MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Acolyte is getting more exposure from ha...

Acolyte is getting more exposure from haters

The white outrage is so on the top they're doing a review on EACH episode now. Never have I seen them do this before. Usually they just review it once as a whole then move on.



I'm starting to think the haters are the new paid shills. They are causing more people to hate watch this show and giving Lucasfilm the data to say its a hit when its not. I don't care about Star Wars any more I'll give Disney credit for seasons 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian and they can stand along side episodes 1-6. If Disney wants anything to change for Star Wars they to sell the IP or fire Kathleen Kennedy and put someone in charge who cares about the franchise and its fans.


How is "hate watching" even a thing? This is a serious question. If you hate something, why the FUCK would you waste a single minute of your time watching it? If I think something sucks, I change the channel. So does literally everybody I have ever known.

The closest thing I can think of is, if I'm being told something is really bad, as in epically bad, I might tune in briefly to see if it's honestly as bad as all that. If it is, there's no way I'm sitting through a whole episode. I've tuned out of many a crappy movie or TV show, right in the middle of a story, because it was terrible. There is nothing that will induce me to sit through the entirety of something I find excruciatingly boring, or which insults my intelligence, or which offends my sensibilities. Not happening. And I can't conceive any reason why anyone else would do it either. There's a word for this kind of behavior: masochism, and it's considered a legitimate mental disorder.

Time is the one truly irreplaceable commodity anyone has. If you lose money, you can make more. If you lose things, usually they can be replaced. If you lose opportunities, you can usually find or create more. But a lost minute is something that even Elon Musk, with all his billions, can never buy back. So why in the name of hell would anyone ever voluntarily spend any of that irreplaceable commodity on something that bores them, insults them, or makes them angry? That sounds literally insane to me.


I was challenged on a few internet chat boards to watch Ghostbusters 2016 and I took the plunge and watched it even though I hated it. It's great sin was it just wasn't funny.


Do you like this show or something? Looks like utter trash.




Yeah Mike Zero spewing out videos on an hourly basis


Internet critics reviewing bad content has been a thing for years. If anyone’s getting more exposure, it’s them.


Wait till this guy discovers "podcasts" laughing at bad movies. His head will spin from all the "haters" out there.

MST3000 will blow his mind as well.


Imagine the outrage if someone starts making sequel or prequel series of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and with every new series all characters are changed to white until there's no black characters left. (Or in the universe where Bill Cosby is still a good guy and someone reboots Cosby show with white only cast). White people are accused of cultural appropriation even if they are having braids (despite vikings had them like 1300 years ago).

I thinks it's not a 'white outrage', it's more like a 'bad actress' rage. Everyone loved Lando Calrissian, he was a good actor who had tons of charisma. Those Acolyte actress don't have that, especially those young ones. Everybody hated that poor young Anaking actor too. That too, wasn't a race rage, it was poor acting rage.

P.S Fun fact. That Jodie Turner-Smith (black) actress who played witch-leader, played Anne Boleyn, 2nd wife of Henry VIII, who was well known historical character, white of course. She deserves a little hate, if you ask me :) Imagine white Martin Luther King or white Nelson Mandela :)


There has been a lot of white led movies and shows in the star wars universe so its kind of strange people like you will complain about one show in a universe where there are aliens because the main characters are black. Also you gave a bad example. Non of the existing characters in the starwars universe has been changed from white to black.


"so its kind of strange people like you will complain about one show in a universe where there are aliens because the main characters are black"

Lol. You didn't read or didn't understand anything I said, I guess. I said it's not about skin color, it's about non-charismatic characters. I copy-paste myself : "Everyone loved Lando Calrissian, he was a good actor who had tons of charisma." If The Acolyte gets hate, it's because of the main characters lack charisma and they are bad actors/actresses. Everybody hated young Anakin too in Episode 1. Being hated is not black prerogative, white actors/actresses are hated too when they suck. I personally loved Lando and Mace Windu, because both had tons of charisma. The Acolyte's black actresses don't have that. Put Halle Berry or Regina King or Angela Basset or someone like that in the show and I'll be first to let you know that I like them. It's about actress quality, not skin color.

"Also you gave a bad example. Non of the existing characters in the starwars universe has been changed from white to black."

I never said anyone has been raceswapped in Stars Wars. I made that example about generally about movies and tv-series. There has been lots and lots of raceswapping from white to black lately (even well known historic characters) and any criticism has been labeled as racism or hatred or toxisism or whatever -ism. So I made an example that can you imagine the outrage if The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Cosby show gets a reboot and all characters are raceswapped to whites? I can imagine that studio will be burned down and creators killed or something like that.


Yes but did you see the new Critical Drinker video bashing the show? So based! (not)


The haters getting more exposure from the haters of the haters.

I wasn't aware of these channels, until now. They don't pop up on my feed.

Funny how you have them all in your feed if you dislike them so much




Looks like the haters are doubling even tripling down and not taking the bait from all their attackers to me. Meanwhile the haters of the haters at the studios are panicking and trying to find a way to spin it into a positive. Wont work. These review channels have bigger and more loyal following than the films/series now. Only chance they have left is for places like youtube to cancel the review channels and that wont happen even though they are trying by labeling bad reviews as basically hate speech LOL.
