagonize the population like that? Surely not someone who wants to be king/queen"


I feel like this thing hasnt happened in the book and they made that up for the show. Because there is no way she would leave them all alive.

But that scene was very stupid since the writers portray her as one of the good people. While she killed hundreds of innocent civilians with her glorious entrance.


"So ... how come she didn't burn them all?"

Watch episode 10.


Yeah, just did. Still makes no sense.

The "is not my place to start this war" after she was imprisoned and threatened to be killed was stupid. Plus: why the fuck did she even get in then? Just to play tough and call home? Neah, stupid.


Not to mention if she had killed them all the war would not happen anyway.


For me, these reasons occurred to me:

War is still not a foregone conclusion.
Kinslaying is an unforgivable wound to your soul and conscience, if you are a normal, feeling person.
The look between her and Alicent struck me: the way Alicent placed herself in front of her son to protect him (futile, of course, but all more striking for that). I think I saw something shift in Rhaenys (sp) in that moment: she understands this. She will not cross a mother protecting her child.


It makes total sense. She wasn't going to benefit from the upcoming war, so why cross that line first. Let someone else be the spark that lights a very unpredictable fire.


Not really.

She knows that it will be a war, She knows that she will side with someone. She KNOWS who she will side with.

A war in which YOU take part is something that you don't benefit from, it's something that you usually lose to. Loved ones, people, resources.

And she would STOP the war in one clean sweep, killing everyone on Alicent's side, EVERYONE. Aemond, Aegon, their sister, Alicent, the Hand - EVERYONE KILLED IN ONE SECOND. And her family would have benefited a LOT from wiping the enemy before the war started as in rewards from her ally.

So you are wrong assuming that she wouldn't have any benefits from actually stopping the war. Not having a war would had been a reward in itself ...


She would have alienated an entire nation, and all of the supporters that weren't right there immediately. She would get an instant target on her back to end up in a position no better than she started.


And how the fuck killing a bunch of commoners and siding with the enemy would not do the same or worse??

Going to war with them (and a lot more that they will sway their way, like the baratheons with the marriage) is not "alienating an entire nation and even more supporters"??

Neah, would had been so EASY for her to say that she executed the traitors to the real queen. Story closed.

The nation care A LOT more about a stupid war when a LOT of them, fathers and brothers, die than if some stupid nobles die.

And she was like "oh, we care about the people and bla bla" - if you care about the people you chose to eliminate your enemies when you have the chance and NOT start a war.


After that move, she could have moved to Dragonstone, tell the Blacks what happened and ask Rhaenyra for her to be officially executed. Then she could get the Laenor treatment, her dragon flying away could be also here well explained off. Don't forget, that at the point of time, she can only expect her grand daughters to be alive, Corlys was on his deathbed and considered quite dead already. So they could even let him leave with Rhaenys, if she wanted to.
So outcome had been:
- War prevented as all possible usurpators were killed off
- direct kin save as queen and heir to driftmark
- personal grief ends by execution or secret exit to far east and potential reunite with son


Agreed on all points. Certainly killed a lot of commoners for no good purpose. Had she roasted them all, it would have avoided a sh!t-ton of strife, death and complications. TBF at least some Targyrians are immune to at least regular fire - don't know about dragon fire - so Aemon might not have died, but he wasn't interested in the throne anyway


Targaryens are not immune to fire.

The only person immune to fire in all the books is Danny. And that was a result of the blook magic, not because she was Targaryen.

So there would had been exactly zero survivors ...


It makes sense, despite your failure to understand it. She is not altruistic, she is self serving, period. Her decision, as literally said by her in the show, was so she didn't have to be the one accountable for starting a war.


Well, are you dumb? Who said that I don't understand it you stupid fuck?

I said that it makes no sense since a war will be started ANYWAY, regardless of her actions in that moment - and she full knows it. More: her killing all Hightower family would lead to practically no war. A war needs to have 2 sides. Killing one side nullifies the war. NO other house would dare to go to war against the Queen after that. And for what? With what allies? Her burning everyone would not lead to a war but to peace.

Are you that dense to not understand that simple fact???

"as literally said by her in the show, was so she didn't have to be the one accountable for starting a war." - that's just bad writing and just a way to justify advancing the plot, in a bad way - she would have adverted the war, not starting it. I know, idiots accept anything.


You don't get a simple concept, so by default that makes you the stupid fuck. I didn't read anything past that point of your little cunt fest. Way to get all butthurt like a little bitch over a fucking tv show. Jesus, you fucking millennials wonder why nobody takes you seriously.


You simply an idiot if you don't understand the difference between "you don't get a simple concept" and "I disagree with your idiocy".

Simple concept: In ANY war there are 2 sides. There would be no side to fight with if Alicent and all others are dead, you idiot.


You're a whiny little bitch, I get it. No need of further attempts to convince me. "Asom is a dumb cunt", message recieved sir.


Well, better whinny about legit reasons than a retard that accepts any bad shit that a writer throws at him.

Let me guess, you're one of those that love Rings of Power as well ...


