Trailer is out

Either the trailer is not representing the film well or it just doesn't look that good. Was hoping it would at least look appealing. Am thinking now it will probably be a disappointment.


Thanks for letting me know. Wow, this looks really good!



am I the only one who thinks that?


Whoa... such super surprising reactions up here (that is sarcasm indeed).

Well, it unquestionably looks like a film Denis Villeneuve made. And you know what that means to me? This is likely going to be nothing short of... magnificent. Possibly. In fact, providing it maybe isn’t a disappointment in the eyes of the majority (not simply the relatively small but vocal online haters/snobs that, you know, gonna hate - and especially those that flat out said months ago they were expecting to be disappointed by this film and yet are still calling the trailer a disappointment lmao *wink wink*), then I know this film is going to be vastly superior to Lynch’s travesty - and I didn’t need to see a trailer in order to feel such way (that’s right, snob xoomers).

Funny, I’m not particularly fond of the story (sacrilege!), but the fact that this is Villeneuve... underestimate him I cannot... is what fortunately excites me and makes me have faith in this film overall. Obviously, this isn’t the way many who worship the book feel... He’s a “style over substance” director according to some of ya boomer xoomers? Pftt... ok xoomers. I’d say stick to the book, but I know you lot can’t wait to whine about what this modern adaptation (that’s where it went wrong for many of you back in my day’ers, huh) did wrong and how it pales in comparison to Lynch’s piss-poor version ad nauseam. But at any rate, non-contrarian me likes what I‘m seeing. Quality AF.


The hype balloon was almost ready to burst for this but the trailer has massively deflated it. Looks like Villeneuve will be doing his old Blade Runner trick of draining a sci-fi classic of life and atmosphere, and replacing it with a bland, stark, alienating CGI slog.

I have a feeling the Lynch version will come out very well from this.


Did you read the book? I believe it will be similar to the Lynch film. If you read the book, you love it and if you didn't you won't.

Everything looks good. The cast look good. The worms look good. The ornithopters look great. The shield belt SFX is good. The costume designs look good. As this is going to be only half of the first book, I hope it does well enough to green light the second half.


The novel doesn't really have much that can be translated into visuals. You can some nice shots from the desert, and a couple of sandworms scenes. You have the battles in Arrakis, but they're secondary. In the novel they're either rushed or happening off screen.

The trailer has used a lot of time in these battles. It seems that the strongest visuals are there. The problem is that these battles are not really important in the story. If the movie puts the visual focus in something unimportant, that will make the movie boring.

Most of the novel (and the best part of it) is drama between characters. More than visuals, Dune needs the best actors you could get. After watching the trailer, that doesn't seem to be the case.


The trailer looks good, but so did the trailer to Artemis Fowl.


I don't get all the positive praise this trailer is getting on Youtube. It has the look and feel of a TV movie with some bad CGI inserted to make the scale larger. The worm at the end actually looks more fake than the ones from the Lynch film 35 years ago. The set and costume design from Lynch's "Dune" blows this away.

Also, this is only half the story of "Dune," so it's going to end on a cliffhanger. This movie is going to bomb exceptionally big.
