Religulous scientists

So they turn to Jesus when it comes down to it. What percentage of creditable i.e published scientists actually believe in unprovable superstition?


Aww come on man. While I was raised religious, I no longer practice. Nor do I still believe in any of it. I certainly don't think or believe there's a God or life after death, etc.
HOWEVER.... in my last moments alive, were I to know of the certainty of my approaching death... even I might wonder and consider if saying a prayer isn't worth a shot..... just to cover all my bases..... just incase.
I mean, what would be the harm.


So you'll cry out for Jesus just in case? Do you think that will be enough? you might wanna cover a few more bases... just in case.


Better something rather than nothing.


Our solution to the things we don't know shouldn't be guessing.

Scientists should know this better than anyone else.


When you're falling out of an airplane without a parachute, you know it won't do any good to flap your arms. But you might as well try.
