Trailer is out

Either the trailer is not representing the film well or it just doesn't look that good. Was hoping it would at least look appealing. Am thinking now it will probably be a disappointment.


I liked it a lot.


It seems Ok, but I doubt that the story is that exciting in the first place. I like the book, but a large part of it is dealing with the inner self of the characters and this is hard to translate to a movie.


Yeah, I remember the book being required in a college class because of the way the author went about creating an economy and full backstory to what was a very thin actual story. If you think about what happens in that one book story wise it isn't that much. I just remember the way the author would constantly stretch out conversations between characters by jumping in and out of the characters heads to explain what they were thinking as well as what they were saying... I hope they don't try and same voice over crap they used in the David Lynch version again... frankly I don't think they should be throwing in any voice overs, if the actors can't present the expressions and body language to give away what they are supposed to be feeling then so be it, but please don't go back and add in the idiots guide to what the character were supposed to have thought.


Yeah, not a great trailer and the song is rubbish. But I liked the look of it - the sharpness and colouring - and I'm thinking it will look good on the big screen.


Best part of Lynch's Dune was the mood (love the trip to Arrakis scene) and there was none present in this trailer. Just a standard action fare.


remember the new blade runner he did? no atmosphere or mood either


Seriously? Blade runner 2049 is one of the best sequels ever made. Following up Blade Runner was no easy task and he did it beautifully.


i have to disagree, saw it it at a theater, was so hyped for it, and it was not a bad movie, but the atmosphere was too clean, that was, what i was referring to. the lack of the cyberpunk mood of the original, that was missing


Disagree. I think Blade Runner 2049 was better than the original.


i think you have typo there, this can't be what you initially wrote. impossible


Gasp I know someone might have a different opinion than you. I would like to welcome you to the outside world. This what you are on is called the internet. Anyway Blade Runner 2049 is seen as a great film by critics and audience. You are in the minority in thinking it had no atmosphere. The cinematography for the film was fantastic as always when it comes to Roger Deakins. Second there was plenty of filth in the film as shown with the whore house as well as environment.


gasp,sighh, ummm uhhhh..... never start a sentence with these words.
also it appears you have not seen a good movie in your life. good luck to you bro


I can start a sentence however I choose. Oh I have seen plenty it is your right to be wrong though.


UMMM ....SIGH....UHHH good for you, try watching good movies next time. good luck.


Your baseless assumption is dismissed. Good movies? I believe I did watch a good movie. Blade Runner 2049 checks out with critics and the mass majority. So um good movies according to who? You? Are you now the sole authority on what determines if a film is good or not? What credentials do you have that gives you this authority?


UMMM ..SIGH...WINK WINK, WAVES HAND.....please stop saying it did good with the critics, make up your own mind bro.


I did make up my own mind. I agree with the critical and the mass majority. You won't back up why it's not a good movie. I put more stock in critics and the mass majority, and my own view than yours.


go watch it again then, good luck to you.


I've watched it several times. Realize you aren't the sole authority on what others can consider a great film. Good luck to you.


It was very good but in no way better than the original !


I love both but in my book the second one was better.


Dull as hell. Unless audiences are up for a dull looking realistic take on epic SciFi its going to bomb hard


Interesting reactions, everyone. Thanks!


Idk, man. Looks alot like Blade Runner 2049. And I didn't like that movie.


BR2049 was the best movie of its year. The fact that it didn't even get a nomination for BP is corrupt nonsense.

But I don't see how this film in anyway looks like Blade Runner.


Well, that's subjective. I didn't say BR2049 was a bad movie, just that I didn't particularly like it.

Similarities including, slow, melancholic, (overly) clean visuals, holograms, the movie feels like gliding (?) / dreamy to me. It does not look gritty and real.


I think it looks great. Ironically, I think it looks somewhat similar to the Lynch version, which I suspected they were going to deviate from entirely. I love the book and even decent sci-fi, so I'll check it out.


Lynch had a good look for the planets and some of the characters, but looked like cheap 5th Element style shit when it came to some of the sets. It had a very Italian look to it which didn't really fit.
